Does God forgive suicide?

Suicide does not hold any power over God’s forgiveness (CREDIT: Tim Green via

The question of whether or not God forgives those who commit suicide is often asked after a tragic death of this nature.

Throughout Scripture we read that there is only one sin that puts us beyond forgiveness, and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-29), which refers to when a person continually resists and rejects the call to repentance until death. 

Suicide does not keep a person from going to heaven; only continual rejection of God does. 

Suicide does not hold an ounce of power over the forgiveness we receive from God, for Jesus Christ conquered death when he died and rose from the dead.

By the blood of Jesus, the lamb, we are able to receive the forgiveness that we did not deserve. 

We have all been through times in our lives when nothing seems to be going right, and it is in those moments of weakness that we might contemplate suicide.

For some, taking their own life feels like the only way out.

As Christians, we must be there for each other and continually share God’s love with the people around us. 

Is ending our lives a sin? Yes. Is it unforgivable? No.

Suicide robs us of the gift of life that only God can give us, yet it is not greater than the body and blood of Christ that was broken and shed for the forgiveness of all sins.

Through the grace and mercy of Jesus, our debts are pain in full. 

No matter what you are going through, there is hope found in Jesus Christ.

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22)

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” (Ephesians 1:7)


Coming up this weekend 11-12 May 2019

We’ve started our new series ‘Hope beyond chaos’ and it’s a fresh reminder that when things go sour, God stays sweet. If you’ve never joined us before, then come along this Saturday night at 5pm or Sunday at 9am and hear from the Old Testament book of Judges how God continues to be faithful and kind to his people, even when we fail to follow him as we ought.

I’ll be speaking on the topic ‘The Cycle of Salvation’ and it’s all about God’s faithfulness. You can read ahead from Judges chapter 2 verses 5 to chapter 3 verse 11.

If you’ve been following the news from our church then you’ll know that we’re hosting three Canadian Bible college students for the month of May, and you can meet them on Saturday night. They’ll be leading our youth group this week after church on Saturday, so it’s a perfect time for new teenagers to come along.

After a week with no questions, we’ve got ten! Here are the questions you’ve asked from response slips and emails, which I’ll answer during our church services this weekend:

1 Why did you say that we are by-products (that is unintentional) of God’s salvation, considering creation and the cross?
2 How is it possible that the tribe of Benjamin failed to drive out the Jebusites when they had already been completely destroyed?
3 When we ask God for guidance how does he answer and speak to us?
4 How are we sure of God’s guidance?
5 If we want to gain money in order to give it away then is it wrong to want a business to grow?
6 Is there any sin that God won’t forgive?
7 Does God ever stop forgiving us?
8 How can I feel God’s peace?
9 How can I be assured that I am going to Heaven?
10 If you claim to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you of it?

So, come and join us this weekend on Saturday at 5pm for an all-age service with creche, infants and primary programs, followed by dinner then youth group. Then on Sunday at 9am we have a classic Anglican service followed by a delicious morning tea with espresso coffee.


News 4-5 May 2019


This weekend we commence our new series ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’ as Jodie delivers the first talk ‘From Conquest to Chaos’, from 1:1-2:5.


Next week we will continue our series on Judges as Jodie opens up Judges 2:6-3:11 under the topic, ‘The Cycle of Salvation’


We offer our prayers and condolences to the Alwyn and his family on the passing of Merle on Monday. Her funeral will be in our church this Wednesday at 11am.


The first of the all-new Ladies’ Guild meetings will be held this Saturday 11th May at 3pm in the church hall. All our ladies are warmly welcome!


Saturday 15th June 9am-2pm in Dapto. Speaker: Sam Chan. Don’t miss it! Details


We welcome Dan Dekoning, Derek Klumpenhouwer, and Parker Wall from Canadian seminary Briercrest College, who are joining us for four weeks to work with us in ministering to youth, children and people of all ages. Be sure to say hello… and pray for great opportunities to share the good news of Jesus.


The youth of our church are combining with Robertson Anglican for a special event on the evening of Friday 24th May at Robertson. 


Members and friends of Jamberoo and Roberson Anglican are invited for a tasty breakfast on Saturday 25th May at 8am to hear from our Canadian guests. 


