Church news for 2nd March 2025

Service Times

Please Join us for Sunday morning at 9am or Sunday after at 4pm for fellowship.

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 5:18 – 23 on “Wisdom and Marriage “


The AGM will be held on March the 11 at 7pm in the hall. All Welcome. Please consider if this is a way you can serve the church, either as a parish council or Church Wardens, Nomination forms will be at the back of the church.

Kids Church

While Tony is preaching, the Children have their own Kids Church, sermon across in the hall.

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall. Resuming Friday 7th February.

Hope for the Illawarra

A Region-Wide Mission Partnership. On 28 and 29 March of 2025, many will gather to hear the uncompromising Truth of Christ as the only source of hope and path to eternal life.
More information

Come and See

Continue to Pray for your unbelieving Friends and Family

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for March is “Hope the best is yet to come by Bryson Smith. With insight and humour, Bryson unpacks what the Bible has to say about hope what it is (and isn’t), and how it comforts, challenges and directs us in our day-to-day lives as Christians. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Christianity Explained

Are you or a friend interested about Christain Faith? It’s an easy & straightforward way to know. 4 Sessions of about an hour. See Tony

Our Finances

Please pray and be generous as we remember God’s Generosity to us !

Daily Surrender your life to the Lord/

The Christian life is not easy, but there is no better way, no greater adventure, & no more fulfilling life on earth.

If you have been watching hours of TV every day you have time to read the Bible & talk to God for 20 minutes. Maybe, you have time to serve the church family in some way.

If you have been overspending money on recreational pursuits then the chances are you have enough to give more for the Lord’s work.

Listen to the words of Jesus Matt 6:33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

This is a promise that if we put Jesus first & want what He want,  we will never be shortchanged or never be troubled with worry or anxiety.

It takes faith & courage to say No to temptation & our own selfishness.

But to say Yes in seeking Jesus’ Kingdom first will always bring blessing to us & others & what’s more bring glory to God.

Every morning ask God to live in you & work through you to make you sensitive to the Lord’s desires. It’s a daily surrender where you win!


Wisdom & Marriage Proverbs 5

One Woman Man

A one-woman man or a one-man woman may not necessarily sound exciting to some, but God promises his model of marriage is more satisfying & fulfilling than any one-night stand. Solomon basically wants to tell us Sexual Sin Is eventually disappointing (Proverbs 5).

When married people honour and respect sex as God instructs them in His Word, they can experience increasing enjoyment and enrichment in their intimacy. But when people break the rules, the result is just the opposite. They experience disappointment and disillusionment and have to search for larger “doses” of sexual adventure in order to attain the imaginary pleasure level they’re seeking.

God created sex not only for reproduction but also for enjoyment, and He didn’t put the “marriage wall” around sex to rob us of pleasure but to increase pleasure and protect it.

Wise up & value your married partner.                                                                                                          


Coming up this weekend 2nd March 2025

Come and join us this Sunday at either 9am or 4pm. We are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 5: 18-23 with a sermon called ” Wisdom and Marriage “

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat together!

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Church News for Sunday 23rd 2025

Service Times

Please Join us for Sunday morning at 9am or Sunday after at 4pm for fellowship.

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 3:17-35 on “Wisdom and Doing Good “

Kids Church

While Tony is preaching, the Children have their own Kids Church, sermon across in the hall.

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall. Resuming Friday 7th February.

Hope for the Illawarra

A Region-Wide Mission Partnership. On 28 and 29 March of 2025, many will gather to hear the uncompromising Truth of Christ as the only source of hope and path to eternal life.
More information

Come and See

Continue to Pray for your unbelieving Friends and Family

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for February is Untangling Emotions by J.Alasdair Groves and Winston. T Smith . This book sets forth a holistic view of emotions rooted in the bible, offering a practical approach to engaging with both positive and negative emotions. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Christianity Explained

Are you or a friend interested about Christain Faith? It’s an easy & straightforward way to know. 4 Sessions of about an hour. See Tony

Our Finances

Please pray and be generous as we remember God’s Generosity to us !

Enjoy Consistent Fellowship With Other Christians


In Australia, there’s a lot to enjoy about trusting and obeying the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Peace, purpose, friendships, encouragement, answers to life’s challenges, inspiring music, food. These are blessings- not only for new Christians, but for all of us, however mature in the faith we may be. Enjoy being a Christian.

Consistent Fellowship 

One of the blessings of being a Christian is not being alone. Genesis 2:18 – “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Romans 12: – “…we are many parts of one body.”

Fellowship means getting together with one of more other people. Life’s a team sport. We don’t have to face life alone. Life is better with good quality friends. Getting together with Christian friends- frequently- is good. Part of having good friendships is consistency- getting in touch often, regularly. That promotes consistent friendship.

With Other Christians

Another of the blessings about being a Christian who is mission minded- who wants to see other people in heaven- is that we have friends that aren’t Christian. It’s good- essential- for an evangelistically-minded Christian to have non-Christian friends. Yet there’s at least one danger. Sometimes these unbelievers can be misunderstood  as a replacement for Christians. The false reasoning goes like this: “I get more encouragement from my non-Christian friends than from the Christians in that church…” Maybe that church needs to lift it’s game in being a welcoming, loving group of Christians…But getting encouragement from friends who don’t love Jesus is not the encouragement that Christians need. Rather, fellowship with other followers of Christ. The Bible says: “… encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25).

As you consider enjoying consistent fellowship with other Christians, some additional Bible passages to meditate on include Romans 10:17; Hebrews 10:24-25; Colossians 3:5-17; 1 Peter 3:8-9; 1 Peter 4:9-10; John 13:33-35.

Steve Bligh.

