The Power of Persistent Prayer

How has the Hope For The Illawarra event left you feeling about God and how he works in the world?

Maybe you went along on Saturday night and are feeling really encouraged, because the people you invited came, were interested in knowing more about Jesus, and are keen to come to church with you.

Maybe you brought a friend or two, but there really wasn’t a whole lot of good conversation with them following the event, and they still seem to be apathetic towards Jesus.

Maybe everyone you invited said no to coming. And you’re wondering if you said something wrong, or whether God has other priorities than making himself known to your friends.

Regardless of your experience in the lead up to and at the HFTI event, there is one next step everyone in our church should be taking right now: pray.

It might seem obvious. It might seem useless, particularly if your friends weren’t enthusiastic to follow Jesus.

If your friend made a commitment to Jesus, it might even be tempting to ‘leave it to God’ and not pray about it.

But the command from 1 Thessalonians 5 is to ‘pray unceasingly, giving thanks in all circumstances.’

Why? Certainly not because God needs us to. He’s capable of saving people without our prayers. Indeed he has done all throughout history.

The reason why we pray persistently is because God invites us to be a part of his mission.

It shapes our hearts to be like God, and to want what he wants – namely that everyone would find life in Jesus’ name.

Please keep persistently praying for your unbelieving friends. Pray for opportunities to lead them to Jesus, and take them. We don’t know God’s timing, but we do know his heart – that no one should perish, but come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9). May our prayers and our lives reflect that.

Strong Families.

A Christian family recognizes the significance of a healthy and thriving marriage. The husband and wife strive to love and serve each other selflessly, creating a stable and nurturing environment for their children. They work together to resolve conflicts and grow in their relationship together and with Jesus.

Parental leadership involves the responsibility of leading and guiding their children spiritually. They teach biblical truths, help children develop a personal relationship with Jesus, which encourages their spiritual growth.

They also set appropriate boundaries, discipline with love, provide a nurturing environment for their children to flourish and pray for them to grow in the Lord.

Church News for Sunday March 30th

Service Times

Please join us for Sunday morning at 9am or Sunday after at 4pm for fellowship.

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 22:6-15 “Wisdom and Family”

Kids Church

During the sermon all children are welcome to head across to the hall for Kids Church, where the teaching will follow the same pattern as the sermon series.

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall.

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for March is “Hope: The Best is Yet to Come” by Bryson Smith. With insight and humor, Bryson unpacks what the Bible has to say about what hope is (and isn’t), and how it comforts, challenges and directs us in our day-to-day lives as Christians. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or to buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about anything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Christianity Explained

Are you or a friend interested in understanding the Christian Faith more? Our church is offering this short course of 4 sessions, of about 1 hour each. It’s an easy & straightforward way to know. See Tony Galea after the service for details.

Alive Day

Easter Sunday (Alive Day) is fast approaching on April 20th! It’s a great opportunity to invite those we’ve been praying for to come and hear the great news of Jesus.

Could you consider helping out on the day? Karen Mion would love to hear from you via this form:

Our Finances

Please pray and be generous as we remember God’s generosity to us!

Coming Up This Sunday March 30th at Jamberoo Anglican!

Come and join us this Sunday at either 9am or 4pm. We are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 22:6-15 with a sermon called ” Wisdom and Family”

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat together!

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Church News for Sunday the 23rd March 2025

Service Times

Please Join us for Sunday morning at 9am or Sunday after at 4pm for fellowship.

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 14: 20-29 “Wisdom and Anger “

Kids Church

During the sermon the Primary aged children are welcome to head across to the Hall for Kids Church, where the teaching will follow the Same pattern as the sermon series

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall. Resuming Friday 7th February.

New Parish Council and Wardens

Wardens –                People’s: Greg Baker, Andy McPhail. Rector’s: Philippa Cleall

Parish Council –      People’s: Gab Holmes, Michael Fagan, Luke Warner, Dan Clarke,

              Adam Vidilini, Josh Wales. Rector’s: Elise Baker, Barbara Stephens

Parish Nominators-       Andy McPhail, June Bock, Philippa Cleall, Ben King, John Rosten

Hope for the Illawarra


A Region-wide Mission Partnership. On 28 and 29 March of 2025, many will gather to hear the uncompromising truth of Christ as the only source of hope and the path to eternal life.
More information

Last week to buy tickets for $15.00, follow the link to purchase Hope For The Illawarra | Leading The Way and Local Churches

Continue to pray for your friends and family to attend Hope for the Illawarra.