On Saturday 25th May at 5pm we’re having a Canada night. Special food, trivia, fun… and a special prayer focus. 


Anglicare is our mission of the month. Support at the ‘Mission Table’.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Hope Beyond Chaos 1: From Conquest to Chaos Judges 1:1-2:5 Jodie McNeill – 4 & 5 May 2019

The ____ ol’ days.

We will learn from the ________ of the Judges.

Joshua has ____.

They ask God directly for ________.

God promises _______ to Judah.

The Lord gave them the victory as ________.

Today we ____ and ____ for our enemies.

God used his people to deliver his __________.

We all _______ God’s punishment.

God’s people enjoy blessing and a _______.

God totally keeps his ________ in every way.

God’s people were ______ by the enemy’s technology.

The enemies of God _________ with God’s people.

The man from Luz accepted mercy but ________ God.

People enjoy God’s _________, but ignore his love.

They lost heart and ______ to drive out their enemies.

The Lord kept his promise, but they _________ him.

The impact of ___ is painful and disastrous.

The Lord desires _________ not sacrifice.

Even in our sin, God offers _____.

Hope comes from the ____ of Judah.

How’s your media footprint?

We are accountable to God for all our thoughts and actions (CREDIT: Gunnar Ries via Flickr)

This week we have seen the sudden end to a number of budding political careers as the inappropriate online history of candidates was made public.

Comments were made on social media and blogs that included rude jokes and statements that have caused offence.

On Friday, Mr Creasey, a former candidate for the upcoming federal election, said that he had wrongly made “awful comments many years ago”, but that whilst he now distances himself from those comments, he said that his actions were “an important for young people that your social media footprint will follow you.”

Apart from the obvious wisdom of taking care when posting, commenting, liking, or interacting with social media, it is a timely reminder to us that every thing we say, do and think is known to our heavenly Father.

Even if our thoughts don’t leave our minds, our wrongful thoughts and attitudes are still known in full to God.

That is why we are all unable to stand before God and claim to be blameless in his sight, no matter how many good things we have done.

As we read in the New Testament, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.” (Hebrews 4:13)

This is why everyone is in desperate need of a saviour who will take upon himself the judgement we deserve, so that God will look at us as pure and blameless.

This is why the Bible tells us that “Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God.” (1Pet. 3:18)

So, no matter what you’ve said or done, whether it’s public or private, you can be sure that God will forgive you for those sins if you trust in Jesus as Lord and saviour.


Coming up this weekend 4-5 May 2019

When you join us this weekend, you’ll meet three people with very strong Canadian accents. These guys are working with our church for a month as part of their Bible college training, and they’ll be sharing why they think it’s such a great thing to be friends with Jesus.

If you’re coming along for the first time, you’ll be very, very welcome, and what’s more, you’ll get to hear the first in our new, nine-week series called ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’. I’ll be preaching from the Old Testament book of Judges during this series, and this weekend it’s from the first chapter. The book of Judges is a pretty full-on, almost ‘medieval’ kind of story, but it has very practical implications for living today in God’s world.

Whether you’re a follower of Jesus, or just checking out what he stands for, then we’d really love you to join us.

On Saturday at 5pm we have church that is ideal for people of all ages… with babies, kids, youth, and adults right through to the 90’s. We have dinner (free for visitors) and then youth group afterwards from 7.30 to 9.30. We’ve got a creche, junior kids and senior kids programs running during church, so it’s an all-age affair!

In the morning on Sundays at 9am it’s a more classic Anglican service, which is followed by a delicious morning tea and espresso.

This week there are no questions in our Q&A spot, so we’ll have an extended interview with our Canadian friends about life as a Christian.

We’d love you to join us! See you Saturday and/or Sunday!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Getting In and Staying In – John 10 verses 1 to 21 – Cameron Jones – 27 & 28 April 2019


– Looking for a sign

Getting in (verses 1 to 10)

– A dangerous world

– Sheep!

