Relational Evangelism

Relational evangelism is communicating the gospel of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ in the context of person-to-person relationships. 

All Christians are in relationships, with God and with other people, both believers, and those on the journey to faith.

The Bible identifies Christians to be Ambassadors of Christ, such as in 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. All of us represent Christ to people we are in relationship with. 

Those people include your family, neighbours, people at school or work, your networks of friends, members of your sports team or community group. 

Right now, pause and prayerfully reflect on who are the people that you are connected with. Next, identify which people you consistently spend time with. It is possible that these people, or groups, are what we call your “flock,” meaning the people to whom you consistently represent Christ. 

How we represent Christ is faith-in-action (for example, James 2:18). Such faith expresses itself in loving others as we love ourselves.

Strategically, as Christ’s Ambassadors, that involves being physically present with the members of our flock, caring for them, embracing them in prayer, lovingly communicating the gospel, and doing so with the awareness that we represent Christ.

As of now, in the fellowship of Jamberoo Anglican Church, I have committed myself to equipping and supporting you to be Christ’s Ambassadors.

Let me know how you’re already putting this into action, and how I can help you grow in your  effectiveness.


(Photo credit: Esther Schultz via