This is the latest blurb that is published on the front of our weekly bulletin

Kanye’s Conversion

Kanye West is one of the world’s most famous personalities, known not only for his music, fashion and politics, but also for his famous wife, Kim Kardashian.

This week Kanye released an album with the title ‘JESUS IS KING’, where he sings with great honesty and passion about his newfound Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

News of his conversion has caused a stir around the world, with both Christians and non-Christians expressing some scepticism about the authenticity of his new faith.

Yet the more that I’ve heard him speak this week, and the more I’ve listened to this album, the more I’m blown away by his passion for Jesus.

The man who once regarded himself as god has now made an unblushing declaration that Jesus is king, not Kanye.

His radical transformation reminded me of the conversion of the Apostle Paul, who went from being one of the Christianity’s most violent critics, to become its greatest advocate and proclaimer.

When Paul was converted, many of the Christians doubted his faith and feared for their lives.

Yet before long, the believers recognised him as a brother, and they praised God for the remarkable work of the Holy Spirit in bringing such dramatic transformation.

I’ve been praying a lot for Kanye this week.

I’m praying that he doesn’t grow weary of proclaiming Christ, and that he keeps pursuing his new-found passion for Christlike living.

And I’m praying that the slogan ‘JESUS IS KING’ will lead many others down the same pathway to Christ that Kanye now walks.

If you don’t know Jesus as King, then why not read the Bible like Kanye did, and see how Jesus can also turn your life around?


God’s Gender Agenda

When it comes to matters of human sexuality, the world wants people to think that God in his Bible tries to be the fun and freedom police.

The myth is that because church teaching places restrictions upon what people should do with their bodies that these rules prevent people from being truly happy.

One of the areas where this is claimed is the hot topic of gender identity.

When I grew up there were only two, clear options, but today when you register for Facebook, you can choose from up to 71 different genders.

Far from creating clarity, this only creates confusion, as people are challenged to consider whether their gender identity may be different to that which is listed on their birth certificate.

Yet, God has stated clearly that there are only two sexes, and that the biological sex is the same as the person’s gender, and vice versa.

Which means that other than the rare medical situation of ‘intersex’, we are all born either male or female, and God’s message is that we will find freedom if we learn to live in the skin we’re in.

So, instead of exploring options of other gender identities and the sexual expressions that often result, we should find satisfaction in the gender God’s given us.

Instead of cramping our style, it will free us from the tyranny of choice, and provide us with a confidence that we’re living God’s way.

At the same time, God offers unconditional forgiveness to us when we come to him and apologise for ignoring his clear word about how to live.

This is the freedom that comes from knowing God: the confidence to have forgiveness from our creator, and the promise of eternal life.

God’s plan for our lives is not to cramp our style but to release us from the tyranny of choice in order to give us the privilege of knowing the very best way to live in the world God has made in the bodies he has given to us.


When Jesus Wept

The tears of Jesus give us hope for eternity (CREDIT: Martin Fisch, Flickr)

Given that Jesus is the most perfect, complete man who ever walked on the planet, it sometimes surprise us to think that he experienced genuine emotions.

When I asked my school Scripture class this week to suggest when they thought Jesus got all emotional, some thought it might have been when he was falsely accused or when he experienced the rejection of his own people whom he came to save.

However, one of the most famous times where he expressed his emotion was when he saw first hand the sadness of the sisters of Lazarus, the man who had recently died.

Jesus knew that the pain of the death of his friend would ultimately be used through the ages as a remarkable testimony to the power of Jesus over death, which would bring great glory to God the Father.

Yet even though this was the ultimate aim, it didn’t stop him personally feeling the pain of grief from death.

Jesus knows what it means to experience the loss of a loved one, and he knows how it hurts in ways that words cannot express.

It is for this reason that Jesus is able to truly comfort us when we turn to him in our grief, knowing that he has felt just the same kind of thing that we’ve felt.

But the great power of Jesus comes with the hope that death is ultimately dealt with by his own victory over death, so that the weeping that comes from death will one day cease as God, himself, wipes away our tears.

The power of Jesus over the grave gives us confidence that death is a part of life that will be put behind us as we ultimately pass from this life to the next, safe in the arms of Jesus.


Be Strong and Courageous

The Professor (Will Massey) and Miss Penelope (Jhettaya Warner) explore the buried treasures of Ancient Egypt, and discover the amazing story of Joseph.

During the last week at our Holiday Kids Club we’ve been looking at the story of Joseph and the rough treatment he suffered from the evil acts of his brothers and others.

In Genesis chapter 39, Joseph was falsely accused of harming a senior official’s wife, and as a result, he ended up in prison.

