Every Person Matters to God

Do you ever feel overlooked, invisible?
I am just one person in a world of eight billion people. There’s nothing special about me to make me stand out. In a large group (or maybe even a small one) you probably wouldn’t even see me.

What role can one single person play in God’s great plan?
Does God truly have a purpose for each one of us?
Can one, small, insignificant person make much of a difference in the kingdom of God?

The Bible says yes, one person can make a difference!

We all know the stories of Moses, Noah, David and Jonah. We know the impact their lives had.
We need to read the story of creation, Noah’s Ark, and Paul’s conversion experience. They contain powerful lessons for strengthening our faith.

But what about the lesser-known people? People like Ehud, Jethro, Rhoda or Dorcas? Or the woman who saved the entire kingdom of Judah when she stole a child and hid him for six years?
There are many people in the Bible who are mentioned only once, some are not even named!
Often overlooked they have valuable lessons to teach us about faith, courage, and God’s power in the lives of ordinary people.
These lesser-known characters are all vitally important. In fact, some of them played a pivotal role in God’s plan.
All of God’s Word is important. If He took the time to write about the seemingly minor characters, there is a reason – they are all a part of the big story of God.
They teach us invaluable lessons like the importance of forgiveness, never giving up, and how one brave person can make a difference in a whole kingdom.
But more than that, these obscure Bible characters show us God sees every little thing we do, and He cares.
In the eyes of the Lord, every one of us has an important job to do.
When you feel overlooked, invisible or unimportant, remember God has a plan for your life and you never know how He might use you!

Sandee Batelic