In the Beginning

Genesis 1-3 contains some of the most powerful and amazing stories of the Old Testament, and possibly even the whole Bible as we see the power of God as he creates the universe!
Right from the very beginning, we see the mind-blowing character of God.
The Genesis creation story is a story that is so familiar to us. We hear over and over again “And God said’ ‘And God said’ ‘And God said’.
However, how often do we stop to reflect on this? To consider the magnitude and awesomeness of God.
God is so powerful that when he spoke, creation happened! When he speaks, light comes where there was only darkness before. When he speaks, creatures start crawling.
This is the power of God’s word.
How amazing to think that God spoke everything into existence out of nothing.
Everything except for humanity.
When God made man there was something very personal and intimate that took place.
From the earth, God created man with His own hands, in His own image.
Nothing else in all of creation carries the privilege of being created in the image of the Creator God.
Creation is a clear and compelling depiction of the undeniable and unconditional love of God. We were intimately made to be the image-bearers of the One True God.
In these first few chapters of the Bible we learn that God is good.
He is thoughtful and caring and kind and generous. He loves his creation – He gives us good gifts. He gives us community. He provides for our needs. He gives us life and blessings. He delights in us. He shows amazing grace and mercy to us.
He has a plan and provides a Saviour in Jesus, who is the image of the invisible God, the only one who perfectly reflects all of God’s attributes and fulfills His will.
As we enter the busy Christmas season let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith.
Sandee Batelic