The pursuit of happiness

CREDIT: Mitchell Joyce, via Flickr.

It is hard to claim that pyramid-shaped tea-bags have added much to the sum of human happiness.

They’re just another part of our society’s never ending quest for better and more luxurious things. The continual rise of technology has made products, once considered only for the elite, now available to everyone – the pyramid tea bag one such example! I’m not sure anyone expected that particular product to create a wave of new found happiness. But what of more sought after technologies? With the ability for more people to gain access to these goods we might have expected a steady rise in our society’s general happiness.

However as levels of wealth and technology have risen, levels of happiness have gone down. Technology was meant to bring a higher standard of living with less work. However all we have found is that the goal posts have moved. We don’t just want a higher standard of living, we want a higher standard of living than others. In other words we take for granted luxuries that were only dreamed of a generation ago, and we want more. We are now working more and are dissatisfied with what we have.

This should come as no surprise to Christians (although we too find ourselves caught up in this cycle). However what may come as a surprise is that any pursuit of happiness as an end goal, seems to lead to a decrease in happiness. The more we chase happiness, the more elusive it is. We often wish this goal for others with sentiments like ‘whatever makes you happy’, or  ‘I’m happy if you’re happy.’ However this goal in the end is simply counter-productive.

That’s because God has made us for a greater goal than happiness.

We are created to love and serve him, and to love and serve others. And a wonderful truth emerges here – the more we forget about focusing on ourselves and our own happiness, the happier we become.


Coming up this weekend 8th – 9th September 2018

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Simon Chaplin speaking on the topic ‘Christ is the centre’ from Romans chapter 9 verse 30 to chapter 10 verse 21.

We will share the Lord’s Supper at 5pm Saturday, so be sure to join us for this important reminder of the death of Jesus.

Also at our 5pm Saturday service we will have our weekly question and answer time, and Simon will be answering these questions:

  1. Is ‘Glossolalia’ (speaking in tongues) false spiritual knowledge?
  2. Is Exodus 16:23 the first time God commanded his people to have a sabbath?
  3. Where was ‘before the Lord’ in Exodus 16:33?
  4. How does God communicate with Moses when he tells him to get water from the rock?
  5. Are our prayers wasted when we pray for someone to be saved whom God hasn’t chosen?

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion First Order AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards. Our youth group ‘Alive’ runs straight after dinner on Saturday night. Or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at

See you at 5pm this Saturday or 8am this Sunday, God willing!

Church news for the week beginning 1st September 2018

This weekend’s Bible talk

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Jodie speaking on the topic ‘God’s sovereign election’ from Romans chapter 9 verses 1 to 29.

Mission of the month

Church Missionary Society (CMS) is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.

Monthly Midweek Service coming up

Our next service is this Wednesday 5th September at 11am, followed by a light lunch in the hall.

Wednesday’s HSC Study Hall

Each Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm we want to provide a space for HSC students to get out of their bedrooms and have a fresh place to study alongside other students each week. Starting this week at the church for all of Term 3, and into exam time if desired. There will be FREE coffee and homemade afternoon tea. No fee, just an open door for some extra support in the HSC season.

Anglican Futures Conference

Jodie and Mandy will be in Melbourne next weekend as delegates at the ‘Anglican Futures Conference’, the Australian GAFCON equivalent that meets every three years.

Single Minded Conference Livestream

Single Minded is a conference running at Village Church, Annadale  that is about singleness… but for everyone.
Main speaker – Sam Allberry. Albion Park Presbyterian will be hosting the Livestream on  Saturday, 22nd September from 10am to 5pm. Cost: $25 (workers) or $20 (students, pensioners, etc) which includes morning tea & lunch. RSVP to Gordon Coleman on 0425 224 577.

New roster coming soon

If you’re unavailable to serve on a roster from 1st October through to 16th December please let us know via comment card, email or even better go to

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5882.00, leaving a gap of $418.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $245,700. Compared to that total we received $221,466, leaving a gap of $24,234.Olimometer 2.52Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562 .

