The Spirit of Easter

The Holy Spirit has a message that he’s telling the world—and it’s all about the need for everyone to personally know Jesus.

On the night before he died, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will “convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.” (John 16:8)

This is the clear message of the Spirit, and his word has three main points.

Firstly, The Spirit tells the world that it has a broken relationship with God, which is the ‘sin’ of refusing to believe in Jesus.

Secondly, The Spirit tells the world that it can become reconciled with God, because Jesus died and rose and then returned to be with his heavenly Father.

Thirdly, The Spirit tells the world that it needs to act upon this offer of forgiveness, because judgement is coming soon.

The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring a message of sin, righteousness and judgement to the world—and he uses the followers of Jesus to share it with the world.

Easter is such a wonderful occasion to share the message of the Holy Spirit with a world that needs to know the reconciliation of Jesus before it’s too late.

Because at Easter, we learn about why the world needs Jesus, what Jesus did on the cross, and why we need to ask for forgiveness with Jesus before he comes back soon.

This Easter we’re going to hear about the Spirit of fulfilment on Good Friday (from John 19:28-37) then on Easter Sunday we’ll hear about the Spirit of Peace (from John 20:19-23).

There’s no better time to come to Jesus than Easter.

Will you join us for church this Easter?