– The only way in

– True safety

Staying safe (verses 11 to 21)

– The good shepherd

– Becoming and being sheep of the good shepherd

News 27-28 April 2019


This weekend we welcome visiting speaker Cameron Jones from Ireland who will speak to us on the topic, ‘Getting In and Staying Safe’, from John 10 verses 1 to 21.


Next week we begin an all-new series on the book of Judges called ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’, as Jodie delivers the first talk ‘From Conquest to Chaos’, from 1:1-2:15.


BCA (Bush Church Aid) is our mission of the month. Support at the ‘Mission Table’.


Go to or search ‘Jamberoo’ on iTunes Podcasts.


This Saturday 27th April we welcome Cameron Jones from the Anglican Church of Ireland, to preach and share about his plan to plant a church in the most gospel-poor, English-speaking nation. Irish dinner, trivia, and much more! He will also preach on Sunday at our 9am service.


During May, we’ll be hosting three youth ministry students from Canada.Can you billet a student for a week?


We’re expanding our kids’ ministry on Saturday night and we need people to be helpers for creche and our kids’ programs. Can you help occasionally?


Saturday 15th June 9am-2pm in Dapto. Speaker: Sam Chan. Don’t miss it! Details 


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

What’s Wrong with the Irish Church?

Less than one percent of the Irish are evangelical Christians. (CREDIT: René Silvio H. via Flickr)

The most famous Irish event in our calendar is ‘St Patrick’s Day’, where we celebrate a cheerful, cleric in green robes.

Patrick became a follower of Jesus, and sought “that through me, many people should be born again in God and brought to full life”.

This mission cost him dearly, as he gave up wealth and security to evangelise a country that persecuted him.

From his ministry, Ireland gained a reputation as the land of saints and scholars.

Less than a hundred years ago, Sydney looked to Ireland to get quality teachers of the Bible, including T. C. Hammond, who as Principal, transformed Moore College into what it is today.

Yet now the Irish church is only a shadow of its former glory, and Ireland has become the least-evangelised country in the English-speaking world.

In fact, only one percent of the Irish are now Evangelical Christians.

There is a great need for gospel ministry in the Republic of Ireland, and that’s why Cameron and Alex Jones are planning to evangelise an Anglican church into existence in the Dublin Docklands, the ‘Silicon Valley’ of Ireland.

Fourteen years ago, Cameron and Alex travelled from Australia to minister in the UK, then three years later they moved to serve in Northern Ireland, from where they intend to move to Dublin with Irish Church Missions.

Now they’re asking their Aussie friends to help them raise funds to cover both a place to live and their living costs.

The Irish church has drifted a long way from the gospel heart of St Patrick, and now it’s time for gospel-strong churches like ours to share our resources with a land that was once strong in the gospel but now desperately needs the faithful, Bible-based ministry Cameron and Alex seek to share.  


Coming up this weekend 27-28 April 2019

An Aussie Irishman walks into a church…

It’s no joke, because my old mate Cameron Jones has travelled all the way from Ireland to come to Jamberoo to tell us why Ireland needs Jesus more than almost any other place in the English-speaking world. (He’s also coming out to visit other churches… but it makes for a good story to say he only came out to visit us!)

To celebrate, we’re having a special Irish night this Saturday night 27th April starting with a special Irish church service at 5pm, then an Irish dinner, with trivia, games and other special items. Plus, Cameron’s also preaching on Sunday morning the 28th at 9am, so you can hear his Bible teaching in the morning at a more-classical Anglican Holy Communion service, if you’d like.

During both services, I’ll be answering all these questions you asked during church last weekend:

1 How do we know what Jesus prayed in his private prayer on the night before he died?
2 What hymn was sung at the Last Supper?
3 If Judas repented, then would Jesus have forgiven him?
4 Does our preference for unity show an innate desire for God’s love?
5 When God said “let us make man in our image”, is this the same “us” as John 17:21?
6 When we are in heaven, will we be able to speak to Jesus’ disciples and dead friends?
7 How should we respond to a Jehovah’s Witness when they come to our door?
8 What do Mormons and Scientologists believe differently to us?
9 Is casting lots the same as gambling?
10 Is it a sin to question God’s existence?

So, don’t miss out on a special weekend of church as we gather to learn about the church of Ireland and the special plans God has for the future!
