1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 12: Honouring with our Body – 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 – Jodie McNeill – 12 February 2023

Why do we keep talking about sex?

We talk about sex because ________ else is

The Bible _______ with culture

________ are in conflict about sex

Teaching about sex is related to ________ the Bible

God’s word speaks of the ____ sex

God compares our relationship with him to ________

Paul says they’re _______ people

Some things are not __________

Sin can become our slave ______

Sex is not just ________, like eating

What we do with our bodies matters for ________

Our body is part of the body of ______

Something _________ happens when sex happens

We become one _____ if we sleep with a prostitute

We have a closer ____ with Jesus than a spouse

Run away from ______ sin

How will you run from sexual sin today?

Sexual sin is more _______ than other sins

When we defile our ____, we defile God

Our body no longer _______ to us

God bought us with the _____ of his son

God will _______ you if you ask

Get forgiven by God now!

Dear Jesus,
Sorry for rejecting you and living in sin.
Thank you for dying for me and promising forgiveness.
Please help me to trust you forever as my king.

We can trust the Bible, and the power of the cross