Church News for the week beginning 23rd August


This weekend we will be looking at the first ten verses of chapter two in Ephesians as Jodie speaks to us about being Alive in Christ. If you can’t make it to church in person, visit to watch our livestream.


Join us for Morning Prayer at 7am every morning (except Sunday) at for a half-hour of prayer and Bible reading.


Our mission of the month is CMS. To support this great ministry, buy and donate from the mission table in the hall.


To change, add or remove any volunteer roles and to put in your unavailabilities, please talk to Storm, or let us know via your response slip or email.


Have you ever considered gospel work? Why not join others in our church for this online conference for a global audience in our local area? It’s called ‘MTS Recruit’ and it features great Bible teaching from Ray Galea and Phillip Jensen, special peer groups with others in the same stage of thinking, plus one-to-one mentoring with an experienced gospel worker. Friday night 2nd October to Sunday night 4th October. Details


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th September at 7pm at church.


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


26th Storm Cignarella
29th Hugo Massey
29th Jasmine Smith

26th Vic & Lesley East


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

More on Being Missional

When I wrote last week about how our church is missional, I forgot to talk about how our church services connect with people who are not yet followers of Jesus.

In our church we rarely run any special ‘outreach’ or ‘evangelistic’ events, but instead, we try to make every public gathering an opportunity for someone who is not yet a believer to watch us and hear our message.

We’re a little bit like the church that’s described in 1 Corinthians 14:22-25.

In these verses, the Apostle Paul encouraged them to make church easy to understand for people who don’t yet know Jesus, whilst still making it a special gathering in the presence of God.

And as they did this, the visitors would be aware of their sin and judgement before God, and would “fall to their knees and worship God”, for they would recognise that in the gathering, “God is truly here among you”.

For us, this means that when people who don’t know Jesus come to our church, they get to see what it looks like to follow Jesus at the same time as they hear the Good News that saves them.

Not only do unbelievers learn how to have certainty for eternity, they also experience with us a ‘slice of heaven’.

What’s more, this helps Christians of all ages and stages understand their faith, because the preacher is always trying to make things clear to newcomers, including answers to important questions about what we believe. 

So with this in mind, I’ve added this sentence to last week’s explanation of what it means for us to be ‘missional’:

“We aim for our church services to be easy to understand for unbelievers so that as they hear the Good News that saves, they also experience the joy of gathering around Christ.”

So who will you bring along with you to church this week?


Coming up this weekend 22-23 August

This weekend we will be looking at the first ten verses of chapter two in Ephesians as Jodie speaks to us about being Alive in Christ.

If you have any questions simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086 and Jodie would love to answer them this weekend during our services.

Join us on Saturday at 5pm where we will have fellowship over dinner afterwards, or Sunday at 9am followed by morning tea and hot espresso!

We’re also officially Covid-Safe, so you can have confidence in joining us in person, or you can also watch our livestream over at

Ephesians: United with Christ Talk 4: God’s Incredible Power Ephesians chapter 1 verses 15 to 23 Jodie McNeill – 15-16 August 2020

What are you praying for?

What we should pray for Jamberoo Anglican…

Paul’s prayers will ____ our prayers

Paul is very ________ to God

They have a strong _____ in Jesus

They had ____ for other Christians

Paul prays __________

Paul prays to the ______

Paul wants them to see the world _____ way

Paul wants them to have confident ____

____ changes everything

We are truly ________ to God

Paul wants them to know God’s _____

The defeat of _____ is the greatest display of power

Jesus is ________ above every other power

Jesus has the top job for our _______

The church is the ____ of Christ

The church is the heavenly _________ of believers

Let’s pray according to God’s ____

Church News for the week beginning 16th August


This weekend we are continuing our series on the book of Ephesians called ‘United With Christ’, as we look at verses 15-23 of chapter One as Jodie speaks to us about God’s Incredible Power. If you can’t make it to church in person, visit to watch our livestream.


Join a special livestream by Sydney Diocese TODAY Saturday 15th August from 2-4pm at the Rectory, 20 Tate Place, Jamberoo (the espresso machine will be warmed up!). If you’ve ever thought at all about gospel work for you or others, please come along.


We’ve now launched a new kids’ program at 9am church, so both church services have something for people of all ages!


Join us for Morning Prayer at 7am every morning (except Sunday) at for a half-hour of prayer and Bible reading.


Our mission of the month is CMS. To support this great ministry, buy and donate from the mission table in the hall.


Have you ever considered gospel work? Why not join others in our church for this online conference for a global audience in our local area? It’s called ‘MTS Recruit’ and it features great Bible teaching from Ray Galea and Phillip Jensen, special peer groups with others in the same stage of thinking, plus one-to-one mentoring with an experienced gospel worker. Friday night 2nd October to Sunday night 4th October. Details


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


17th Vic East
19th Sam Mierendorff
21st John Rosten
21st Jon Stuckey


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

We are Missional

The third of our six church values states that, “we are missional in our outlook, as we recruit, train and send people and resources to proclaim the gospel locally and globally.”

In his final words in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, and so continue in this mission today.

