Square One Camp

Last weekend we attended the Youthworks Square One camp at Port Hacking.
There were over 300 kids from 19 churches from grades 3-6 from all over NSW coming together to and sit under God’s awesome and true word!
We had 5 boys from Jamberoo who were a part of the weekend where we looked at ‘the second-best rescue’.
In the second-best rescue, God rescued his people from Pharaoh as slaves, and we recreated the first Passover to help us to understand and feel what it might have been like for God’s people.
We first ate some lamb (beef jerky) representing the lamb that died instead of the firstborn son. Then we ate the bitter herbs (ginger) to help remember the bitterness and harshness of slavery in Egypt.
I must say when we tried the ginger it was so bitter that we had to have a lolly afterwards to get the taste out!
Then we ate bread without yeast (rice crackers) remembering how the Israelites ate in a rush, ready to escape Egypt.
There were some great questions from the boys, thinking deeply about this symbolism and why it matters for us as forever friends of Jesus today.
We were able to understand that Jesus is our Passover lamb who died in our place and be thankful.
There was also time to have tons of fun joining other church groups in activities such as going down the waterslide, playing water base baseball, going on a mini bush walk, and doing an Egyptian hieroglyphics scavenger hunt!
The weekend was filled with joy, laughter and a deeper growth in knowing one another and Jesus bigger and better than before.
Rach Bemmer