A summary of what’s happening this weekend

Coming up this weekend 14-15 December

This week, Trevor Lucas will be speaking from Hebrews 5 & 6 about growing in spiritual maturity, asking the question ‘Are We There Yet?’.

Next week we will hear from the Jodie on the last sermon from our series on Acts, ‘Launching the Church’.

Each week in our services we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or fill out a response slip.

Join us this Saturday from 5pm for our family service. We have a kids program and share a meal together afterwards, then the teens are invited to stay from 7:30pm-9pm for a youth service. On Sunday mornings at 9am we have a more classic Anglican style service, followed by morning tea and hot coffee!

Coming up this weekend 7-8 December

This week is our second last talk on our series in Acts, ‘Launching the Church‘. We will see Paul put on trial as he is accused of stirring up trouble amongst the Jews, but his hope in God continues to shine through. The section from the Bible is Acts 24:1-26:32 and it would be great if you could have a read of it before you come to church.

If you missed last week’s Bible talk then why not head over to jamberooanglican.com/talks where you can also hear the answers to the questions, and get details about how to subscribe to our podcast.

Each week we have a question and answer segment during church. Here are the questions we’ll be hearing answers to this week:

1 What happened to the 40 hunger strike people?
2 Why do Christians still need the Old Testament?
3 Can people predict the second coming of Jesus?
4 Will God forgive you if you commit suicide just to be with Him?
5 How do you know if God has answered your prayer?

Join us this Saturday at 5pm for our all-age service, where we have a kids program and share dinner together afterwards. A youth group will follow from 7:30-9pm for the teens. Or why not come along on Sunday at 9am for our more classic Anglican style service, followed by morning tea and espresso coffee!

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 30 November – 01 December

This week we continue our series on Acts, ‘Launching the Church‘, as we learn about the Courageous Christianity that the Apostle Paul shows as he confronts violent and hostile enemies as he returns to Jerusalem. It will be a fresh reminder to us of the need to trust in Jesus and be bold in his name.

Each week during our services we have a question and answer segment. If you have any questions, let us know via your response slips or by emailing them to office@jamberooanglican.com. Here are this week’s questions:

1 Since God used natural disasters to punish people in the Bible, why doesn’t he still do that today?

2 Did the man who fell out of the window defeat death?

3 Did Paul disobey the Holy Spirit in Acts 21:4 when he chose to continue to Jerusalem?

4 Is Jesus just as powerful as God?

5 Why do we seem to talk about Jesus more than God?

6 If a Christian is convinced that God is giving them a personal revelation of his calling and gifts, then how should they respond to someone who disagrees?

7 How can you find out what God’s will is for your life?

On Saturday evening at 5pm we have our family service with a kids program, followed by dinner for everyone and a youth group for the teens. Our more classic Anglican-style service is on Sunday mornings at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso. If you have been thinking about coming to church, come along this week! I would love to meet you and be in fellowship with you. See you there!

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 23-24 November

We continue our series on Acts this week, ‘Launching the Church’, and will see the evidence of a Pastor’s heart in Paul through chapters 20 & 21 as he continues to teach the word of the Lord. His willingness to sacrifice himself for the Lord is evident as he continues to encourage his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Each week at our services we have a question and answer segment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them during the week by emailing them to office@jamberooanglican.com or via a response slip at church.

Here are the questions that we’ll be looking at this weekend:

1 Was it Jesus or one of the angels who spoke to Paul in the dream?
2 Is the Devil the boss of Hell or is he just like every other non-Christian living there?
3 How can ‘the elect’ truly follow God if they don’t have a genuine choice?
4 When a person dies who isn’t a Christian, what happens to them on Judgement Day?
5 If someone confesses and truly believes that Jesus is Lord but doesn’t show it in their life, then will they be saved?
6 Is it is a sin to find it hard to trust and forgive a Christian who keeps sinning and going the wrong things even after they have repented?
7 When Hebrews 6:4 says “it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were enlightened” does it mean it’s impossible to re-convert a believer who has fallen away?

We would love to see you at our Saturday evening service at 5pm, which has a kids program, followed by dinner & a youth group for the teens, or our Sunday morning service at 9am where afterwards we can share morning tea and good conversations over hot espresso!

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 16-17 November

This weekend we continue our series on Acts, ‘Launching the Church’, and are looking through chapter 18 about how Paul in Corinth and Ephesus, through the Scriptures, showed that the Christ was Jesus!

Each week at our services we have a question and answer segment, and this week’s questions are:

  1. How does the devil have the power to tell the future?
  2. Is it unwise or sinful to celebrate Halloween?
  3. Aren’t all unmarried Christians living with the gift of singleness, at least for that period of time?
  4. Is the gift of marriage something to be desired, given it leads to a divided devotion to God?
  5. Why does singleness seem to be rarely encouraged for Christians?
  6. Should we encourage Christians into singleness if they are in a relationship with a non-Christian?
  7. If babies cry through their baptism does that mean that they don’t want to be baptised?

So come along to our Saturday service at 5pm, where we have a kids program and dinner afterwards, followed by a youth group for the teens, or to our more classic Anglican style service on Sunday at 9am, and we can chat over morning tea and espresso after.

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 9-10 November

This week our Acts series, ‘Launching the Church’, follows Paul in Athens as he proclaims the truth about the Saviour, Jesus Christ, from Acts 17:16-34. We’ll see how Paul talks to a group of deep thinkers about why God is real and how they need to respond. It’s a great example of connecting with people in a relativistic world with lots of gods and idols.

