Where is your faith?
If you’ve ever sailed on a yacht then you’ll know the exhilaration of submitting to the awesome power of the wind.
Yet when the breeze turns into a gale, it can be terrifying.
The Bible records a time when Jesus and his friends hit a fierce storm as they sailed across a lake, and it caused their boat to fill with water.
They were in real danger, and they feared for their lives.
And in their powerlessness, they woke up Jesus who was asleep in the boat.
They said to him “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
As he awoke, Jesus did not share their fear like any other human would, but instead he showed his sovereignty over the weather.
The Bible simply says “When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm.”
Like a parent rebuking a naughty child, Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves.
Can you imagine what it must have been like to be in the presence of a man who could truly control creation?
And as the roar of the wind was silenced, Jesus simply asks the disciples, “Where is your faith?”
On the one hand, it was a rebuke to them for not trusting that Jesus was in control.
But on the other hand, Jesus’ statement is a genuine question: “Where is your faith?”
For the people in the boat, fearing for their lives, they had to choose the place in which they would put their faith.
The only real hope is in the man who could still the storm with a statement.
In their wonder, they asked the question: “Who is this man?”
For before their eyes they witnessed the power of the man who created and rules the universe, and now offers true comfort and forgiveness when you put your faith in him.