Coming up this week 18th – 19th September 2021

This weekend Jodie will be preaching from Matthew chapter 9 on the topic, ‘Faith and Forgiveness’, as we will experience a fresh reminder of the power of the Lord’s forgiveness for all who have faith in him… and the genuine need for gospel workers to share this news for the glory of the Lord of the harvest.

Join us Saturday at 5pm or Sunday morning at 9am via our livestream. We would love to have you with us! Head to to participate in our livestream.

If you have any questions, head to our quick links page to fill out a response slip or email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

The questions that you asked after last weekend, and that Jodie plans to answer, are:

1 What role does the Holy Spirit play in leading a person to repentance and faith in Christ?
2 How should we feel about the owners of the herd of pigs that were killed by Jesus?
3 Do other religions have creeds?
4 Why is the Bible called God’s word when it was written by apostles, prophets and historians?
5 Should we remember Jesus’ death every time we drink wine?

Don’t forget to invite a friend to watch church with you… online! It’s such a great time to introduce newcomers to our church, especially during the challenges of lockdown!

Messiah Masterclass 8 – ‘Who Is This Man?’ – Matthew 8 – Jodie McNeill • 11 and 12 September 2021

Super powers

Jesus had the super power of _______

With Jesus, the new light has ______

People with leprosy were ceremonially _______

Jesus healed the leper by ________ him

The law that excluded would now _______ to Jesus

The Roman officer knew that Jesus was his only ____

The Gentile had more faith than ______

A person can’t reject Jesus and be in ______

If you reject Jesus, you’re going to ____

The woman’s fever was _____

Jesus’ word has extraordinary _____

Jesus is the Servant of the ____

The ____ is home for Jesus

Following Jesus is important and ______

A fierce _____ hits the sleeping Jesus

The storm and the boat reminds us of _____

Jesus is ___

The gentile ______ call him ‘Son of God’

The sea was the place of ____

They were in God’s presence but ________ him

Jesus used his powers to heal and to ____

Who is this man…to you?

Church news for the week beginning 11th September 2021


This weekend we will be looking into Matthew Chapter 8 as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from God’s word on ‘Who is this man?’.


Join us for online church this weekend! We would love you come along to our 5 pm Saturday or 9 am Sunday service. Head to to tune in.


We would love you to join us in sharing a meal together on zoom for dinner on Saturday night or morning tea on Sunday morning after church. Join us at


Our mission of the month for September is KBECET, which stand for Kiama Board for the Employment of Christian Education Teachers.


If you would like to financially support scripture teaching at Kiama High School, then please consider ordering some pies! Fill out the online form to order from a delicious range of pies from our local Gainsborough Bakery and support this vital ministry.


Join together at 7 pm on Wed 22nd September to pray together with other churches in response to the pandemic. The service will go for 1 hour, with prayer, songs and a 5 min sermon by Kanishka. Tune in at


Anglican Aid is launching a new Worldwide COVID-19 Relief Appeal. This appeal will support our Christian partners as they care for COVID patients, by providing ventilators, oxygen machines, medicine, protective equipment, emergency food relief, and more. If you would like to give to the appeal or learn more click here.


For September we will be reading Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. Head over to the books page on our website to grab a copy!


Due to lockdown the southern Cross is only available online at:


Join us each morning (except Sunday) at 7:30am for 30 mins of prayer on Zoom at


Our church is now on PrayerMate. Subscribe for daily prayer points on your device from us and our partners. Use this link to follow us on PrayerMate.



11 September – Paul van der Male
13 September – Roland Curll
15 September – Laura Ellis & Paul Massey
16 September – Adrienne Koll
17 September – Ella Nicholls
18 September – Amy Eldridge


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For the month of June, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Don’t Waste The Lockdown

As our Premier unveils the roadmap to freedom from lockdown, we now live in hope that it won’t be long before we can gather again in-person for church and other aspects of life.

As we race towards 70% and 80% double-vaccination targets, it’s tempting to wish away these troubling times, treating these days as if we are just waiting in a supermarket checkout queue.

Yet, as hard as they can be, the Lord has given us special opportunities during lockdown to grow in our own dependence on God, and to also make the most of sharing our hope with those around us who are living in fear and uncertainty.

Thanks to the wonder of modern technology we can now invite people to join us for church, without them even needing to leave home!

By sharing the Facebook Live event with your friends, and deliberately inviting them to watch it with you in real time, it lets them dip their toe into our church life, and to also have an opportunity to see and hear the preached word for themselves.

This is only one of the many ways in which we can bring outsiders inside, even though it’s not quite the same as being there, together, in-person.

