Every Day With Jesus

When you pick up your device each morning, what’s the first thing that you read?

It’s tempting to immediately check the news headlines, or your emails and messages, or to catch up on the latest in social media.

But do you give time to reading God’s word?

I’ve got an app called YouVersion and it has some excellent reading plans that help me to read a small chunk of the Bible each day as I wake up.

It’s just one of many times when I come into contact with God in his word, but it’s a good routine, knowing that the first thing I usually read is something that God is saying to me in the Bible.

If you’re not already reading the Bible each day then it might seem like a difficult habit to begin, until you realise that all you need to do is just start reading something!

Even if you were to begin with one, single verse a day, then that would be a great place to begin.

Another way to read the Bible is to do it with a friend or two—like our daily Zoom prayer meeting at 7am each morning (except Sundays) which you can join by typing into your browser zoom.jamberooanglican.com 

I’ve found this to be a wonderful blessing as I slow down and listen to a brother or sister in Christ read out God’s word in an authentic human voice, as they minister to me as Christ’s ambassador.

But no matter what you end up doing, just start something!

We get so much information each day, it makes complete sense to be hearing God’s word in the midst of the noise, for only his word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path.