Intergenerational Life Psalm 78 Matt Bartlett – 10-11 April 2021

What are you doing to _____________ to the next generation?

He wants us to _____________ to his Instructions.

________________ which have been passed on from one generation to the next.

God commanded his people to _________ of God to the next generation.

Faith is a strong trust in God, based on ______________________ from people you trust.

These glorious deeds of the LORD _______ by the generation that saw them with their very own eyes!

God doesn’t __ this cycle to continue forever.

The Lord provides his people with a ______ .

God provided Jesus — the ___________ King.

We are _________ in our fellowship.

An effective _________ between parents and the church.

Don’t just leave them ___________ themselves.

Actively invest in ____________ relationships.