Genuine Peace

No matter where you turn, it’s hard to avoid the reality that our world is far from peace.

We hear lots about Ukraine and Gaza, but we know that these are just two hotspots around our planet where fighting is a daily occurrence, and where fear is a part of life.

Even in the relative safety of Australia, we know what violent conflict can be like, and sadly, it often happens in the secrecy of homes.

Yet, there is a peace that cannot be provided by the world, even when wars and conflicts cease.

For, we all need peace with God, and nobody is able to bring about that peace by themselves.

In the absence of that peace, we try to fill our lives will all sorts of solutions, and in the end, they will only fail.

For, Jesus said:

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27)

Jesus knows that the world is not able to give genuine peace of mind and heart, and so he offers the real deal.

He promised to his disciples that he would give them the gift of the Holy Spirit, who would bring them peace that would free them from trouble and fear.

Today, we who know Jesus now have this gift, and this frees us up from trying to find peace in the wrong places.

As we await the return of Jesus, we know we will still experience difficulties—but we will know the true, deep peace of mind and heart.

Wars and conflicts will continue until Jesus returns, but for those who trust in him now, we enjoy a deep peace that gives us true hope for eternity, no matter what happens.