Praying for the PM

In the midst of a very messy few weeks in Federal Politics, our nation has ended up with a Prime Minister who trusts in Jesus as his Lord and Saviour.

In his maiden speech, Scott Morrison spoke of his “personal faith in Jesus”, noting his commitment to his faith at an early age.

We can be thankful to God that he has given us a man to lead our nation who himself follows Jesus as his own leader.

Nonetheless, it is a challenge for any Christian in public office to faithfully follow his own beliefs whilst serving a nation full of diverse faith positions.

Whilst he must not divorce his own heartfelt commitment to the teachings of Jesus, he must also lead politicians who represent a wide range of constituents.

Morrison has said “My personal faith in Jesus Christ is not a political agenda.”

Furthermore, he said that for him, “faith is personal, but the implications are social—as personal and social responsibility are at the heart of the Christian message.”

This will be a real challenge for our new Prime Minister.

We must pray for him that he will have great wisdom as he seeks to be a faithful Christian man in a very public office.

For, as he observed a decade ago, “it has become fashionable to negatively stereotype those who profess their Christian faith in public life as ‘extreme’ and to suggest that such faith has no place in the political debate of this country.”

We must pray that Mr Morrison would continue to profess his Christian faith in public life, and that he would have many opportunities to commend the truth of Jesus to those he speaks to privately and also in the public sphere.


Coming up this weekend 1st – 2nd September 2018

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Jodie speaking on the topic ‘God’s sovereign election’ from Romans chapter 9 verses 1 to 29.

At both our services, Jodie will providing a special Ministry update for 2019 and beyond that is planned for our church.

At our 5pm Saturday service we will have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. What is an Omar and what is an Ephah?
  2. Why don’t we have manna these days, and is it possible to make it?
  3. What is grace, and how can we attain it?
  4. Since we are all sinners, it it possible to become sinless?
  5. Does the reoffending of abuse by church workers show they take God’s grace for granted?
  6. Is speaking in tongues the work of the Holy Spirit, and if not, where is from?
  7. Was the Holy Spirit in Jesus when he came to earth?
  8. Why do we need to pray if God already knows our minds?
  9. Why are so many of us obsessed with materialistic things of wealth?

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards. Our youth group ‘Alive’ runs straight after dinner on Saturday night. Or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at

See you at 5pm this Saturday or 8am this Sunday, God willing!

Church news for the week beginning 25th August 2018

This weekend’s Bible talk

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Jodie speaking on the topic ‘Blessed assurance’ from Romans chapter 8 verses 31 to 39.

Mission of the month

Anglicare is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.

Wednesday’s HSC Study Hall

Each Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm we want to provide a space for HSC students to get out of their bedrooms and have a fresh place to study alongside other students each week. Starting this week at the church for all of Term 3, and into exam time if desired. There will be FREE coffee and homemade afternoon tea. No fee, just an open door for some extra support in the HSC season.

Parish Council

Our Parish Council meets this Monday, 27th August at 7.00pm at the church. Please remember them in your prayers.

GAFCON Information Night

Join us this Wednesday 29th August at 7.30pm at St Michael’s Cathedral, Wollongong to hear more about GAFCON and to pray for the movement.

Kiama/Jamberoo Bible Society Coffee Afternoon

All are warmly invited to attend the Kiama/Jamberoo Bible Society Coffee Afternoon on Saturday 1st September starting promptly at 2pm, at St Peter & Paul School Hall, Manning Street, Kiama. Special guest speaker: Melissa Lipsett, Chief Operations Officer for the Bible Society Group.

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5882.00, leaving a gap of $418.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $245,700. Compared to that total we received $221,466, leaving a gap of $24,234.Olimometer 2.52Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562 .

Contentment in all seasons

CREDIT: Photo 30miller, via Flickr.

We are a people who are not used to contentment. August is too cold & windy. February is too hot & not breezy enough. Our family members are too pushy. Our friends don’t support us enough. The HSC is too hard. There isn’t enough homework in primary school. It’s about time the National Energy Guarantee is coming! Who cares about emissions, everything is meaningless!

