God’s Gender Agenda

When it comes to matters of human sexuality, the world wants people to think that God in his Bible tries to be the fun and freedom police.
The myth is that because church teaching places restrictions upon what people should do with their bodies that these rules prevent people from being truly happy.
One of the areas where this is claimed is the hot topic of gender identity.
When I grew up there were only two, clear options, but today when you register for Facebook, you can choose from up to 71 different genders.
Far from creating clarity, this only creates confusion, as people are challenged to consider whether their gender identity may be different to that which is listed on their birth certificate.
Yet, God has stated clearly that there are only two sexes, and that the biological sex is the same as the person’s gender, and vice versa.
Which means that other than the rare medical situation of ‘intersex’, we are all born either male or female, and God’s message is that we will find freedom if we learn to live in the skin we’re in.
So, instead of exploring options of other gender identities and the sexual expressions that often result, we should find satisfaction in the gender God’s given us.
Instead of cramping our style, it will free us from the tyranny of choice, and provide us with a confidence that we’re living God’s way.
At the same time, God offers unconditional forgiveness to us when we come to him and apologise for ignoring his clear word about how to live.
This is the freedom that comes from knowing God: the confidence to have forgiveness from our creator, and the promise of eternal life.
God’s plan for our lives is not to cramp our style but to release us from the tyranny of choice in order to give us the privilege of knowing the very best way to live in the world God has made in the bodies he has given to us.