A summary of what’s happening this weekend

Coming up this weekend 26th – 27th August 2017

This weekend we continue our series on 2 Samuel. In the next talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, Keeping promises”, from 2 Samuel chapter 7 verses 1 to 29.

During our 5pm Saturday service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. Why was God angry with Uzzah touching the Ark?
  2. Would David have died if he touched the Ark, and if so, wouldn’t that mean that God was killing his Messiah?
  3. Does the Ark still exist today, and if so, where is it located?
  4. Did David leave the Ark with Obed Edom as a ‘wait and see what happens’ exercise?
  5. Since the Ten Commandments tell us not to murder, then why was it OK for King David to kill his enemies?
  6. When we pray, is there a difference in ‘declaring’ or ‘decreeing?’
  7. Are we in the ‘end times’?

At our 5pm Saturday service we will have an opportunity to meet one of our church members, which is always a great encouragement to us all.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion Second Order AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

Coming up this weekend 19th – 21st August 2017

This weekend we continue our series on 2 Samuel. In the next talk, Simon Chaplin will be speaking on the topic, “Rejoice with trembling”, from 2 Samuel chapter 6 verses 1 to 23.

During our 5pm Saturday service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. If we should not judge, then whey were some of the books of the Bible ‘judged’ not to be needed? How do we know that God did not want these books in the Bible?
  2. Was David arrogant to call the city after himself?
  3. Is it pushing the link between the Old and New Testaments too far to say that the Israelites were the body of Christ?
  4. When we go through difficult times, how can we know if it’s the work of Satan leading us away from God, or whether it’s the work of God strengthening our faith in him?
  5. What happens to a person who dies without believing in God, even though they’ve lived a good life? Will praying for them help them get to Heaven?
  6. Is it hypocritical for Christians to vote in the same-sex marriage plebiscite, given that we will not want to accept an outcome that is against the Bible’s teaching?

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer Sunday service and at both our services, we will have a special update about CMS (Church Missionary Society) which is our Mission of the Month.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

See you at 5pm this Saturday or 8am this Sunday, God willing!

Coming up this weekend 12th – 13th August 2017

This weekend, we continue our series on the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel with the series titled ‘Kingdom Coming’. In the next talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “Dependence on God, from 2 Samuel chapter 4 verse 1 to chapter 5 verse 25.

At our 5pm Saturday service, we will be hearing a special update from Youthworks about SRE, Special Religious Education.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. If the Bible came to us through an ongoing process in the church, then doesn’t this undermine ‘Sola Scriptura’?
  2. Why did the book ‘Q’ get omitted from the Bible, when other documents like genealogies and the Song of Songs were included?
  3. Doesn’t the official Anglican teaching of the 39 Articles, and general Christian thinking, say that there can be no more additions to the Bible at all?
  4. How would you answer someone who said that God spoke to them in a dream about a matter?
  5. Wouldn’t Abner’s reaction to the allegation that he slept with Saul’s concubine suggest he might have been innocent?
  6. Is Abner like Paul from the New Testament?
  7.  Why did people in the Old Testament tear their clothes when mourning?
  8. Is it possible to still curse people today?
  9. Why does it appear that we give more support to Scripture teaching in Kiama High than to the local Anglican College?

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion First Order AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

Coming up this weekend 5th – 6th August 2017

This weekend we continue our brand-new series on the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel with the series titled ‘Kingdom Coming’. In the next talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “Payback time”, from 2 Samuel chapter 3 verses 1 to verse 39.

We will also share the Lord’s Supper at 5pm Saturday, so be sure to join us for this important reminder of the death of Jesus.

During our 5pm service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. How did God talk to David?
  2. Why were the sons of Zeruiah referred to by their mother’s name, not their father’s?
  3. Why did Ish-Bosheth, son of Saul, only remain as king for two years?
  4. Should Christians preach God’s word when a country says it is illegal to do so?
  5. How were the books of the Bible decided on and how would a new book be added?
  6. How do you respond when someone asks you a question about the Bible that you can’t answer?
  7. Are women allowed to lead church services?

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer AAPB service. We will also hear a special update on the ministry of Moore College and spend time on prayer for the College and its students at 8am Sunday.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.

Coming up this weekend 29th – 30th July 2017

This weekend we continue our brand-new series on the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel with the series titled ‘Kingdom Coming’. In the next talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “The failure of politics”, from 2 Samuel chapter 2 verses 1 to verse 32.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. How should we respond to the recent media discussion of domestic violence in the church, especially claims that it occurs due to the misuse of Scripture?
  2. Could David be called ‘David Christ?’
  3. Does the Bible say how Jonathan died?
  4. Was David right to kill the Amalekite man since only that right belongs to God? If so, should Christians today strike down those who oppose God?
  5. Are the mountains of Gilboa still in drought after David’s curse?
  6. Why is there a difference in translation of 2 Samuel 1:19 between the older and the newer NIV Bibles?
  7. What does it mean by a ‘lament of the bow’ in 2 Samuel 1:18?
  8. Who are we meant to love: God or Jesus?

