If you’re planning to visit us, be sure to check out this page to find out everything you need to know as a first-timer.
Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.
Coming up this weekend 24th – 25th September 2016
This weekend Graham Errington will be speaking on the topic “Blessed are your eyes” from Luke chapter 10 verses 17 to 24.
During our services we will be hearing an update about MTS (Ministry Training Strategy).
Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion Second Order AAPB service.
If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.
During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and our Senior Minister Jodie will be answering these questions:
- Why does the Matthew genealogy mention Joseph’s name when you said it was referring to the family history of Mary?
- Why was Jesus conceived by God the Holy Spirit instead of God the Father?
- How did the Greek Orthodox church stray so far from Biblical Christianity?
- Could animals talk before The Fall?
If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.
Coming up this weekend 17th – 18th September 2016
This weekend welcome our guest speaker George Statheos. At our 5pm Saturday service, George will be speaking on the topic “Gospel to the world” from Acts chapter 17 verses 16 to 34. At our 8am Sunday service, George will be speaking on the topic “Fishers of people” from Luke chapter 5 verses 1 to 11.
In honour of George’s visit, we will be having a Greek dinner after our 5pm Saturday service. Please join us for a wonderful time of fellowship and great food.
Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer Sunday service.
If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.
During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and our Senior Minister Jodie will be answering these questions:
- Could it be possible that the guards at Jesus’ tomb were from the Temple, not from the Roman Guard, and if so, how might this change the outcome of their failure to secure the tomb?
- Wouldn’t the guards have deserved to die, since they lied about the resurrection?
- Why did Satan appear as a snake instead of another animal?
- Is the enmity between the snake and the woman in Genesis 3:14 symbolic of Satan’s demoted status?
- Why is the snake kingdom cursed when it was Satan who chose to appear as a snake?
- Should Nathan have prayed to God before answering David so that he was sure of what God wanted?
- Since Joseph was not Jesus’ biological father, how does that make Jesus a descendant of David?
- How could Jesus speak of all Scriptures concerning himself when he began his Emmaus sermon with Moses?
- Is ‘Ben Hur’ based on a true story?
If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.
Coming up this weekend 10th – 11th September 2016
This weekend Jodie speaks on the topic “God keeps his promises”, from 2 Samuel chapter 7 verses 1 to 29.
At our 5pm Saturday service we will be meeting one of our church members, and getting to know them a little better.
Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion First Order AAPB service.
If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.
If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.