Alive Day

Easter Sunday (Alive Day) is fast approaching on April 20th! It’s a great opportunity to invite those we’ve been praying for to come and hear the great news of Jesus.

Could you consider helping out on the day? Karen Mion would love to hear from you via this form:

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for March is “Hope: The Best is Yet to Come” by Bryson Smith. With insight and humor, Bryson unpacks what the Bible has to say about what hope is (and isn’t), and how it comforts, challenges and directs us in our day-to-day lives as Christians. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett.

Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Christianity Explained

Are you or a friend interested in understanding the Christian Faith more? Our church is offering this short course of 4 sessions, of about 1 hour each. It’s an easy & straightforward way to know. See Tony Galea after the service for details

Our Finances

Please pray and be generous as we remember God’s generosity to us !

Following up New Christians

When a child is born, it cannot look after itself. The parents provide food, protection, care & nurture over the months and years.

The Bible speaks of new Christians in terms of being dependent children. Some examples to reflect on are:

You have taught children and infants
    to tell of your strength (Ps 8:2).

… it is not my heavenly Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish (Matt 18:14).

12 You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. 13 For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. 14 Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognise the difference between right and wrong (Heb 5:12-14).

So get rid of all evil behaviour. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness (1 Pet 2:1-3).

Here are my observations about following up new Christians. Firstly, follow up is the nurturing of a new believer- like a baby. Secondly, initial follow up is for at least 6 weeks, preferably 1:1. After this initial phase, follow up becomes “discipling”. This is a lifelong Biblical, faith-in-action process that every healthy Christian is committed to receiving- & even providing. That is the purpose of our Growth Groups and our Sunday congregations (2 Tim 3:16, Heb 10:24-25). 

Our church is actively part of the Hope for the Illawarra mission- involving children, youth & adults. We are praying for them, getting alongside them, even telling them the good news of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ. This gospel is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes (Rom 1:16). Expect that our HFTI mission will result in children, youth & adults becoming new-born baby Christians. As individual members, & as the whole church membership- the body of Christ- may we welcome, provide for- and play our part in- following up these “little ones”.

Dealing with anger in a Christian manner involves a process of growth and surrendering your emotions to God. It requires continuous self-reflection, reliance on God’s grace, and a commitment to aligning your actions with the teachings of Christ.

Here are 7 ideas in handling your Anger

1. Be honest you are angry. Recognize that anger is a natural emotion, but it needs to be controlled and channelled appropriately.

2. Avoid sinful responses: Aggression, verbal abuse, or harbouring resentment will lead to greater anger.

3. Pray for self-control. Remember, you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you.

4. Practice forgiveness: Anger can be fuelled by unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment.

5. Communicate with love and respect: When addressing the issue that triggered your anger, approach the person involved with love, kindness, and respect (Ephesians 4:29).

6. Seek to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and constructive manner, focusing on reconciliation rather than revenge. If need be, seek counsel.

7. Meditate on Scripture: Fill your mind with God’s Word. Bible Study and Church are spiritual disciplines we should always adhere to grow in our Faith.


Coming up this Sunday March the 23rd 2025

Come and join us this Sunday at either 9am or 4pm. We are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 14: 20-29 with a sermon called ” Wisdom and Anger”

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat together!

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Church News for 16th March 2025

Service Times

Please Join us for Sunday morning at 9am or Sunday after at 4pm for fellowship.

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 6: 16-19 12:17-20 “Wisdom and Truth “

Kids Church

During the sermon the Primary aged children are welcome to head across to the Hall for Kids Church, where the teaching will follow the Same pattern as the sermon series

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall. Resuming Friday 7th February.

