We Must Protect 
the Vulnerable

For the vulnerable in our world we must obey the voice of God and show love to those who are unable to love us back. (CREDIT: John Finn via Flickr.)

The decision for a mother to terminate the life of her unborn child must be the most painful and difficult choice imaginable.

Sadly, our society has placed this burden upon women because it has given mothers the option to abort their unborn child.

In the rare situation where a decision needed to be made between the life of a mother or her child, people have made the painful decision to terminate the child.

Yet our society has now extended abortion to allow situations where a pregnancy is simply ‘unwanted’.

In a recent development, New York legislators have chosen to permit late-term abortions, allowing medical practitioners to terminate a pregnancy in its final moments.

Even if it could be argued that a first-trimester foetus was not yet human, there is no doubt that a baby of more than thirty weeks is more than a clump of cells.

And yet we are growing less and less shocked by the thought of doctors causing the death of a human whose only fault is that they have not already traversed their mother’s birth canal.

The Bible makes it clear that God sees unborn children as humans, and view has been held by civilised people for centuries.

Yet, as we stray further and further away from God’s word, our collective heart is hardened, and we are more convinced by an atheistic view that values humans based on their benefit to others.

If we keep travelling this pathway, we will soon justify infanticide of babies with disabilities, and more euthanasia of the aged.

For the vulnerable in our world we must obey the voice of God and show love to those who are unable to love us back.

And we must defend these unborn babies from the acts and decisions of health and legal professionals whose oaths should have led them to protect the vulnerable, not lead them to their premature death.


Coming up this weekend 9-10 February 2019

This weekend we’d love you to be with us as we look at God’s word to find out how it is that he’s building his church. We might have all sorts of weird and wonderful ideas about how to grow things, but we’re crazy not to listen to God and ‘go with the grain’ of building his church, using the tools he’s given us.

At 5pm on Saturday we’ve got a kids’ program, so it’s ideal for families with younger kids. Then, after we all have dinner together, our youth group meets from around 7.30 till 9.30pm.

On Sunday at 9am our church is a little more traditional, but still fresh and modern. Both services will have Lord’s Supper this weekend.

We’re going to also have our weekly Question and Answer time, where our minister Jodie will answer your questions from last week, which were:

  1. If ‘church’ is any get-together of Christians, then why do we need pastors?
  2. Don’t we need people of all ages in a public gathering in order for it to be a genuine church?
  3. If my Serve Team is ‘church’, then do I still need to come to the weekend services?
  4. Which bone did God take from Adam’s ribs, and is it still missing in people today?

So, be sure to come along and join us for church. Whether you’re a regular, or if you’ve never set foot in a religious building, then our church is the place for you!

Church News for 2-3 February 2019


This weekend Jodie is continuing our series, ‘How to build the church’ as he speaks on the topic, ‘Why is God building his Church?’ from Ephesians 4:1-16 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. Next week the topic is ‘How is God building his Church?’ from Ephesians 4:1-16 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.


School Scripture is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.


Simon Chaplin’s Commencement Service at Berry Anglican is at 7.30pm this Tuesday 5th February.


Our Sunday service now meets regularly at the new time of 9am.


We’ve relocated The Pulpit Bookstall to the hall so that you can spend more time perusing our great range of Christian books over dinner or morning tea. We’re getting a whole range of new books soon, so now is the time to get the book you’ve been eyeing off!


We’re trialling a new system of computerised checking and nametags, plus various changes to our handouts. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know your thoughts.


This weekend we’re going to have two, different kids’ ministries on Saturday nights. During 5pm service our children will continue to move to the hall for their programs, but now there will be one group for the younger kids, and a special group for Upper Primary.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

How to Build the Church 3: Why is God Building his Church? Ephesians 2:11-3:12 and Revelation 4:1-11 Jodie McNeill – 2 & 3 February 2019

Relationships are _________.

God is a living ____________.

The ________ church is the focus.

God is building his church to _____ about his wisdom.

It’s OK for God to ____ off.

God has been _______.

God is ___ weak, evil, or pretend.

God used the Exile to ______ his people.

God saved his people to _____ his name.

God is building his church to show his power over ____.

God is active in the _________ realm.

God is building his church to ______ his plans.

God demonstrates his ___________.

God is building his church to show Christ’s _________.

The cross must be at our _____.

God’s hunger for his glory brings ________.

The church is shouting out _____!

Coming up this weekend 2-3 February 2019

We’d really love you to join us this weekend at Jamberoo Anglican Church, because we’ve got lots to share and learn, together. Come along at 5pm Saturday or 9am Sunday.

Our minister, Jodie, will be speaking to us on the topic, ‘Why is God Building the Church?”. It might seem really obvious to you, but we reckon you’re likely to be surprised by the answer. We’ll be looking at a bunch of different Bible passages, but focusing on Ephesians chapter 3.

We’re also going to be commissioning our SRE (Special Religious Education) scripture teachers with the special assistance of Paul Green MLC, from the NSW Legislative Council. Paul will be present with us at 5pm Saturday, and we’ll do a video replay of his segment during the 9am Sunday service.

As well, we’ll be hearing answers to these two questions that were asked by our church members last week:

1. Shouldn’t we think of Serve Teams as ‘fellowships’ rather than ‘churches’?

2. Because the original word for church is ‘ecclesia’, does that mean that the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes is about the church?

Please join us for church this weekend. There’s really nothing more important and significant that getting together with people who know Jesus.