We will also hear a special update on the ministry of Moore College and spend time on prayer for the College and its students.

Our 8am Sunday service will be the Lord’s Supper Sunday Service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.

Coming up this weekend 22nd – 23rd July 2017

This weekend we kick off our brand-new series in the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel. Come join us and discover the life of King David, the man after God’s own heart.

The series is called ‘Kingdom Coming’, and in the first talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “The King is dead: long live the King”, from 2 Samuel chapter 1 verses 1 to 27.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion Second Order AAPB service.

We will also hear from Jemimah McNeill, our Year 13 student who recently spent a month in Fiji on mission as part of her Year 13 course.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. How do you actually start a conversation where you wish to confess your sins to someone you trust?
  2. Does the failure of David and the other kings of Israel show us that our need can only be met by God, not humans?
  3. Is the Lord’s Supper a memorial or does it hold some additional significance?
  4. Why would some of Christ’s disciples appear to be opposed to the Lord’s Supper in John 6:44-60?
  5. Should we play games such as Monopoly that encourage greedy behaviour towards making money?

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

Coming up this weekend 15th – 16th July 2017

This weekend we welcome Simon Chaplin who will be speaking on the topic ‘Looking for a leader – 1 Samuel – an Overview’ from 1 Samuel.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer Sunday service and at both our services, we will have a special update about Anglicare which is our Mission of the Month.

During church, we’ll hear answers to these questions:
1 What does “without holiness no one will see the Lord” from Hebrews 12 mean?
2 Should a person only work enough to sustain them but no more?
3 Is socialism a more Christian approach to economics than capitalism?
4 Why do we need paid ministers when the Apostle Paul supported himself financially?
5 If we didn’t have paid ministers then would church be more like a family and less like an organisation?
6 How should a person start start the uncomfortable conversation of confessing their sins to a mentor?
7 Why don’t we kneel to pray?

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

See you at 5pm this Saturday or 8am this Sunday, God willing!

Coming up this weekend 8th – 9th July 2017

This weekend we welcome our own Trevor Lucas, who will be talking on the topic ‘One in Christ Jesus?’ from Ephesians chapter 4 verses 1 to 16.

This week we will also hear an update about MTS (Ministry Training Strategy).

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion First Order AAPB service.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. How can a person really forgive someone who has sexually abused a loved one?
  2. Do modern Jews still practice circumcision?
  3. Even though religious works don’t gain salvation, isn’t it still appropriate to call Christianity a ‘religion’ since James says that true religion is looking after the poor?
  4. Is the “new creation” in Galatians 6:15 the new life that Paul possesses, or the new creation of Isaiah 65:17?
  5. Is it appropriate for a Christian to have a ‘bucket list’?
  6. If only men should teach the whole church, then when is it appropriate for women to preach? What about women missionaries?

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

Coming up this weekend 1st – 2nd July 2017

This weekend we conclude our series on Galatians. In the final talk Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “Freedom Boasted” from Galatians chapter 6 verses 11 to 18.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. Did Jesus baptise anyone, given that John 4:1-2 says “it was not Jesus who baptised, but his disciples?”
  2. Why do people get baptised?
  3. Why do people lose faith?
  4. Why do men have higher levels of leading in church above women?
  5. How might our tendencies towards passive aggressive conflict hinder our ability to rebuke each other gently?
  6. Why has the church been so soft in dealing with sexual abuse in the church?
  7. How can the church maintain a moral high ground when such abuse has occurred?
  8. How can victims of sexual abuse form a relationship with God?
  9. How can ministers who have committed sexual abuse redeem themselves?

We will also share the Lord’s Supper at 5pm Saturday, so be sure to join us for this important reminder of the death of Jesus.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.

Coming up this weekend 24th – 25th June 2017

This weekend we continue our series on Galatians. In the next talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “Freedom Displayed” from Galatians chapter 6 verses 1 to 10.

This week we’re going to have a short video from CMS (The Church Missionary Society) about their ongoing activities in the world, and hear about the impact that Jesus is having amongst people in Latin America.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion Second Order AAPB service.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. Since we only need one baptism, should those who had already been baptised by John avoided baptism from Jesus?
  2. Since we should be content with what God has given us, how should we manage our insecurities as we are pressured to look attractive?
  3. When the Bible talks about being sober-minded, could this include other things that cause us to lose focus and control, such as medications or lack of sleep?
  4. Why does Galatians say that ‘Christ Jesus has crucified the flesh’, and yet in other parts of the Bible it says ‘the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit’?
  5. Why do we say that people ‘grow’ in their faith when faith is given to us by God?
  6. Is it possible to be same-sex attracted and a committed Christian?
  7. Can women be ministers?

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.