Hope for the Illawarra

A Region-Wide Mission Partnership. On 28 and 29 March of 2025, many will gather to hear the uncompromising Truth of Christ as the only source of hope and path to eternal life.
More information

Tickets now on Sale for $15.00 follow the link to purchase Hope For The Illawarra | Leading The Way and Local Churches

Continue to Pray for your unbelieving Friends and Family to attend Hope for Illawarra Mission.

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for March is “Hope the best is yet to come” by Bryson Smith. With insight and humour, Bryson unpacks what the Bible has to say about hope what it is (and isn’t), and how it comforts, challenges and directs us in our day-to-day lives as Christians. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Christianity Explained

Are you or a friend interested in understanding the Christian Faith more? Our church is offering this short course of 4 sessions, of about 1hour each. It’s an easy & straightforward way to know. See Tony Galea after the service for details

Our Finances

Please pray and be generous as we remember God’s Generosity to us !

Name Tag (This is the last week)_

In the interest of making, it easy for newcomers to know our members, a parishioner has donated the money for permanent name tags. Should you like to take advantage of this offer Please follow the link , name tag sign up! If you prefer there will be sticky labels still available at each service

New Parish council and Wardens

Please pray for our New Parish Council and Wardens. More next week on who is who .

First Aid training

Are you seeking to be First Aid Trained or update your First Aid Training? 

The Sydney Diocese organises subsidised First Aid courses held in parishes available to parish staff, volunteers and parishioners to attend. 

The training is provided by Red Cross Training Services (Registered Training Organisation No. 3605). The next local training day is to be held at BULLI ANGLICAN CHURCH, 66 Park Rd, Bulli 2516 on Saturday March 22nd.

Registration is required for all courses. To register and arrange payment, please call Red Cross Corporate Services on 1800 RED CROSS (733 276 (press 3)). Please advise that you are attending training with the Anglican Church and quote promotion code ANGLICANFABR.

Registration closes 17 March!

Come and See

After Jesus had challenged Philip to follow Him, Philip was so excited that he wanted to share what he knew. Jn 1:45 Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law.  When Nathanael hesitated and argued, Philip adopted Jesus’ own words: “Come and see” (John 1:39). Later on, Jesus would invite, “Come … and drink” (John 7:37) and, “Come and dine” (John21:12

Come” is the great invitation of God’s grace.

When Nathanael came to Jesus, he discovered that the Lord already knew all about him! What a shock!

When Jesus revealed His knowledge of Nathanael, where he had been and what he had been doing, this was enough to convince the man that Jesus indeed was “the Son of God, the King of Israel.” His experience was like that of the Samaritan woman at the well. “When he [Messiah] is come, he will tell us all things.… Come, see a man who told me all things that ever I did” (John 4:25, 29).

The revealing of the human heart should also take place in the ministry of local churches (1 Cor. 14:23–35). Our preaching should be one of challenge asking God of what can we learn about ourselves and of God himself. When Philip witnessed to Nathanael, the evidence

he gave was Moses and the prophets (John 1:45).

It is always good to tie our personal witness to the Word of God.

Have you invited your friends yet to hear from God?

Jesus is always willing to speak into the hearts of those who seek!


Come” is the great invitation of God’s grace.

When Nathanael came to Jesus, he discovered that the Lord already knew all about him! What a shock!

When Jesus revealed His knowledge of Nathanael, where he had been and what he had been doing, this was enough to convince the man that Jesus indeed was “the Son of God, the King of Israel.” His experience was like that of the Samaritan woman at the well. “When he [Messiah] is come, he will tell us all things.… Come, see a man who told me all things that ever I did” (John 4:25, 29).

The revealing of the human heart should also take place in the ministry of local churches (1 Cor. 14:23–35). Our preaching should be one of challenge asking God of what can we learn about ourselves and of God himself. When Philip witnessed to Nathanael, the evidence

he gave was Moses and the prophets (John 1:45).

It is always good to tie our personal witness to the Word of God.

Have you invited your friends yet to hear from God?

Jesus is always willing to speak into the hearts of those who seek!


Be Quick To forgive

To forgive is to let go of the past. Seek forgiveness. Give forgiveness. Move ahead.

