Hope Beyond Chaos 7: The Limitations of Negotiations Judges 10:6-12:15 Jodie McNeill – 15 & 16 June 2019

Do you love a good _______?

Negotiation matters when _____________ fail.

The _____ of salvation and sin has come around.

God was sick of their _________.

We must be _______ with God’s provision.

We hurt God’s ________ when we sin.

Jephthah was a _______ with a tragic upbringing.

Jephthah __________ with the elders of Gilead.

Jephthah __________ with the king of Ammon.

Jephthah acknowledges that the Lord _____.

In every conflict, the Lord is in _______.

The ______ of the Lord comes on Jephthah.

Jephthah __________ with the Lord.

God leads his people in a crushing _______.

Jephthah takes no ______________ for his foolish promise.

Jephthah’s __________ led to his personal disaster.

Jephthah ________ the Ephraimites.

Insecure leaders produce tragic ________.

We must not _______ with God for his grace.

News 15-16 June 2019


This weekend we continue our series ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’ as Jodie opens up Judges 10:6-12:15 with our seventh talk, ‘The Limitations of Negotiations’.


Next week we will continue our series on Judges as Jodie opens up Judges 13:1-16:35 as we hear talk eight, ‘Saint and Sinner’. 


CMS is our mission of the month. Support at the ‘Mission Table’ by buying or donating stuff.


We are hosting the first of the all-new gatherings this Sunday 16th June at the new time of 3pm in the church hall. If you’re coming, please bring along some afternoon tea to share. Jodie will be speaking on the topic ‘In Christ Alone’.


Support the ministry of Kiama High School Scripture by buying some tasty meat or sweet pies for $10 each. Order on the form in the hall before 23rd June.


Our next quarterly meeting is on Tuesday 25th June at 7pm, as we prayerfully review and plan for our ministries.


At our Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, we decided to undertake a refurbishment project to modernise our kitchen, grounds, parking area, children’s gate and play equipment, and other improvements. To enable this, we have decided to borrow $95,000 over 15 years, with weekly payments of $166. If you wish to find out more or make a formal comment to the Diocese, please see the documentation at the Welcome Table and the Noticeboard.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Be Strong and Courageous

When the Lord of the universe is on our side, we should not be afraid (CREDIT: Nick Webb via Flickr)

One of my favourite all-time church songs is ‘Be Strong and Courageous’ by Colin Buchanan.

It’s one of those rare songs that is able to mix simplicity with depth of meaning, and it brings people of all ages together in a powerful anthem that leads us to grow our trust in the Lord.

The context of the song is the famous verse that was said by the Lord to Joshua in the time before he was to boldly lead God’s people to the Promised Land.

We know now that the story ends in victory, but for the people at the time you would have expected that there was genuine fear in the hearts of all.

To make matters worse, their trusted leader Moses had passed away, and the new leader Joshua needed to stand up and lead through a challenging time.

With all this in mind, God graciously speaks directly to Joshua, saying these words:

Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. […] This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:6-9)

When it seems hard to obey God’s good word to us, we can take these comforting words to heart: “be strong and courageous… do not be afraid or discouraged”.

When the true Lord of the universe is on our side, we should not be afraid to follow his loving rule over our lives, even if to do so seems scary.

We should be strong and very courageous, for the Lord is with us.


Coming up this weekend 15-16 June 2019

Someone asked me this week about how church is going, and I was delighted to share that lots of people are joining us every week. If you’re thinking about coming along for the first time, then it’s likely that others will be new, too!

Our Bible Talk for this week is the topic ‘The Limitations of Negotiations’ from Judges 10:6-12:15, as we continue our series from the book of Judges in the Bible, in our series ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’. It certainly was a time of chaos in this era more than twelve centuries before Christ. In this episode we see how one guy tried some fancy negotiations with others and with God, and how they turned out to be a tragic disaster.

We’ve got a bunch of questions that have been asked by you over the past two weeks, and of these, here are seven that I’m going to answer this week (with the other five carried over to later weeks):

1 Why did God lead his people into battle when it’s a sin to kill or murder?
2 Why did Abimelech scatter salt over the ground after he captured the city?
3 What is going to happen in the ‘end times’?
4 Can people predict the second coming of Jesus?
5 What is ‘the Rapture’ and the seven years of tribulation?
6 When we pray “your kingdom come” are we praying for the coming of the Millennium?
7 How can you rebuke someone if they won’t listen?

