Genuine Peace

No matter where you turn, it’s hard to avoid the reality that our world is far from peace.

We hear lots about Ukraine and Gaza, but we know that these are just two hotspots around our planet where fighting is a daily occurrence, and where fear is a part of life.

Even in the relative safety of Australia, we know what violent conflict can be like, and sadly, it often happens in the secrecy of homes.

Yet, there is a peace that cannot be provided by the world, even when wars and conflicts cease.

For, we all need peace with God, and nobody is able to bring about that peace by themselves.

In the absence of that peace, we try to fill our lives will all sorts of solutions, and in the end, they will only fail.

For, Jesus said:

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27)

Jesus knows that the world is not able to give genuine peace of mind and heart, and so he offers the real deal.

He promised to his disciples that he would give them the gift of the Holy Spirit, who would bring them peace that would free them from trouble and fear.

Today, we who know Jesus now have this gift, and this frees us up from trying to find peace in the wrong places.

As we await the return of Jesus, we know we will still experience difficulties—but we will know the true, deep peace of mind and heart.

Wars and conflicts will continue until Jesus returns, but for those who trust in him now, we enjoy a deep peace that gives us true hope for eternity, no matter what happens.


Church News for the week beginning 3rd March 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’

This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. This weekend the title is ‘The Spirit of Fruit’ from John 15:1-16

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for March is ‘The Wonder of Easter’ by Ed Drew. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Annual General Meeting

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 12th March at 7pm in the hall. All adult members are very welcome to be a part of this night to hear our vision for the future.

Refresh Women’s Day

Join for a women’s afternoon of refreshments, fellowship and prayer. 3-5pm Saturday 23rd March. RSVP to Gabriella Holmes by SMS 0418 685 169

PTC Course

Deepen your knowledge of God and his word by joining a PTC (Preliminary Theological Certificate) Course through Moore College. Details Grahame & Patty Scarratt on 4237 7106

Youth and Children’s Groups 

Our normal midweek weekly groups for children and youth run each Friday with Spark (years 3 to 6) at 4:30pm and Youth (years 7 to 12) at 7pm in the hall.

Safe Ministry Representative  

Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email .

Easter Services  

On Good Friday we meet at 9am with Hot Cross Buns. On Easter Sunday we’re meeting from 9am for free Bacon and Egg Rolls, followed at 10am by a special, open-air ‘Alive Day’ service on the lawn, then games and more Hot Cross Buns together.

Midweek Small Groups 

By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.

Catch up on Sermons and Questions

Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at 

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. 

Olimometer 2.52

Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.

To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

Coming up this weekend 3rd March 2024

This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 15:1-14 as we see the ‘Spirit of Fruit’.

Here is the one question that Jodie plans to answer during our church services:

1 What does Jesus mean when he says “the Father is greater than I”?
2 Would it be better to live when Jesus was on earth or today, with his Spirit?
3 How do we know if we have the Holy Spirit, and how does this feel?
4 Do you receive the Holy Spirit when you’re born, baptised, or confirmed?
5 Is same-sex attraction just like other characteristics that tempt us to sin?

If you’d like to add a question to the list, there’s still time… send and email or message and we’ll get Jodie to answer it this weekend.

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

‘The Spirit of Christ’ 4: The Spirit of Help – John 14:15-31 • Jodie McNeill – 25th February 2024


Jesus has a perfect __

If they love Jesus, they’ll __ him

The Holy Spirit is our __

The Holy Spirit will lead into all _

This is extraordinary __

Jesus lives, so they __

It’s __ now the Spirit has come

We do good works because _ is in us

The Father, Son and Spirit _ as one

The Spirit is the super _

Peter has gone from confused to __

The Spirit brings a _ that the world can’t give

We receive the Spirit when we _ follow Jesus

Jesus has got __ in place

Satan has no _ over Jesus

It’s mutual love relationships

Church news for the week beginning 25th February 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’

This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. On Sunday, our talk is called ‘The Spirit of Help’ from John 14:15-31.

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for February is ‘Caring for One Another’ by Ed Welch. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Annual General Meeting

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 12th March at 7pm in the hall. All adult members are very welcome to be a part of this night to hear our vision for the future.

Refresh Women’s Day

Join for a women’s afternoon of refreshments, fellowship and prayer. 3-5pm Saturday 23rd March. RSVP to Gabriella Holmes by SMS 0418 685 169

Youth and Children’s Groups 

Our normal midweek weekly groups for children and youth run each Friday with Spark (years 3 to 6) at 4:30pm and Youth (years 7 to 12) at 7pm in the hall.

New Safe Ministry Representative  

Our new Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email We thank Sandee for serving us previously in this role.

Easter Services  

On Good Friday we meet at 9am with Hot Cross Buns. On Easter Sunday we’re meeting from 9am for free Bacon and Egg Rolls, followed at 10am by a special, open-air ‘Alive Day’ service on the lawn, then games and more Hot Cross Buns together.

