The Power of Persistent Prayer
How has the Hope For The Illawarra event left you feeling about God and how he works in the world?
Maybe you went along on Saturday night and are feeling really encouraged, because the people you invited came, were interested in knowing more about Jesus, and are keen to come to church with you.
Maybe you brought a friend or two, but there really wasn’t a whole lot of good conversation with them following the event, and they still seem to be apathetic towards Jesus.
Maybe everyone you invited said no to coming. And you’re wondering if you said something wrong, or whether God has other priorities than making himself known to your friends.
Regardless of your experience in the lead up to and at the HFTI event, there is one next step everyone in our church should be taking right now: pray.
It might seem obvious. It might seem useless, particularly if your friends weren’t enthusiastic to follow Jesus.
If your friend made a commitment to Jesus, it might even be tempting to ‘leave it to God’ and not pray about it.
But the command from 1 Thessalonians 5 is to ‘pray unceasingly, giving thanks in all circumstances.’
Why? Certainly not because God needs us to. He’s capable of saving people without our prayers. Indeed he has done all throughout history.
The reason why we pray persistently is because God invites us to be a part of his mission.
It shapes our hearts to be like God, and to want what he wants – namely that everyone would find life in Jesus’ name.
Please keep persistently praying for your unbelieving friends. Pray for opportunities to lead them to Jesus, and take them. We don’t know God’s timing, but we do know his heart – that no one should perish, but come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9). May our prayers and our lives reflect that.

Strong Families.
A Christian family recognizes the significance of a healthy and thriving marriage. The husband and wife strive to love and serve each other selflessly, creating a stable and nurturing environment for their children. They work together to resolve conflicts and grow in their relationship together and with Jesus.
Parental leadership involves the responsibility of leading and guiding their children spiritually. They teach biblical truths, help children develop a personal relationship with Jesus, which encourages their spiritual growth.
They also set appropriate boundaries, discipline with love, provide a nurturing environment for their children to flourish and pray for them to grow in the Lord.