Jesus Brings Protection

When we first were locked down in March 2020, it seemed right for our church to spend some time in sermons that looked at the comforting word of God in the book of Revelation.

Now in the current era in the Covid-19 pandemic, there are new fears amongst us, as we consider what life will be like when restrictions begin to be released within our community, and what it will mean for life together.

Yet, the message for our church today is the same message that Jesus gave to his seven churches in the first century, as is written in Revelation chapters two and three.

To one of those churches, in Philadelphia, Jesus said, “you have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” (Revelation 3:8)

And because of their great perseverance at that time, Jesus said, “I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world.” (3:10)

Jesus told them that he would be with them and all Christians during that time of great testing in the first century, and his message to them was simple and powerful: “I am coming soon” (3:11).

The church in Philadelphia endured that great time of tribulation experienced by Christians in the first century, and they did so knowing that Jesus would sustain them as they confidently awaited his return.

The difficulties that we face today are different to theirs, for our hardship is shared with all citizens of NSW, not just Christians, and our enemy is a virus, not a political tyrant.

Yet, as people who know the Lord Jesus and who take comfort in his love, we can endure these hardships as we eagerly await his return on the final day when all who trust him will enjoy the new creation with him.


(Image credit: Dave Shea via Flickr)