The more you forgive others, the more you will enjoy the forgiveness that the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ provides ( Luke 6:37; Matthew 6:14-15).

There is great danger in holding on to resentment, anger, hatred and bitterness. These things eat away at the souls of people, robbing them of joy and also robbing them of their effectiveness as Christ’s disciples. Holding on to these dangerous attitudes and behaviours can do great harm to people’s bodies, emotions, and relationships. Resentment, anger, hatred and bitterness also drain people’s energy, holding them back from fully enjoying God’s blessings.

I know a lot of athletic people. Some of them train hard and compete fearlessly. But they sabotage their full potential because they have “monkeys on their backs”- addictions, psychological flaws, bad company- to name a few. If you want to achieve your best, if you truly want to be healthy, moving freely in God’s love- wilfully choose to forgive (Philippians 3:13-14).

The more you hold onto unforgiveness towards a person who has hurt, rejected, betrayed, or caused you emotional pain or sorrow, the more you will suffer as you remain focussed on- and tied to- that person. Let go! That is the only way to let God deal with that person, to heal you, and to help you move forward. Let go of that bondage, moving forward with Christ-focussed love, courage, peace within your soul, and a renewed sense of purpose. 

Forgiveness is an act of your will. As God moves and motivates you (Philippians 2:13), ask Him to empower you to forgive- to forgive yourself and to forgive others (Psalm 51, Matthew 6:12). And a reminder- we will find it easier to forgive when we are in consistent, loving Christian fellowship.

As you reflect on forgiveness, mediate prayerfully on other passages of Scripture, including John 15:12-17; Ephesians 4:31-32; Philippians 3:12-14; Colossians 3:12-14. 

Together on this journey with you, Steve Bligh.

Wisdom & Work

Wise people are diligent in their work. Proverbs 6:6 “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! “(Prov. 10:4 ). “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth. He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son” .

Diligence and laziness are key topics in Proverbs. God is a worker & He expects his people to be workers also. Solomon makes it clear that God has nothing good to say about careless and lazy people.

Wise people are working people, people who make the most of their opportunities and who carry their share of the load. It’s our best work that God wants, not the dregs of our exhaustion. Whether it’s serving in music, cleaning, serving morning teas or leading, praying or Bible reading we ought to be preparing and doing our very best for Jesus in the Body of Christ – His Church!!

Are you involved in ministry (Christian Service)?  If not,why not? See Tony or one of the Wardens to see how you can be involved in God’s Church here at Jamberoo Anglican

Church News for the 9th March 2025

Service Times

Please Join us for Sunday morning at 9am or Sunday after at 4pm for fellowship.

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 5:18 – 23 on “Wisdom and Marriage “


The AGM will be held on Tuesday the 11th March, at 7pm in the hall. All Members are welcome. Please consider if this is a way you can serve the church, either as a Parish councilor or Church Wardens, Nomination forms are available in the Church Foyer as you come in.

Kids Church

During the sermon the Primary aged children are welcome to head across to the Hall for Kids Church, where the teaching will follow the Same pattern as the sermon series

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall. Resuming Friday 7th February.

Hope for the Illawarra

A Region-Wide Mission Partnership. On 28 and 29 March of 2025, many will gather to hear the uncompromising Truth of Christ as the only source of hope and path to eternal life.
More information

Continue to Pray for your unbelieving Friends and Family to attend Hope for Illawarra Mission.

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for March is “Hope the best is yet to come” by Bryson Smith. With insight and humour, Bryson unpacks what the Bible has to say about hope what it is (and isn’t), and how it comforts, challenges and directs us in our day-to-day lives as Christians. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Christianity Explained

Are you or a friend interested in understanding the Christian Faith more? Our church is offering this short course of 4 sessions, of about 1hour each. It’s an easy & straightforward way to know. See Tony Galea after the service for details

Our Finances

Please pray and be generous as we remember God’s Generosity to us !

Name Tag

In the interest of making, it easy for newcomers to know our members, a parishioner has donated the money for permanent name tags. Should you like to take advantage of this offer Please follow the link , name tag sign up! If you prefer there will be sticky labels still available at each service.