Coming up this weekend 9-10 March 2019

It’s been a buzz to welcome so many new people to our church over the past few weekends, and we’d really love you to join us at 5pm Saturday or 9am Sunday.
This weekend we begin a four-week series called ‘True Sex in the Song of Songs’. We’re going to look at the book of the Bible that is dedicated to sex, and learn what God thinks about this very important part of our human life.
This week’s topic is ‘True Sex is Wonderful’, where we will see that God is far from being anti-sex… because he made sex, and he made it to be enjoyed… which is truly wonderful.
You can learn more about this week’s talk by checking out this link
Like every week, we spend some time answering your questions from the previous weeks, and this time we’ve got some pretty meaty issues to discuss:
- Should Christians be active in protecting the Judeo-Christian virtues of our society?
- Should we use secular reasoning to engage with the world, or only Biblical arguments?
- The Bible appears to be in conflict with science, so how can we help unbelievers with this hurdle?
- What can we do to help bring an end to the sex trafficking of children?
- What is our new body going to be like in heaven?
So, join us for dinner after our 5pm Saturday service, which includes a kids’ program, with youth program after dinner. Or come at 9am Sunday for a more classic Anglican service, with some great espresso right after our service.
Grace and peace, Jodie.