A Loving Church – 20: Freedom for God’s Glory – 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1 – Jodie McNeill – 21 May 2023

Is our vision too big?

The vision is impossible, but only for ___

God uses our _______ to achieve his plans

Our mission must start with ______

We need a _______ for people to be saved

Do you have a ______ to see people saved?

It might not be your vision because you love _____

We act like idols are not too ___

We get trapped into ________

Paul thinks they will claim their _______

Your freedoms might not be ____ for you

We need to act for the good of ______

we should give up ________ for our gospel vision

God made all food, so be ________

We give up our rights to we can be a good _______

We might give up our right to be ________

It’s ultimately all about __________ God

Preaching Christ brings more _____ to God

Paul _______ others to that they might be saved

What will you give up so others can be _____?

Our vision is huge!