We can all complain on any given day. And sometimes it’s deserved. Some seasons are really hard and difficult. Declines in health, death, relationship issues, stress from work or study, division in our churches. But, there are also great seasons in life where there is great joy, fulfilment, and one feels carefree.

But no matter the season, we are called to be content. Paul has amazing wisdom here saying:

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13

I am reminded of Horatio Spafford who was able to write the beloved hymn It is Well with My Soul in the face of great tragedy, losing his four daughters at sea. Though I hope no one in our congregations will face such tragedy, it is my prayer that in the face of all hardship we will be a people who will rely on the Lord to give us strength and we will reach for contentment.

We are blessed. For “whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father” (James 1:17). Let’s be a church that lives in thankfulness to the Good Lord and contentment.


Coming up this weekend 25th – 26th August 2018

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Jodie speaking on the topic ‘Blessed assurance’ from Romans chapter 8 verses 31 to 39.

It has been three years since we launched our Saturday 5pm church service, so we will have a time to celebrate this anniversary during our service.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion Second Order AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards. Our youth group ‘Alive’ is taking a break for the holidays, but will return next week.. Or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at

See you at 5pm this Saturday or 8am this Sunday, God willing!

Church news for the week beginning 18th August 2018

This weekend’s Bible talk

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Simon Chaplin speaking on the topic ‘The spirit of glory’ from Romans chapter 8 verses 26 to 30.

Mission of the month

Anglicare is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.

Ladies’ Dinner

Our next Ladies’ Dinners is this Tuesday 21st August with guest speaker Kara Hartley who will speak on the topic of ‘Godly Conflict – How to have a good fight!’. We will also now start at 6.30pm at Oak Flats Anglican, cost $15. Please visit to register.

MTS Information Night

Find out about MTS ministry apprenticeships at an information night this Wednesday 22nd August 7.30pm at the Shellharbour Civic Centre, with speaker Ben Pfahlert.

GAFCON Information Night

Join us on Wednesday 29th August at 7.30pm at St Michael’s Cathedral, Wollongong to hear more about GAFCON and to pray for the movement.

KBECET Fundraiser

NSW Police Band at Gerringong Town Hall, Thursday 23rd August, 10.30am to 12 noon. Tickets $20. Contact Vic East on 4236 0525

Kiama/Jamberoo Bible Society Coffee Afternoon

All are warmly invited to attend the Kiama/Jamberoo Bible Society Coffee Afternoon on Saturday 1st September starting promptly at 2pm, at St Peter & Paul School Hall, Manning Street, Kiama. Special guest speaker: Melissa Lipsett, Chief Operations Officer for the Bible Society Group.

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5882.00, leaving a gap of $418.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $245,700. Compared to that total we received $221,466, leaving a gap of $24,234.Olimometer 2.52Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562 .

Romans Eight Twenty-eight

CREDIT: Photo Chad Burnett, via Flickr.

Once there was a man who went to prison, and as he lay in bed on his first night, he heard someone call out, “49”, which was then followed by laughter from all the other prisoners.

Then another prisoner called out, “26”, which was followed by even more laughs.

When the new prisoner asked what was happening, he was told that the inmates have heard every joke so many times that they’ve given each joke a number to make things simpler.

So, the new inmate called out, “23”, but nobody laughed.

When he asked why his joke didn’t get a laugh, they said, “it’s the way you told it.”

Some verses in the Bible are so well known that we just need to say the reference in order to bring to mind the word of comfort and assurance.

The reference “Romans 8:28” is one of them:

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

When it feels like life is spinning out of control, we must remember, “Romans 8:28”.

When we are uncertain about the future, we can tell each other, “Romans 8:28”.

When things happen that are hard to accept, we can assure each other by saying, “Romans 8:28”.

We need to remember that God works in all things for the good of those who love him, and we are right to find great comfort in this assurance.

We never know what is in store for us, but we must always remember that nothing takes God by surprise.

And you can be sure that “Romans 8:28” will be a great source of comfort and assurance, no matter how you tell it.