We long for people of all nations to become disciples of Jesus, so that as they follow him, they might join us in making more disciples of Christ.

We aim for our church services to be easy to understand for unbelievers so that as they hear the Good News that saves, they also experience the joy of gathering around Christ.

We actively recruit gospel workers to be ministers of God’s word in our diocese and across the world, in churches and other strategic contexts.

We strategically train gospel workers through ministry apprenticeships and placements as we partner with training institutions to pass the baton of leadership.

We joyfully send people from our church to gospel harvests across the globe, as we aim to share the resources Christ has given us to build his church. 

We prayerfully support missionaries who partner with us in this mission across the globe, as we generously support their financial needs.

We seek to develop ministry models and resources that can be shared with other churches in rural and regional contexts.

Knowing that the gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes, we encourage and support every member of our church to confidently and naturally talk about Jesus at every opportunity.

God’s mission is our mission, and it is a privilege and a joy to know Christ and to make him known.


Coming up this weekend 15-16 August

This weekend we will be continuing our new series on the book of Ephesians called ‘United With Christ’, as we look at verses 15-23 of Chapter one as Jodie speaks to us about God’s Incredible Power.

We have recently made some changes to both our 5pm and 9am services, making them suitable for people of all ages and stages. We now have a kids’ program at BOTH of our services and would love to see you there!

If you have any questions simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086 and Jodie would love to answer them this weekend during our services.

Join us on Saturday at 5pm where we will have fellowship over dinner afterwards, or Sunday at 9am followed by morning tea and hot espresso!

We’re also officially Covid-Safe, so you can have confidence in joining us in person, or you can also watch our livestream over at

Church news for the week beginning 9th August


This weekend we continue our series on the book of Ephesians called ‘United With Christ’. Jodie will speak to us from verses 12-14 of chapter one about ‘Our Spiritual Guarantee‘. If you can’t make it to church in person, visit to watch our livestream.


We’ve now launched a new kids’ program at 9am church, so both church services have something for people of all ages!


Join us for Morning Prayer at 7am every morning (except Sunday) at for a half-hour of prayer and Bible reading.


Our mission of the month is CMS. To support this great ministry, buy and donate from the mission table in the hall.


Tonight at 6:30pm, we will share in a special Spanish dinner and join an online event with CMS to hear about the ministry to the Spanish-speaking world. If you normally come to church on Sundays, you can still join us for dinner tonight.


The next meeting will be held next Tuesday 11th August at 7pm at church.


Join a special livestream by Sydney Diocese this Saturday 15th August from 2-4pm at the Rectory, 20 Tate Place, Jamberoo (the espresso machine will be warmed up!). If you’ve ever thought at all about gospel work for you or others, please come along.


Have you ever considered gospel work? Why not join others in our church for this online conference for a global audience in our local area? It’s called ‘MTS Recruit’ and it features great Bible teaching from Ray Galea and Phillip Jensen, special peer groups with others in the same stage of thinking, plus one-to-one mentoring with an experienced gospel worker. Friday night 2nd October to Sunday night 4th October. Details


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


8th Leisha Stuckey


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

United with Christ – Ephesians Talk Three: Our Spiritual Guarantee Ephesians 1:13-14 8-9 August 2020 – Jodie McNeill

Fake news

Words are ________

The speech act requires _____

God’s good news _______ the world

A _______ can change the world

The Good News needs to be ________

We are ____ ____ people

We need to share the Good News that _____

God _____ us as his possession

The Holy Spirit __________ our future

Jesus _________ us for himself

The Spirit helps us _____ in God

The Good News makes us ______ and glorify God

The Good News is not ____ news

We are Anglican

The second of our six church values states that, “we are Anglican in our form, as we reflect the Reformation in the shape and substance of our common prayer.”

We are more than just Anglican by name, for we also follow the way of doing church that was put in place by the English Reformers in the sixteenth century.

So even though we don’t use 500-year-old words, we still follow the vibe of the ‘Book of Common Prayer’ in our church services.

This means we regularly say things out loud as we pray prayers, declare our beliefs, and sing songs and Psalms.

We talk about our sin, pray for forgiveness, and then comfort each other by hearing God’s grace and mercy.

We focus on praying for the world, the community, the work of the church, and the needs of individuals, as well as the words and the message of the Lord’s Prayer. 

We experience the power of the cross in the Lord’s Supper, and we prayerfully portray the joy of spiritual rebirth in the baptism of people of all ages.

We trust the Bible as God’s word, so we read each week from the Old and New Testaments and also a Gospel, and we listen carefully to the preaching of the sermon.

We follow the ordination service to help us choose and appoint pastors, and to explain how bishops and other ministers should live and act. 

We also teach and believe what is written in ‘The Articles of Religion’ which summarises what we believe about our Triune God, his people, and the world.

We love being a part of a worldwide family of Anglicans, celebrating our common faith, even though our style is less formal than some.

Above all, our services are special occasions where we come together to experience God with the congregation in our church as we serve all the people living in our parish.


(Photo credit: Charles Clegg via Flickr)