Entries by Jodie McNeill

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 4: The Weak and the Strong – 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 – Jodie McNeill – 6 November 2022

Masters of the understatement The ____ Poppy Syndrome The Corinthians loved to ____ Christianity is all about ______ God turns our world ______ down Most of them were ________ If God didn’t ____ us, we’d never come  God specifically _____ his children You are personally ________ to God God chooses the _________ to disgrace the […]

Hello Sunday Night!

This weekend we’re moving our Saturday night service to the all-new time of 4pm Sunday. As we’ve been saying for months, the only thing we’re changing is the day and the time… but everything else stays the same. We’ll start church at 4pm, then around half an hour into the service, the children will head […]

Trick or Treat?

When it comes to Halloween, Christians have a wide range of views about whether it’s helpful, harmful, or something in between. It all started with a pagan festival to mark the start of the darkness of winter, called the winter ‘solstice.’ Then in the fourth century, Christians adopted that festival as their own, calling it […]

The Irish Un-Settler

Sullivan, our English Settler, is our most effective pre-evangelistic tool, for as we walk him, he brings people to us. They talk to us about him, ask about the breed, notice our accent, tell us they have a relative in Perth and ask if we’ve met them, then ask, “What are you doing here?” In […]

Nourishing Relationships

Being a Christian woman in today’s world is hard, no matter what age or stage of life you are in. You may be a young woman leaving school, entering the workforce and navigating new relationships. Or you may be single, or newly-married, or perhaps you’ve just become a mother. Or maybe you’ve now become an […]

Religious Reflexes

Some of the most spectacular moments in sport have come from a reflex reaction by a player, when they have kicked, passed, caught or hit a ball without pausing to think. This week we witnessed a different kind of sporting reflex reaction when the Essendon AFL Club appointed a new CEO, only to pressure him […]