So, please come along and join us this weekend, and tell your friends to come, too! We meet at 5pm on Saturdays, with creche, kids’ program, dinner, then youth group. Also we meet at 9am on Sundays, with a more ‘classic’ Anglican service, followed by tasty morning tea with espresso coffee.

We’d really, really love to see you this weekend!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Hope Beyond Chaos 6: The Son from Hell Judges 8:29-10:5 Graham Errington – 8 & 9 June 2019

Last week – the story of Gideon, who refused the offer of ______________

1. Abimelech wants to be King 

But Gideon replied, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son. The Lord will rule over you! 

Gideon had ________ sons by many wives down in the town of Ophrah. 

But up in Shechem, Gideon’s other son  ___________________  decided he would make himself King. 

In Shechem they had replaced the true God with a local god called _____________     __________________ . 

In the story of Abimelech, there is no external enemy like the Midianites, but rather it is going to be ___________________ versus ____________________ a virtual civil war in the land! 

2. The Son From Hell 

Abimelech persuaded the people of the town of ___________________ to support his quest for the Kingship. 

To do this, he had to kill his  ______________ brothers down in Ophrah. 

But the youngest of the brothers called _______________  got away. 

He stood on Mt Gerizim and recited a “fable”, which turned out to be a prophecy from God. 

Of the four trees, ________________ didn’t want to become King, but the ______________ did want to be King. 

One day some real nasty types showed up in Shechem, this was _____________ and his gang. 

Gaal wanted Shechem to get rid of _____________________  and reassert its independence. 

3. Jotham’s prophecy comes true 

Abimelech reacted to Gaal’s challenge by turning up at night and surrounding  the town of _______________________ .

Gaal thought he saw them but the town governor lied to him, saying it was just  _______________________ on the hillside. 

So Gaal had to engage Abimelech and his forces in a fight to the death. 

Abimelech proceeded to _________________ as many people as he could and he burnt down the Temple of ________________  _______________ .

Not satisfied, Abimelech went off to do the same to the town of Thebez, but a woman hurled down a  ____________________ which crushed him. 

In this way the prophecy which _________________ spoke came true. 


Israel won’t get the right King until they get a man who is totally loyal to God and his covenant, and this is ______________ .

News 8-9 June 2019


This weekend we continue our series ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’ as Graham Errington delivers the sixth talk ‘The Son from Hell’, from Judges 8:29-10:5.


Next week we will continue our series on Judges as Jodie opens up Judges 10:6-12:15 as we hear the talk ‘The Limitations of Negotiations’. 


CMS is our mission of the month. Support at the ‘Mission Table’ by buying stuff or donating stuff.


Meeting this Tuesday night at 11th June 7pm in the church hall.


Saturday 15th June 8.30am-2pm at Dapto Anglican Church (meet at our church at 8am to car pool). Cost $40 ($30 concession) includes lunch. Speaker: Sam Chan. Full details at www.gongmensday.org This is a not-to-be-missed event for the men of our church. Please go to the website to book your own ticket.


Rescheduled meeting is this Saturday 15th June at 3pm at the church. All ladies welcome to pray, plan and prepare for ministry to women and families throughout our village and valley.


We are hosting the first of the all-new gatherings this Sunday 16th June at the new time of 3pm.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

What are you looking forward to?

Time is running out before Jesus returns! (CREDIT: Dash Huang via Flickr.)

How would you answer the question, “what are you looking forward to in life?”

It seems likely that the younger you are, the bigger the list!

If you’re at school, then it may be that you’re looking forward to finding a job, getting married, travelling to faraway places, buying a home, parenting children, or maybe even more.

If you’re in middle age or a bit older then perhaps you’re looking forward to enjoying an ’empty nest’ or the opportunities of retirement and beyond.

If you’re older still, then maybe the list of things you’re looking forward to is much shorter.

Yet regardless of your age, the number one thing that followers of Christ must look forward to is his return.

