Entries by Jodie McNeill

News 27-28 July 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This week Jodie will be kicking off our all-new, 18-week series on the book of Acts called ‘Launching the Church’. Today’s talk is on chapter 1, called ‘Prepare to Launch’, as we look at the exciting moments leading up to Pentecost. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next week Jodie will continue our 18-week series […]

Launching the Church

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to have been a follower of Jesus at the time of the very first Easter? The feeling of emptiness with Jesus’ crucifixion… and then the surprise and elation at his resurrection… and then the bizarre period of time with his frequent appearances… and then the […]

Coming up this weekend 27-28 July 2019

This weekend we kick off our all-new, eighteen-week series on the book of Acts titled ‘Launching the Church’. It’s going to be a thrill to walk alongside the people who experienced the power of the Holy Spirit as the church experienced explosive growth in the weeks, months and years after Jesus’ death. This is a […]

News 20-21 July 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This week Trevor Lucas will be speaking from Hebrews chapters 3:1 to 4:13 on the topic, ‘Don’t Be Distracted!’. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next week Jodie will begin an 18-week series covering the whole of the book of Acts with the series name ‘Launching the Church’. The first talk is on chapter 1 […]

Too Busy to Rest?

Our world is a busy world. People are constantly speaking about the “life-work balance”, and desiring to find ways to rest efficiently and effectively amongst education, work, sport, hobbies, and time with family. I know more than a few of us are thankful for a good ebb and flow to the year, which includes school […]

Coming up this weekend 20-21st July 2019

I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to be easily distracted. The modern obsession with electronic devices seems to be our best friend and worst enemy in this regard. With this in mind, we will be hearing from the Bible in Hebrews 3 and 4 from Trevor Lucas as he speaks to […]

News 13-14 July 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This week we welcome Mark Howard as he speaks to us on ‘Consuming Passion of a Dying Man’, from 2 Timothy. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next week Trevor Lucas will be speaking from Hebrews chapters 3:1 to 4:13 on the topic, ‘Don’t Be Distracted!’. MISSION OF THE MONTH Anglicare is our mission of […]