As we discussed this tragic moment in Joseph’s life, I asked the children in our programme to tell the group what they thought Joseph would have been feeling as he was alone in prison, falsely accused.

The kids suggested that Joseph would have felt confused, or sad, or angry, and even lonely.

The Bible doesn’t really tell us about Joseph’s feelings… but it does tell us that God never abandoned him during those difficult times.

We read that “the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love…” and that “The LORD was with him and caused everything he did to succeed.” (Genesis 39:21, 23).

As we reflected on how Joseph must have felt, we sang together the well-known song by Colin Buchanan, ‘Be strong and courageous’, which helped remind us all of the faithfulness that God has for his people.

And we were reminded that even in the most difficult times, we should remember that God will never leave us or forsake us, and that he works through all things for the good of those who love him.

And as we saw on the final, full day of the kids program, the evil that was done by Joseph’s brothers and others was something that God used to bring good:

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” (Genesis 50:20)

What a great comfort and joy to know that our loving God is totally in control of everything!


What does the drought mean?

When our church regularly gathers, we pray that God would send lots of rain to bring relief to our land from the harsh effects of drought.

For even though meteorologists have got smarter and smarter at predicting and recording the weather, humans still are unable to make the heavens open and rain fall.

The Bible speaks about drought and famine on many occasions, and sometimes the lack of rain is a means by which God wakes people up so that whey will turn back to him, like when King Solomon prayed:

“If the skies are shut up and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you, and if they pray toward this Temple and acknowledge your name and turn from their sins because you have punished them, then hear from heaven and forgive the sins of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them to follow the right path, and send rain on your land that you have given to your people as their special possession.

King Solomon in 1 Kings 8:35-36

We also know that meteorological crises should not be seen as God’s normal, direct action upon rebellious people, for Jesus said that God “gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” (Matthew 5:45)

But whenever there is drought, we must remember that God is in control, and that it is a fresh reminder to acknowledge him as the loving ruler of the world, and to bring our prayers and requests to him.

Maybe God is sending this drought to Australia so that we will all turn to him in great number and enjoy the certainty of eternity that Jesus gives to all who humbly accept his gift of forgiveness?

And when it does rain, it’s a great opportunity to thank him for doing what the smartest meteorologists and scientists still cannot do: bring water from the sky to moisten the land and fill our dams.


Is Greta Right?

This week the speech of a 16-year-old Swedish girl was a leading news story as Greta Thunberg addressed the UN Climate Action Summit.

In her powerful speech, she strongly criticised the leaders of the world, accusing them of prioritising wealth and economic growth over action to address climate change.

You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you.

Greta Thunberg

Yet, have politicians been negligent in the face of a catastrophic global crisis, or are they acting reasonably in response to limited resources and competing priorities?

The Bible does not specifically address the issue of climate change, but God tells us that we should “tend and watch over” his creation he made for us.

However, we all naturally drift towards selfishness and greed as we reject the loving rule of God and our responsibility to rule under his leadership.

The only way we can escape God’s judgement is to acknowledge our failures and make a fresh start by trusting Jesus and accepting the forgiveness that comes his death.

And as we rightly acknowledge God’s good rule over the world, we will then seek to take care of his creation, by avoiding selfishness and greed, and instead caring for others by preserving our planet.

There is no doubt that Greta’s criticisms have some merit, as we have seen tragic acts of environmental abuse from human greed and selfishness.

Yet, we must never forget that the greatest human crisis is the coming judgement by God, and so we must not lose focus on the need to share the good news of Jesus far and wide, knowing that this world will ultimately fade away.


It’s Time to Get Ready

One of the most frustrating aspects of fighting fires is turning up to help a resident whose home is completely unprepared for the coming attack.

If the householder had cleared out their gutters, raked away the leaves and removed the piles of branches from near their home, then it would be so much easier to save the home and prevent the heartache.

When you live in a fire-prone area, it is vital to hear the warnings and prepare for the coming threat, and that’s why the Rural Fire Service have annual ‘Get Ready’ events to educate and motivate people to prepare for the fire season.

For us in Jamberoo, the threat is real, with a long, dry, hot summer forecast, and the undeniable reality that it’s been over half a century since the ‘Black Monday’ fires that saw the escarpment burn all the way from Berry to the northern Illawarra.

We should all be prepared because the threat is known and real, and we are all able to do something to minimise the danger.

In the Bible we read about another certain threat for which people must get ready, and that’s the return of Jesus.

As Christians regularly say together in the Apostles Creed, “Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead.”

