Entries by Jodie McNeill

Are you our new Operations Minister?

We’re looking for an Operations Minister to join our ministry team! This religious practitioner position is a developing, part-time role to assist the Senior Minister in pastoral care, small group leadership, membership integration, communications, technology management, outreach, higher-level administration support, event management, church services, and occasional preaching and teaching, with an overall focus on developing […]

Getting the Cross Right

Even though some experts doubt whether he really rose from the dead, almost all, credible historians agree that Jesus of Nazareth was executed on a Roman Cross in Jerusalem, around 30 AD. Yet, not all Christians agree about why he died. Some say that he was killed by the religious rulers because his example and […]

Mercy in the Floods

The floods this week are totally different to the flood that the Lord sent at the time of Noah. That flood was a specific act of judgement by God on a world that had become “consistently and totally evil” (Genesis 6:5) and was “corrupt and filled with violence (Genesis 6:11). But, even as he acted […]

Who Needs a Confessional?

During my truck driving test during the week, my examiner helped me relax by asking lots of questions about what I believe as a Christian and what my church does. He asked me if my church had a confessional, where members of the church could go to a special meeting with the minister, to confess […]

God is Patient

Justice is very important to us all, and we can’t bear to see a guilty person get away with their crime… especially when their victim continues to bear the impact. And it’s also very important to God… who made us, and gave us that sense of justice. The Bible tells us that all of us, […]