But other benefits exist for us, like the special opportunity to use our unusual schedules and lack of travel to come together for Morning Prayer to read the Bible and pray with others of all ages and stages at each morning at 7:30am.

Yet, the greatest gift of this time is a fresh reminder to every person that they are not in control, and that if we fail to depend on our creator God, then we will face an eternity without redemption or purpose.

Covid-19 is a wake-up call, and, we pray, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shake up the world so that all would stop and consider eternity.

Let’s not wish this time away… let’s pray that Covid would lead many people to Christ!


(CREDIT: Filip Patock via

Support Kiama High School families in need

If you would like to support families from Kiama High School that are doing it tough due to lockdown then you can purchase a hamper for them through the food for life organisation.

To purchase a hamper please make a deposit to the KBECET Account. Deposit $55, $110 or a multiple of $55 and leave ‘Food Vouchers KHS’ as a description/reference.

Account Number: 498919531 BSB: 012 709 Description: Food Vouchers KHS.

Each hamper costs $55 and will provide a family with much needed food.

If you would like more information on food for life then please click here.

Here is a flyer that Wicky helpfully made with all of information as well.

Coming up this week 11th – 12th September 2021

This weekend Jodie will be preaching on Matthew chapter 8 on the topic, ‘Who is this man?’ As Jesus returns from the Sermon on the Mount, he immediately starts to preach amazing words accompanied by amazing miracles. See for yourself why people were stunned by his words and his actions.

Join us Saturday at 5pm or Sunday morning at 9am via our livestream. We would love to have you with us!

Head to to participate in our livestream.

If you have any questions, head to our quick links page to fill out a response slip or email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend during church:

1 How does the Golden Rule work when others have very different needs or wants?
2 If you say something you believed was true and it turns out to be false, did you sin by lying?
3 How can we know if an online preacher is trustworthy?
4 If a minister has sinned in the past, does that disqualify his or her future ministry?
5 How open and honest should a minister be about his or her faults and sins?
6 Should volunteer church leaders confess their sins and doubts to their minister?
7 At what point in a person’s conversion do they receive the Holy Spirit?

Messiah Masterclass 7 – ‘The Solid Rock’ – Matthew 7 – Jodie McNeill – 4 & 5 September 2021

Scam watch

Be careful when you follow an ______ preacher

If you’re led astray, the consequences are _______

Jesus wants us to judge but not be __________

Jesus wants his followers to avoid _________

Don’t teach the gospel to those who aggressively ______ it

To join God’s kingdom, you simply need to ___

The Old Testament is summed up in the ______ Rule

Following Jesus is supposed to be _________

Jesus says we need to be __________ of teachers

The _____ really does matter

Not all preachers actually ____ the Father

Jesus invites his hearers to ______ his teaching

Trusting Jesus gives you a _____ foundation for life

Jesus’ teaching was with real _________

There are ___ ways to live

Heavenly Father,

Sorry I’ve rejected your loving rule and have lived for myself.

Thank you that Jesus died to take the punishment I deserve.

Please help me to follow you now and into eternity.


Church news for the week beginning 4th September 2021


This weekend we will be looking into Matthew Chapter 7 as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from God’s word on ‘The Solid Rock’.


Join us for online church this weekend! We would love you come along to our 5 pm Saturday or 9 am Sunday service. Head to to tune in.


We would love you to join us in sharing a meal together on zoom for dinner on Saturday night or morning tea on Sunday morning after church. Join us at


Our mission of the month for September is KBECET, which stand for Kiama Board for the Employment of Christian Education Teachers.


If you would like to financially support scripture teaching at Kiama High School, then please consider ordering some pies! Fill out the online form to order from a delicious range of pies from our local Gainsborough Bakery and support this vital ministry.

Anglican Aid Worldwide Covid-19 Relief Appeal

Anglican Aid is launching a new Worldwide COVID-19 Relief Appeal. This appeal will support our Christian partners as they care for COVID patients, by providing ventilators, oxygen machines, medicine, protective equipment, emergency food relief, and more. If you would like to give to the appeal or learn more click here.
Alongside this, if you would also like to support Kiama Families with Covid Rescritions in place then you can order them a food hamper at


For September we will be reading Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. Head over to the books page on our website to grab a copy!


Due to lockdown the southern Cross is only available online at:


Join us each morning (except Sunday) at 7:30am for 30 mins of prayer on Zoom at


Our church is now on PrayerMate. Subscribe for daily prayer points on your device from us and our partners. Use this link to follow us on PrayerMate.



5 September – Jensen Potter
8 September – Adrian Nette
9 September – Ray Swan
11 September – Paul van der Male


4th September – Sarah & Adrain Nette
8th September – Jon & Di Thompson


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For the month of June, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to