When Jesus returns it will bring an end to the pain, injustice and sadness of this world, and even though that judgement seems scary, it’s not something that Jesus’ followers should fear.

For we can trust the Bible when it says that “everyone who believes in Jesus will have their sins forgiven.” (Acts 10:43).

Jesus has given us a way to survive his coming judgement, but it means we need to spiritually ‘Get Ready’ by asking Jesus for forgiveness and trusting him as our loving leader.

His second coming is as certain as this year’s hot summer… so take the opportunity now to get ready for judgement day by taking refuge in his loving arms. 


Bring your kids to Egypt

After I prepared the promotional flyers for our holiday kids club, I realised that I had included a terrific photo of the Sphinx on the front, but didn’t once mention the word ‘Egypt’ or ‘Egyptian’ anywhere on the page!

I’ve since updated the newer versions to say ‘Egyptian Adventure’, but those who received an earlier sheet might have been confused about what Egypt has to do with modern Australian Christian kids.

The bottom line is that Egypt has a special place in the history of God’s people for all sorts of good and bad reasons.

On the one hand, Egypt was the place where our people experienced dreadful slavery at the hand of an evil and arrogant pharaoh, who defiantly opposed God and his appointed leader.

And yet on the other hand, Egypt was the place where God did powerful signs and wonders, which culminated in the remarkable parting of the Red Sea, and the triumphal escape from slavery.

And yet the reason we’re looking at Egypt in our October holiday club is actually because of the way that God famously used the horrible actions of Joseph’s eleven brothers (as shown in ‘Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat’) as a means by which he would bring blessing to his family and even to all of the people of Egypt.

It’s summarised in the well-known statement of Joseph, who reflected on the mean acts of his brothers by saying, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people” (Genesis 50:20).

For us, the message is clear: even through difficult and confusing times, we can know that God still loves us and is in control.

And as we travel in time to Egypt in our holiday club, this will be a fresh and powerful reminder to the kids and adults alike that God really has got the whole world in his hand!

To find out more about the Holiday Kids Club and to register your kids go to


Power and Compassion

As I prepared the lesson for my Scripture class this week, I realised that I had an extra degree of connection to the events in the Bible.

The story was about the government official in Capernaum whose son was very sick (John 4:46).

This man had great power and influence over others, and yet he was powerless to do anything to bring health to his gravely sick son.

In his desperation he submitted to a greater power, even though it showed his weakness.

So, when he went to Jesus, he begged him to come and heal his son.

This man knew he had no hope in his own strength and that all he could do was depend on Jesus to help him and his son in this time of trial.

In this moment of need, Jesus showed his power and his compassion.

With a simple word, Jesus immediately healed the boy, even though he was located a long distance away.

Jesus showed great power over sickness, which came from his great compassion over those who are helpless and sad.

I shared with my Scripture kids about how my own son had a serious injury, and I showed them the X-rays of the masterful work of the orthopaedic surgeon.

And I told them about how I, too, was powerless to heal my injured son.

Like the government official, all I could do was ask for assistance from the person who was able to help my sick child.

And like Jesus, the amazing medical staff showed great power and compassion over Oscar and his crushed foot.

It is such a great comfort to be able to come and seek comfort and mercy from someone who is both powerful and compassionate: Jesus Christ.


Too young to believe?

The faith of a child (CREDIT: Eric Ward via Flickr)

It’s easy to look down on young people in our society, especially given that they don’t have the strength or skills to earn a living, nor the maturity to cope with independence.

Yet, when it comes to following Jesus, the model believers are children.

Jesus famously said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.” (Luke 18:16)

Ironically, Jesus highly regards the simple and naive faith of a child, as they demonstrate a deep dependency on others, with little claim to their own ability.

They are too young to say “I did it my way”, and they are too new at life to point to their successes, abilities and strengths.

However, this is the very attitude that Jesus wants of adults and all people: the ability to discount personal achievements, and instead to humbly accept the grace of God without any personal merit.

That is why children provide the perfect model of a true believer: a humble dependence on God.

And this is why ministry to children can create true and genuine followers of Jesus.

Children are not the church of the future, but the believers of the present… and an inspiration to the grownups who easily let their achievements cloud their need for salvation from Jesus.

This is why our upcoming Holiday Kids Club is such an important ministry to the children of our village and valley.

We want our kids to meet Jesus, knowing that their simple faith is precisely the kind of attitude that is so highly regarded by God.

We want kids to follow Jesus so that they will meet him now, and follow him for life.

And our week-long Holiday Kids Club in October is the perfect way to help kids meet Jesus and experience the joy of knowing his love and forgiveness.