Entries by Jodie McNeill

Coming up this weekend 10-11 August 2019

We’d love you to join us this weekend at our church, whether your the first time ever, your first time in a while, or maybe you’re with us most weekends. We’d love our church to be your church, if it’s not already. Right now we’re in a series called ‘Launching the Church’, where we’re looking […]

News 3-4 August 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This week Jodie continues our all-new, 18-week series on the book of Acts called ‘Launching the Church’. Today’s talk is on chapter 2, called ‘Launch Day’, as we look at the events of Pentecost. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next week Jodie will continue our 18-week series on the book of Acts with the […]

What About Me?

This week several NSW politicians introduced a bill to try and change our abortion laws. The bill proposes that when two medical practitioners agree, a termination can occur right up to full-term after they have considered “all relevant medical circumstances, and … the person’s current and future physical, psychological and social circumstances…” In other words, […]

Coming up this weekend 3-4 August 2019

This weekend we’re looking at one of the most remarkable events in the life of the church, as the so-called ‘Day of Pentecost’ brought an amazing boost to the life of the early church. We see this in the New Testament book of Acts, in chapter 2, which is what we’re looking at in our […]

News 27-28 July 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This week Jodie will be kicking off our all-new, 18-week series on the book of Acts called ‘Launching the Church’. Today’s talk is on chapter 1, called ‘Prepare to Launch’, as we look at the exciting moments leading up to Pentecost. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next week Jodie will continue our 18-week series […]

Launching the Church

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to have been a follower of Jesus at the time of the very first Easter? The feeling of emptiness with Jesus’ crucifixion… and then the surprise and elation at his resurrection… and then the bizarre period of time with his frequent appearances… and then the […]

Coming up this weekend 27-28 July 2019

This weekend we kick off our all-new, eighteen-week series on the book of Acts titled ‘Launching the Church’. It’s going to be a thrill to walk alongside the people who experienced the power of the Holy Spirit as the church experienced explosive growth in the weeks, months and years after Jesus’ death. This is a […]