Entries by Jodie McNeill

Coming up this weekend 28th January 2024

This Sunday Andy McPhail will be speaking to us on the topic, ‘We weren’t expecting that!’ from Luke 9:28-36. If you can’t join us in person, then connect with us by livestream by going to watch.jamberooanglican.com or follow us on Facebook. Our weekly Question Time has only one question so far: 1 What did the […]

Church news for the week beginning 21st January 2024

OUR SERMON This Sunday we’re going to hear Trevor Lucas speak to us on the topic ‘God of Mercy, God of Judgement, God of Justice’ YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS IN HOLIDAYS Our normal midweek weekly groups for children and youth are taking a break over Christmas and will resume late January. But remember, every Sunday’s […]

No place like home

When you ask someone to share a coffee or a meal, then the next question is often, “which cafe should we go to?” These days we tend to ‘eat out’ much more than we invite people to our homes, which is a sign of our increased wealth and our changing lifestyle. Yet, there is something […]

Coming up this weekend 21st January 2024

This Sunday Trevor Lucas will be speaking to us on the topic, ‘God of Mercy, God of Judgement, God of Justice’ and will be bringing us a survey of these themes from the Old Testament books of 2 Kings, Isaiah and Nahum. If you can’t join us in person, then connect with us by livestream […]

Church News for the week beginning Sunday 14th January 2024

OUR SERMON This Sunday we’re going to hear Moussa Ghazal speak to us on the topic ‘The Servant King’ from Matthew 20:17-28. He’ll also be sharing with us about his ministry on the campus of Sydney University. YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS IN HOLIDAYS Our normal midweek weekly groups for children and youth are taking a […]

How To Be Free

One of the most amazing things about being a Christian is that we are saved by God’s free gift of grace, and not by what we’ve done. But the problem is that this clashes with our performance-based world, in which we love to reward achievement and success. We love to be able to point to […]

Coming up this weekend 14th January 2024

This Sunday Moussa Ghazal will be speaking to us from Matthew 20:17-28 on the topic, ‘The Servant King.’ he will also be sharing with us about his student ministry and helping us know how to best pray for him and support him. If you can’t join us in person, then connect with us by livestream […]

Why Reach Globally?

If we are so eager to grow our church in Jamberoo, then why would we bother focusing on reaching people globally? Well, in one sense, the answer is simple: Jesus tells us to, “go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19), and so we’re simply doing what he tells us to do. That’s […]

Church News for the week beginning Sunday 7th January 2024

OUR SERMON This Sunday we’re going to hear Brad Vidilini speak to us on the topic ‘What the Lord Requires of you’ from Micah 1:1-7:20 YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS IN HOLIDAYS Our normal midweek weekly groups for children and youth are taking a break over Christmas and will resume late January. But remember, every Sunday’s […]

Coming up this weekend 7th January 2024

Happy New Year! This week Brad Vidilini will be speaking on the whole book of Micah, with the topic, ‘What the Lord requires of you.’ If you can’t join us in person, then connect with us by livestream by going to watch.jamberooanglican.com or follow us on Facebook. We’ll be taking a break from our weekly […]