Someone once said, “Live like Christ was born yesterday, died today, and is returning tomorrow.”

If you knew Jesus was coming back in a few hours’ time, then how would it change the way you lived your life in these final moments? How would it change your priorities?

The Bible teaches us that Jesus will return like a thief in the night… at a time when we least expect it to happen.

In the Bible, God gives us some tantilising tidbits about what it will be like when Jesus returns, but ultimately the most important thing we can do is be ready for that day.

And the way to be ready is to be turn away from a life rebelling against God, and to turn to Jesus as loving leader of your life.

And as we wait, we should warn people about the dangers of dying without knowing Jesus.

For when it comes to Jesus’ return, it’s not a matter of ‘if’, it’s a matter of ‘when’.

And this is certainly something to look forward to.


Coming up this week 8-9 June 2019

This long weekend it will be great to have you with us at church. We’re going to hear from Graham Errington on the topic ‘The Son from Hell’, as we continue our journey through the Old Testament book of Judges in chapter 9.

We will also be hearing answers to the questions that were asked from members at our church last week. Actually, we had 14 questions… but I’m only going to answer half of them this week (and roll over the rest in the weeks after). They are:

1 Do Christians in other countries preach the same things as we do in Australia?
2 Can people be healed or “converted” from homosexuality to being heterosexual?
3 Did God make us so that Jesus would die for us all because he wanted Jesus to die?
4 How can you tell if God is working in someone else’s life?
5 Doesn’t God get sick of having to forgive us all the time?
6 Do we have “free will”?
7 Did Gideon crush Zeeb in a winepress?

It’s also an opportunity to share in the Lord’s Supper at both of our church services, which will help us remember afresh the amazing moment in history when Jesus died for us to forgive us for everything. Amazing stuff.

So, be sure to join us at 5pm on Saturday night for all-age church with a creche and kids’ program, followed by a hot and tasty meal together. Or come along at 9am on Sunday morning for a slightly-more ‘classic’ Anglican service, which will be followed by espresso coffee and lots of time to chat and encourage each other.

And, of course, if you’ve never joined us before, or know someone who’s not come to church for a while, then this is a perfect weekend to join us!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

5: The Making and Breaking of a Leader Judges 6:1-8:28 Jodie McNeill – 1 & 2 June 2019

The opportunity to ____.

God uses _______ to lead his people.

The Lord answers their cry with a ______.

Friends show us love when they ______ us.

The angel gives Gideon the opportunity to ____.

Gideon ______ his own ability.

Gideon desired a supernatural ____.

The Lord tells Gideon not to be ______.

There is no room for ______ to other gods.

Gideon goes from zero to ____.

God answers both Gideon’s requests for _____.

We are _______ for believing without seeing.

The victory will be clearly from ___ not man.

His human power _________.

Gideon is _________ he will be victorious.

All good things come from the Lord, for his _____.

Gideon decided to pursue these enemies for _______.

Gideon makes a gold object of _______.

Gideon finally leads the people ______.

There is only one leader who got it all _____.

News 1-2 June 2019


This weekend we continue our series ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’ as Jodie delivers the fifth talk ‘The Making and Breaking of a Leader’, from Judges 6:1-8:28.


Next week we will continue our series on Judges as Graham Errington opens up Judges 8:29-10:5 as we meet ‘The Son from Hell’. 


CMS is our mission of the month. Support at the ‘Mission Table’ by buying stuff or donating stuff.


Our ‘Elvanto’ system is now connected to SMS. If you don’t have email, we can connect with you through your mobile. If you don’t have an email, please advise your mobile number on a response slip. 


This Saturday 8th June 3pm at the church. Come along to help plan how you can serve our community with love and good deeds, to the glory of God.


Saturday 15th June 8.30am-2pm at Dapto Anglican Church (meet at our church at 8am to car pool). Cost $40 ($30 concession) includes lunch. Speaker: Sam Chan. More details at www.gongmensday.org This is a not-to-be-missed event for the men of our church. Please go to the website to book your own ticket.


We are hosting the first of the all-new gatherings on Sunday 16th June at the new time of 3pm.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.