Wisdom & Doing Good

Pr 3:27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.Wise Christians will be generous to their neighbours and live peaceably with them (vv. 27–30), doing their best to avoid unnecessary disagreements (Rom. 12:18). After all, if we truly love God, we will love our neighbour as we would want him to love us.

On the other hand, if our neighbour is a perverse person who scoffs at our faith (Prov. 3:31–35), the Lord will guide us in letting our light shine and His love show, so that we will be an influence on them . Sometimes it takes a great deal of patience, prayer, and wisdom to rightly relate to people who don’t want Christians in the neighbourhood, but perhaps that’s why God put us there.

It’s possible to have a godly home in the midst of an ungodly neighbourhood, for God “blesses the home of the righteous” (v. 33). We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, and one dedicated Christian in a neighbourhood can make a great deal of difference and be a powerful witness for the Lord.

Be good!                                                                                                                                                             Tony G

Coming U this Weekend 23rd February 2025

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 3:17 – 35 with a sermon called ” Wisdom and Doing Good “

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat together!

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Church news for 16th February 2025

Sunday’s Sermon

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 3:1-10 on “Wisdom and Trust “

Kids Church

While Tony is preaching, the Children have their own Kids Church sermon across in the hall.

Friday Kids and Youth

Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall. Resuming Friday 7th February.

Hope for the Illawarra

A Region-Wide Mission Partnership. On 28 and 29 March of 2025, many will gather to hear the uncompromising Truth of Christ as the only source of hope and path to eternal life.
More information

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for February is Untangling Emotions by J.Alasdair Groves and Winston. T Smith . This book sets forth a holistic view of emotions rooted in the bible, offering a practical approach to engaging with both positive and negative emotions. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Safe Ministry Matters  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email

Prayer Buddies

Don’t forget to Pick a name out of the box in the foyer. Contact the person and start praying for them. A great way to meet people in our church and for them to know they are valued and loved.

Catch up on Sermons and Questions

Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at

Coming up this weekend 16th February 2025

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Tony Galea preaches to us from Proverbs 3:1-10 with a sermon called ” Wisdom and Trust “

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat together!

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Share your faith with others

Share your Faith with others

Salvation is good news but it’s too good to keep to yourself.

As you saturate your life with the Word of God & Prayer, you will be more in tune to God & His purposes.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:32  “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven”

As you speak about Jesus in your life.  Jesus will be speaking to His Father about you!

Can you believe it!? Isn’t it wonderful to think that Jesus & the Father are talking about you today?

Some ways you can be a witness.

  1. Your loving acts of service
  2. Your generosity
  3. Your smile & kindness.
  4. Your availability to help others.
  5. Your Commitment to God’s Church Family
  6. Your Prayer Your testimony how Jesus has changed your life.

In this dark world of ours, everybody needs to see a person who is a genuine light for the Lord. But our prayers for our Unbelieving friends & family & our words to them can have a marked influence on them.

As we start in earnest to pray for our 5 people in our “Come & See” pamphlet, ask the Lord to prepare the hearts of our unbelieving friends & family so that they might be positively responsive to our testimony & invitation.

Rom 10:17. Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Tony G.

Pastors Desk

Pr 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

This is a promise God’s people have often claimed as they have sought the Lord’s direction for their lives. And this promise has never failed them—if they have obeyed the conditions God has laid down in verses 1–12.

God keeps His promises when we obey Him, because our obedience prepares us to receive and enjoy what He has planned for us. Trusting God is an act of faith. All through the Scriptures God has shown he is worthy to be trusted and He has never let down his people.       

Let us be people of faith & Trust in the LORD with all our heart!                                        

Then we can reap the blessings God has in store for us!!


Sermon Summary

Wisdom & Trusting God.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding,

 in all your ways acknowledge him

and he will make your paths straight.

What are the areas in your life where you need to trust God more?

Pray often

Pray Often

Our church is committed to seeing men, women and children trust and obey the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ. We want them to share eternity in heaven with us. As we pray for the people God has connected us with, here are some further Biblical resources that will help. I’ve gathered these Scriptures without providing the actual Bible passages. That’s for you to do, with your Bibles open, praying what the passages say.

Thankfully: Psalm 100:4; Matthew 6:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Humbly: Matthew 6:5-13.

Confessing: 1 John 1:9.

For Others: Colossians 1:9-12.

With Others: Matthew 18:19-20.

Expectantly: Psalm 5:3; John 16:23-24.

Persevering: James 5:16.

Peacefully: Philippians 4:6-7.

Last Sunday, when we gave you the “Come and See” prayer pamphlet (bookmark), I noticed that the “Prayers for God’s Promises” may not have been listed. Here they are again.

Prepare. Pray for God to prepare and soften their hearts.

Send. Pray for God to send believers around them.

Desire. Pray for God to give them a desire to seek Jesus.

Save. Pray that the Holy Spirit will transform and save them.

Protect. Pray that God will protect what He has sown in their hearts.

May our prayers be fruitful. Steve Bligh.

Who is wise? How do you become wise?

In Proverbs, the words wise and wisdom are used at least 125 times, because the aim of the book is to help us acquire and apply God’s wisdom to the decisions and activities of daily life. The book of Proverbs belongs to what scholars call the “wisdom literature” of the Old Testament, which also includes Psalms, Job and Ecclesiastes. The writers of these books wrestled with some of the most difficult questions of life as they sought to understand life’s problems from God’s point of view.

            Biblical wisdom begins with a right relationship with the Lord Jesus. People with wisdom have the skill to face life honestly and courageously, and to manage it successfully so that God’s purposes are fulfilled in their lives. I hope as we study Proverbs together as the family of God, we may be better prepared to face life’s challenges.
