A new name for small groups

(CREDIT: woodleywonderworks via Flickr)
Healthy small groups have always been an important part of a healthy church.
These groups have typically been called lots of different names: bible study groups, connect groups, life groups, growth groups, and so on.
But now we’re going to introduce a new name for our groups that will help us clarify why they exist.
We’re going to call them ‘serve teams.’
The reason why they’re called ‘teams’ is that they are a group of people who are connected, even when they don’t meet.
So, in the same way that a person is a part of a cricket team, even when they’re not playing cricket, we will all be part of a serve team, even when the group isn’t meeting.
And the reason we’re calling them ‘serve’ teams is that they are teams that are dedicated to doing what Christians do: serve.
Jesus said that he came not to be served but to serve, and we, too, follow his lead.
In fact, in Ephesians chapter 4, we read that God has given people to his church in order to speak his word, so that all Christians will be equipped for service.
And, so, the reason these teams exist is to serve: to serve each other in the team, as members love and build each other up.
And they exist to serve our church as we get involved in what happens in the life of our church.
And they exist to serve our community, as together the members think of ways to bring the gospel of Jesus to our world.
What’s more, as we serve, together, as a team, it will bring us closer together, as a team.
And in order to serve, we’ll keep doing what our small groups have always done: prayerfully studying God’s word, so we’re equipped to serve, to God’s glory.
Jodie McNeill.