Refreshing our values

Almost three years ago to the day, we invited everyone from our church to gather for a ‘Vision Day’ to consider our mission, vision, and values.
As a result, we identified six values that have defined who we are and, most significantly, what we consider to be important.
We decided that we were orthodox, Anglican, missional, intergenerational, village and heritage.
Using these values, we have explained to people what our church is like and why we do things the way we do.
It’s also helped us as we’ve considered change, so that we could work hard to do things that were ‘us’ and not things that went against our grain.
Since that day three years ago, God has kindly lead us through lots of change, and we’ve grown in many ways, especially as we’ve welcomed so many of you to be new members of our church.
And so it seems wise to have a fresh look at our values so we can consider whether these values are still the best six words to sum us up… and we’d love to hear from every current member of our church so we can consider your thoughts.
So, to help us review things, we’d love it if you could take just a few minutes to write down what you think is important and special for our church… and even to consider what might make you unhappy if we changed it.
Please email your thoughts (or write them down) so we can draft some refreshed values to help redefine who we are, so we might grow and change in a way that’s consistent with how God has formed our church.
It’s such a joy to be a part of our church at this time, and we pray that the Lord might continue to lead us to glorify him, as we keep loving each other.
(photo credit: Mike Cohen via Flickr)