This weekend Jodie will be preaching on the fourth of the ‘Meet Jesus’ talks, titled ‘Meet Jesus with the Grieving from John 11:1-45. It’s a really good weekend to bring along someone who hasn’t yet met Jesus.
This weekend we have the following questions for our Question Time:
1 Why does Philippians 2:10 only say that every knee ‘should’ bow? 2 Was Jesus all-knowing when he was on earth?
If you would like to ask Jodie a question please email the office.
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing! Batelic Batelic2024-08-13 10:17:582024-08-16 09:31:42Coming Up This Weekend 18th August 2024
This Sunday, Jodie McNeill continues our series ‘Meet Jesus’ with the third sermon from John 4:4-42 called, ‘Meet Jesus with the Outsider’.
Book of the Month
Our book of the month for August is ‘Hope: The Best Is Yet To Come’ by Bryson Smith. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:
Friday Kids and Youth
Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall.
Grandparents Conference
On 31st August the National Grandparents Conference will be gathering in Castle Hill, or via livestream. Details
‘Meet Jesus’ Evangelism Series
This weekend we continue our six-week ‘Meet Jesus’ sermon series in conjunction with local Anglican churches. Pray that people would meet Jesus and follow him!
Youth Camp
Our high-school aged members are heading off to their weekend away on 30th August to 1st September at Burrill Pines, near Ulladulla. Chat to Brad about more details, but don’t miss out!
Square One
If you’re in year 3 to 6 then join a group led by leaders from our church at the regional Youthworks ‘Square One’ camp 8-10 November at Port Hacking. See Rach for details and visit
Midweek Small Groups
By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.
Safe Ministry Matters
Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email .
Catch up on Sermons and Questions
Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at
Church Giving
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.
Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.
To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605. McNeill McNeill2024-08-09 12:47:412024-08-09 12:47:43Church News for the Weekend of 11th August 2024
The Paris Olympics have been the most successful ever for Australia, and when the competitors return, we can expect a grand parade of medal-wearing winners.
Throughout history there have been other victory parades, but it was not uncommon for the spoils of success to be the captives taken prisoner through a successful military campaign.
Which is what makes Ephesians chapter four so remarkable, when it says of Jesus in verse eight, “When he ascended to the heights, he led a crowd of captives and gave gifts to his people.”
In this quote from Psalm 68, it’s speaking of the captives who are paraded before the people and are given as the spoils of war.
Yet, the greatest surprise is seeing in the coming verses just what, or in fact, who are these captives.
It turns out that they are the leaders who speak the word of God, as we see in the list in verse 11.
The valuable gifts that Jesus gives to his church are actually the speakers of the word of God, namely the apostles, prophets, evangelists and pastor-teachers.
For, as they speak the word of God, Christ builds his church, which brings unity and maturity to all who know and love Jesus.
When the Olympians return, they will be parading their gold, silver and bronze medals, as a demonstration of their victory over the athletes of the other nations.
But when Jesus rose from the dead, his victory led to him giving his word to his people, through hearing the voices of his preachers.
This is how Jesus brings us blessing: through hearing his word, which builds his church to maturity and unity.
There’s something better than Olympic medals, for the faith that comes from hearing the word of God is of greater worth than gold.
This weekend Jodie will be preaching on the third of the ‘Meet Jesus’ talks, titled ‘Meet Jesus with the Outcasts’ from John 4:4-42. It’s a really good weekend to bring along someone who hasn’t yet met Jesus.
This weekend we have the following questions for our Question Time:
1 Do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is their saviour but not their God? 2 Do Jehovah’s Witnesses go to heaven? 3 Are we born again before or after we believe? 4 When the angel visited in Luke 1, did Mary know her child was the Messiah?
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing! McNeill McNeill2024-08-05 15:00:552024-08-09 13:12:25Coming up this weekend 11th August 2024
This Sunday, Jodie McNeill continues our series ‘Meet Jesus’ with the second sermon from John 3:1-21 called, ‘Meet Jesus with the Religious.
Book of the Month
Our book of the month for August is ‘Hope: The Best Is Yet To Come’ by Bryson Smith. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:
Friday Kids and Youth
Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall.
Grandparents Conference
On 31st August the National Grandparents Conference will be gathering in Castle Hill, or via livestream. Details
‘Meet Jesus’ Evangelism Series
This weekend we continue our six-week ‘Meet Jesus’ sermon series in conjunction with local Anglican churches. Pray that people would meet Jesus and follow him!
