Church news for the week beginning 2nd April 2016

Guest Preacher

Today we welcome a guest preacher, Grahame Scarratt, who is speaking on the topic of “Salvation in the Son” from Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1 to 21.

Mission of the month: BCA (Bush Church Aid)

Bush Church Aid is our mission of the month. Throughout this month you can support this ministry by purchasing gifts from the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.

Join a Small-group Bible Study!

Wednesday 7.30pm with Trevor and Robyn Lucas (at their house).
Friday 9.30am with Mandy McNeill (at her house: for young mums in particular).
Sunday 10am with Graham Errington and Mark Howard (at the church). All welcome!

Men’s Dinner

You’re invited to join the men of Oak Flats and beyond this Tuesday 5th April to hear Lionel Windsor, on the topic of “Seeing work God’s way”. RSVP via the comment card or 0439 561 373.

Dinner at the Bowlo

Join us this Thursday at 6pm at the Jamberoo Bowling Club for a relaxed Chinese meal together.

Countdown to Mission Week

Dorothy at Moore Mission

Dorothy and friends at the last Moore Mission held in 2013 at our partner church Oak Flats Anglican

There are only six weeks until we welcome 20 students from Moore Theological College to join our church for over a week of mission to the communities of Oak Flats and Jamberoo.

Under the leadership of Moore College lecturer, Lionel Windsor, we will be engaging in a number of initiatives to bring the gospel of Jesus to our local region.

Over the two weekends of 14-15 and 21-22 May, we will be having guest preachers at all our church services, along with opportunities to hear about the way that knowing Jesus has changed the lives of the team members.

We’re also going to be doing ministry in the local schools, shops, as well as events on our own church grounds.

Please be praying that many of the people of our region who don’t know Jesus would hear of his love and follow his lead as Lord.

Pray that the Mission week would bring a great burst of evangelistic energy into our churches, as well as provide encouragement and training to the students of Moore College who are preparing for ministry.

Start thinking about who you might be able to bring along to one of the many outreach events over that week… and pray that God’s Spirit would do awesome things as people hear the word of God.