We also have a weekly question time during our services. If you have a question, please fill out a response slip or send an email to us. Here are the questions we’re answering this weekend:

1 Who are the modern-day equivalents of the ancient Bereans?
2 If Lydia never heard Paul’s message would she be in Heaven?
3 If God wants everyone to believe in Him then why does he choose only some people?
4 In Acts 16 how did the slave girl predict the future?
5 Are people still possessed by spirits and demons like the fortune-telling woman?
6 Is it necessary to get baptised?
7 Will everyone in the same household be saved?
8 Does the Apostles Creed include all we need to believe for salvation and thus fellowship?
9 Will traditional Catholics go to heaven?

Please join us for church this Saturday at 5pm, with a kids’ program, followed by dinner and then a youth group for the teens. Or come this Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican style service and we can chat over morning tea and hot espresso!

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 2-3 November 2019

As we head through the next instalment of our Acts series, ‘Launching the Church’, we will see how Paul proclaimed that Jesus is the Messiah, despite a difficult crowd, jealousy and a treacherous journey. God’s strength and provision was shown, and Paul was able to continue to encourage his fellow brothers and sisters, and help many come to know Christ. It is a great lesson, one that we can apply to our lives today.

During our services, we have a weekly question time. Please continue to ask questions via your response slips so we can learn more about God together. Here are the questions for this weekend:

1 When a Christian differs on important matters, is it OK to question them and their salvation?
2 If we challenge a Christian on an important view then should we worry about offending them?
3 Should we keep the law in the way it says in Acts 15:29?
4 What’s the difference between church and denomination?
5 If God has everything planned, why do we pray?
6 Is the Rapture going to happen like the ‘Left Behind’ books?
7 Because God is outside of time does this explain what happens from death to Christ’s return?

So what are you waiting for? Join us this Saturday at 5pm, with a kids’ program, followed by dinner and then youth group for the teens. Or come on Sunday morning at 9am for a more classic Anglican style service, and we can chat over some hot espresso and morning tea afterwards. See you there!

Coming up this weekend 26-27 October

Please join us this weekend as we continue our series on Acts , ‘Launching the Church’, as I speak God’s word from chapters 15 about the Council of Jerusalem. It might sound a bit dull talking about a council and politics and stuff, but let me assure you that some seriously important things were decided at what could otherwise have been a time of major crisis in the early church. And the outcome is awesome for us today!

Our regular question and answer segment is back in full force and you can look forward to this weekend for these questions below:

1 Was the Pentateuch written during the Babylonian exile?
2 Do you think that John 7:53-8:11 and Mark 16:9-20 are part of the Bible?
3 Doesn’t 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 describe the Pretribulation Rapture?
4 Why do we pray so hard for people we love to become believers if they haven’t been chosen by God?
5 What should be our response to knowing that there are many who have not been chosen (and we have)?
6 How do we have hope for someone’s death if they don’t believe in Christ?

Whether it’s your first time or your 100th at our church, I would love to see you this weekend at Saturday 5pm, where we can chat over some dinner afterwards, or Sunday 9am where the coffee is strong and morning tea is sweet. See you there!

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 19-20 October

This weekend we jump back into our series on Acts, ‘Launching the Church’, as I guide us through the story of Paul’s first missionary journey from Acts 13 and 14. It’s such a remarkable thing to see the Apostle Paul gearing up for gospel action as the word of Jesus goes to the ends of the world!

Term 4 of school for 2019 starts back this week, as does our regular question and answer segment. If you had any questions that arose from the sermons during the holidays, or about the Christian faith, please email them to kiarnay.cignarella@jamberooanglican.com during the week so we can put them on the list.

Here are some of the questions from the past few weeks that we’ll look at this weekend:

1 If Peter baptised the Samaritan believers ‘in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ would they still have needed John to baptise in the Holy Spirit?
2 Was Peter afraid of the angel when he was released from prison?
3 Are people ‘in heaven’ whilst they await Judgement Day, and if not, why do people say “people are looking down on you from heaven”?
4 Is Jesus in Paradise now, and if so, will we see him straight away when we die?
5 Is Paradise before judgement, or will we be with the Father and the Son before judgement?
6 Is Greta Thunberg’s motivation to show more care for God’s creation or to rebuke us for not properly controlling the climate?
7 How do you tell the difference between persecution and abuse from idiots?

Please join us at our 5pm Saturday evening service with kids program, followed by a great time together over a hearty dinner, then youth group. Or come along to our 9am Sunday morning service where we share morning tea afterwards and chat over some espresso. We would love to see you!

Grace and peace, Jodie

Coming up this weekend 12-13 October

We are having a massive week of fun at our Holiday Kids Club and invite you to join us this weekend to continue our Egyptian journey as we look at how Jesus sets us free from sin. It will be a message that seeks to explain the essentials of the Christian faith to people of all ages and stages… ideal for first-timers!

We are taking a break from our question and answer segment for the school holidays, but feel free to continue asking questions as we will pick it back up when the new school term starts.

We would love to see you at our Saturday 5pm service, which will have a special Egypt theme as we celebrate all that we have learned together at the Holiday Kids Club, and will be followed with dinner for everyone. Or join us at our classic Sunday 9am service where we share morning tea afterwards over some tasty espresso.

Grace and peace, Jodie