Hope Beyond Chaos 3: Holy Laughter and Lightning Judges 3:12-4:24 Jodie McNeill – 18 & 19 May 2019
The tall poppy________.
We love a good ________.
God didn’t _______ his people, despite their rejection.
God uses ____ to punish and purify his people.
Ehud is ___________ to be a warrior.
Eglon is the fat calf, ready for _________.
Ehud’s ________ gave him the strength.
The fat soldiers couldn’t ______ God’s army.
We are invited to join in the ________ of Heaven.
God’s people are again _________ by a powerful army.
The ‘superhero’ is a bit _____.
Less Captain Lightning, and more Captain ______.
Success, but without ______.
Captain Lightning was still a man of _____.
The Lord uses _________ to bring about salvation.
Judges: Hope Beyond Chaos 2: The Cycle of Salvation Judges 2:6-3:11 Jodie McNeill
It’s hard to break the _____.
In Judges we see a cycle of _________.
The chronology is just ______ story telling.
When people turn from God it’s often a _____.
Parents are ___________ for telling their kids about the Lord.
God’s _________ are absolute and timeless.
We need to believe in a God who feels _____.
God has every reason to be _____ at his people.
The leadership of the judges is an act of God’s _____.
God’s ______ of us is heart-felt.
God wanted his people to show their _________.
They broke the rules, but especially broke God’s _____.
God wants his people to be _________ to others.
Choose a spouse who shares your ____ of the Lord.
One man brought _____ to God’s people.
In love, Jesus took God’s _____ upon himself for us.
Hope Beyond Chaos 1: From Conquest to Chaos Judges 1:1-2:5 Jodie McNeill – 4 & 5 May 2019
The ____ ol’ days.
We will learn from the ________ of the Judges.
Joshua has ____.
They ask God directly for ________.
God promises _______ to Judah.
The Lord gave them the victory as ________.
Today we ____ and ____ for our enemies.
God used his people to deliver his __________.
We all _______ God’s punishment.
God’s people enjoy blessing and a _______.
God totally keeps his ________ in every way.
God’s people were ______ by the enemy’s technology.
The enemies of God _________ with God’s people.
The man from Luz accepted mercy but ________ God.
People enjoy God’s _________, but ignore his love.
They lost heart and ______ to drive out their enemies.
The Lord kept his promise, but they _________ him.
The impact of ___ is painful and disastrous.
The Lord desires _________ not sacrifice.
Even in our sin, God offers _____.
Hope comes from the ____ of Judah.