Midweek Small Groups 

By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.

Catch up on Sermons and Questions

Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at 

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. 

Olimometer 2.52

Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.

To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

Surprised By Prayer

Each year our Parish Council gives prayerful consideration to our needs and opportunities as it sets the budget for the coming year, setting the target for giving necessary for our expenses.

This year we decided to increase our target by only enough to cover increases in costs from inflation, but in January we realised that we were really struggling to meet this amount.

So, we prayed that God would supply our needs.

We know that the Lord is intimately involved with every aspect of life, so we asked him to provide for our church so we could keep telling each person in the village, valley and region how to follow Jesus and why it matters.

Then, after weeks of prayer, our Parish Council asked each of us to consider an increase in our regular giving, or even the possibility of a special, one-off gift that could pay back our hall renovation loan, and reduce the repayments by $325 a week.

We prayed… and the Lord answered!

Giving has increased by at least $350 a week… and we’ve received a gift of $25,000 to cancel the loan and its repayments!

I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was… because even though I knew that the Lord hears and answers our prayers, I was blown away by the wonderful way he has done this for us.

Yet, the greatest blessing has not been an increase in our giving, it’s been an increase in our faith!

I can personally vouch for how much this trial has lead me to depend more on God, and to delight in asking him boldly for the big things and the little things… so that he will receive the glory.

What a wonderful surprise to see afresh the kindness of God!


Coming up this weekend 25th February 2024

This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 14:15-31 as we see the ‘Spirit of Help’.

Here is the one question that Jodie plans to answer during our church services:

1 How can we tell people that their beliefs are wrong in a loving way?

2 What does it look like to “worship the Father in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23)?

3 What does it mean to blaspheme against the Spirit (Matthew 12:31)?

If you’d like to add a question to the list, there’s still time… send and email or message and we’ll get Jodie to answer it this weekend.

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

‘The Spirit of Christ’ 3: The Spirit of Certainty – John 14:1-14 – Jodie McNeill – 18th February 2024

Death and taxes

Jesus is ________

Jesus says not to be ________

_____ God and Jesus

Overcome fears by trusting in a _____

They can have ________ in heaven

When we trust in Jesus, heaven is _______

Jesus needed to _____

Faith is hearing a promise and _________ it

The only ___ is Jesus

Every other religion _____

When they ____ Jesus, they know the Father

When they ___ the Father, they saw the Son

Jesus and the Father are ___

We ____ off the Father and the Son

Remember the ________

We’ll do _______ works than Jesus did!

Following Christ is the greatest ______

Jesus is focused on God’s _____

Certainty for eternity

Church news for the week beginning 18th February 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’

This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. This weekend he’s preaching on ‘The Spirit of Certainty’ from John 14:1-14.

Book of the Month

Our book of the month for February is ‘Caring for One Another’ by Ed Welch. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:

Annual General Meeting

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 12th March at 7pm in the hall. All adult members are very welcome to be a part of this night to hear our vision for the future.

Women’s Day

Join our women to connect and spend time with other women. Afternoon tea 3pm to 5pm Saturday 23rd March. More details to come soon… so save the date!

Youth and Children’s Groups 

Our normal midweek weekly groups for children and youth run each Friday with Spark (years 3 to 6) at 4:30pm and Youth (years 7 to 12) at 7pm in the hall.

Join the Sign Team!  

Would you like to write up our weekly blackboard sign messages once a month as part of our Sign Team? Or would you like to clean the board on a Wednesday?

Easter Events  

On Good Friday it will be a combined service at 9am with Hot Cross Buns. On Easter Sunday we’re having a special, open-air combined service on the lawn, with a free, tasty bacon and egg roll breakfast. Don’t miss out! Details to come.

Midweek Small Groups 

By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.

Catch up on Sermons and Questions

Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at 

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. 

Olimometer 2.52

Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.

To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

Power in Weakness

It’s amazing how many gyms have opened up in our region, each trying to attract new customers with discount fees and the latest equipment.

For some people, it’s the lure of ‘me time’ on the cardio machines, running fast on a treadmill to nowhere.

For others, it’s the promise of building strength, knowing that resistance training grows muscle, which overcomes one of our greatest enemies: weakness.

Nobody wants to be weak, because this means you’re subject to the strength of others, unable to independently manage your life.

But what if the way to strength was through weakness?

The Apostle Paul had many spiritual things to boast about, but he chose to boast only about his weaknesses.

He knew that something had happened that stopped him from boasting, and so he pleaded with Jesus three times to remove this painful thing, yet:

Each time [Jesus] said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

What was true for the Apostle Paul is also true for us today: the power of Jesus works best in weakness.

When we go through painful moments of weakness, we can trust that the Lord is working through them for our good and for his glory.

Power in weakness is the opposite to what we’d expect in life, but it’s exactly what happened at the cross of Christ, as the greatest battle was fought when our Lord was at his weakest.

Jesus showed his power in weakness… and so we should expect that of our life, too.