Our World Needs Ethics

CREDIT: Raniel Diaz (via Flickr)

How do you know what is right and what is wrong?

This is one of the biggest challenges that we all face every day.

Some people will say that humans have a deep-down understanding of what is right and wrong.

Maybe it’s come from our upbringing, as we follow the example of parents and friends.

Or perhaps it’s from our society, as together we try and work out the ‘norms’ of acceptable behaviour through dialogue and discussion.

Yet, when we use crowdsourcing to make decisions about ethics, we place a great deal of faith in our own ability to make true judgements.

Sadly, history is full of examples of when people have got it terribly wrong.

This is why we need an anchor for our ethics… and this is why the Bible is so important and useful.

The Bible is grounded on the idea of love: love for one another that comes from God’s love to us.

Through the Bible, God helps us know our weaknesses, and he shows us how to be saved from the just punishment we deserve as we all, naturally, live independently from him.

That’s why the Christian scriptures are so deeply practical for people of all ages.

And this is why the officially-approved curriculum taught in Special Religious Education (SRE) is so deeply valuable for children in our public schools.

The best place to learn right and wrong is to turn to the Bible.

And the best thing about the Bible is that in those words we learn about true love and true forgiveness, as we hear how Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice for us.

This is the best lesson any student can ever learn.


How to Build the Church 2: What on Earth is the Church? Exodus 19:1-9 and Hebrews 12:18-29 Jodie McNeill – 26 & 27 January 2019

How to Build the Church

2: What on Earth is the Church?

Exodus 19:1-9 and Hebrews 12:18-29

 Jodie McNeill • 26 & 27 January 2019

We feel more ____________.

The ______ has so much to offer.

There are lots of ______________ of church.

‘Church’ just means _________.

God’s people have ________ through history.

Christ is in ______, where church is.

Every local church is the ________ church.

The church isn’t a ________.

The church isn’t a ____________.

The church isn’t a ______.

Our building is just a ________.

We shouldn’t focus on our ____________.

We gather for church __________ each week.

It’s _______ when we gather for church.

We are _____ connected.

Download a copy of the PDF of this outline here:

Church news for 26 January 2019

Our Bible Talk

This weekend Jodie is continuing our series, ‘How to build the church’ as he speaks on the topic, ‘What on Earth is the Church?’ from Exodus 19:1-9 and Hebrews 12:18-29. Next weekend he continues the series on the topic, ‘Why is God building his Church?’ from Ephesians 4:1-16 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.

Mission of the Month

Anglicare is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall, or by providing goods through the ‘Tin Bin’ at the entrance to the church.

The Pulpit Bookstall

We’ve relocated The Pulpit Bookstall to the hall so that you can spend more time perusing our great range of Christian books over dinner or morning tea. We’re getting a whole range of new books soon, so now is the time to get the book you’ve been eyeing off!

Congratulations to Jemimah and Jacob

Jemimah McNeill announced her engagement to Jacob Mierendorff. They plan to be married in July this year.

9am Sunday Begins!

Our new 9am Sunday service begins this weekend. Now we can sleep in and still get to church on time 🙂

New Kids’ Ministry next Saturday

Next weekend we’re going to have two, different kids’ ministries on Saturday nights. During 5pm service our children will continue to move to the hall for their programs, but now there will be one group for the younger kids, and a special group for Upper Primary.

Giving Update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Connecting with our Community

Jodie McNeill and Mongo Delamont from Jamberoo Rural Fire Service

As we celebrate Australia Day, it’s a great reminder of how many people give up their time and energy to serve our community.

I’ve recently got to know a bunch of wonderful locals, who spend countless hours of their time to help protect life and property.

Jamberoo Rural Fire Brigade members are always on standby for a ‘fire call’, ready to drop everything to attend a blaze or an incident in our area.

Recently, some of the brigade members were risking their lives as they extinguished the petrol tanker in West Wollongong, and only this week some of us travelled to Tumut as part of a strike team to assist in a large blaze in Southern NSW.

Plus, this weekend, brigade members will be using fire for a different purpose… cooking sausages on the BBQ for breakfast on Australia Day in Reid Park.

I joined the Jamberoo RFB last year, as I wanted to connect more with our community as we seek to serve each other, especially in times of crisis.

This is everything that is great about our village: the willingness to sacrifice time, energy, and safety, to serve others.

This kind of service gives us a glimpse of what it is like for Jesus, the Son of Man, to serve us. We read in the Bible:

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

The Bible, Mark chapter 10, sentence 45.

Jesus’ rescue mission was costly, because it meant he sacrificed his own life in order to save the people who came to him for help.

And this is the most courageous act of community service we’ll ever experience.


Coming up this weekend 26-27 January 2019

This weekend you can sleep in because our Sunday morning service moves to the all-new time of 9am!

Be sure to join us as we look carefully at God’s word to find out ‘What on Earth is the Church’, our next instalment in our series called ‘How to build the Church’.

During our services we also love to think hard about issues, and so our weekly question time this week has these questions:

1. Where was the Tower of Babel, and is it still standing?

2. How tall was the Tower of Babel?

3. Was it significant that Jesus appeared first to women after his resurrection?

During our 5pm service we’ll have a kids’ program, and then nearly everyone gets together for a tasty meal afterwards. Then after dinner, it’s youth group.

Our 9am service this weekend will also feature the Lord’s Supper, then espresso coffee and morning tea.

We’d love you to join us!