Youth Camp
Our high-school aged members are heading off to their weekend away on 30th August to 1st September at Burrill Pines, near Ulladulla. Chat to Brad about more details, but don’t miss out!
Square One
If you’re in year 3 to 6 then join a group led by leaders from our church at the regional Youthworks ‘Square One’ camp 8-10 November at Port Hacking. Regos from 1st August. See Rach for details and visit
Midweek Small Groups
By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.
Safe Ministry Matters
Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email .
Catch up on Sermons and Questions
Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at
Church Giving
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.
Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.
To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605. McNeill McNeill2024-08-02 19:52:452024-08-02 19:54:10Church news for the weekend of 4th August 2024
Every four years the people of our planet gather together to celebrate God’s remarkable creation, as the Olympics showcase how people are able to go faster, higher, and stronger than before.
However, as they do so, they usually celebrate humanity, rather than God.
In what could easily be an opportunity to praise the remarkable creation of God, instead his creatures worship themselves as they pursue an atheistic celebration of the breaking of the records that once confined and defined humankind.
It’s a fine line between idolatry and doxology—between worshipping humanity and giving glory to the God who made us—and at each Olympics the gap seems to grow wider.
This year the opening ceremony created controversy with the appropriation of Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’ by a drag queen DJ in the place of Christ.
Yet, the most offensive aspect of the Games must be the lack of worship of the one who fearfully and wonderfully made the men and women who perform and compete at the myriad of events.
As we witness the extraordinary feats of the athletes, our appropriate response should be to glorify the God who made us and who has given the remarkable gifts that enable the athletic feats splashed across screens throughout the world.
When we glorify humanity we show a contempt for the creator who made every human in his image, and who created us to glorify him as our loving Lord and Saviour.
The distortion of ‘The Last Supper’ seemed to target those who revere Jesus, and yet it is the natural ignorance of God’s hand in creating everything we see that is the most offensive act that happens almost every medal ceremony.
As we marvel at creation, let us glorify the creator, who is worthy of all our praise.
This weekend Jodie will be preaching on the second of the ‘Meet Jesus’ talks, titled ‘Meet Jesus with the Religious’ from John 3:1-21. It’s a really good weekend to bring along someone who hasn’t yet met Jesus.
This weekend we have the following questions for our Question Time:
1 Is it possible to physically hear God’s voice? 2 What happened to the exiles after they went to Assyria (Hosea 11:5)? 3 Was Jesus biologically Mary’s son? 4 How should we react to the mockery of Christians in the Olympics opening ceremony? 5 Is it wrong to kill spiders, cockroaches or ants in the house?
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing! McNeill McNeill2024-07-30 17:12:142024-08-02 19:51:28Coming up this weekend 4th August 2024
This Sunday, Jodie McNeill is beginning our all-new series ‘Meet Jesus’ with the first sermon from John 1:1-18 called, ‘Meet Jesus with the world’.
Book of the Month
Our book of the month for July is ‘You’re Only Human’ by Kelly Kapic. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:
Friday Kids and Youth
Each Friday we meet for our kids and youth groups of SPARK (Years 3 to 6) at 4:30-6pm, and Youth Group (Years 7 to 12) from 7-9pm at the church hall.
Grandparents Conference
On 31st August the National Grandparents Conference will be gathering in Castle Hill, or via livestream. Details
‘Meet Jesus’ Evangelism Series
This weekend we kick off our six-week ‘Meet Jesus’ sermon series in conjunction with local Anglican churches. Pray that people would meet Jesus and follow him!
Youth Camp
Our high-school aged members are heading off to their weekend away on 30th August to 1st September at Burrill Pines, near Ulladulla. Chat to Brad about more details, but don’t miss out!
Square One
If you’re in year 3 to 6 then join a group led by leaders from our church at the regional Youthworks ‘Square One’ camp 8-10 November at Port Hacking. Regos open 1st August. See Rach for details and visit
Midweek Small Groups
By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.
Safe Ministry Matters
Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email .
Catch up on Sermons and Questions
Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at
Church Giving
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.
Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.
To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605. McNeill McNeill2024-07-26 21:07:402024-07-26 21:07:42Church news for the weekend of 28th July 2024
It’s always an exciting experience to meet someone who is really famous, whether they’re a politician, a performer, or another public figure.
But there’s one man who is more important than any other person… and he’s ready and waiting to meet you.
That person is Jesus: the most famous person in history, and the one who is able to change your life in a way that nobody else can.
We meet Jesus by listening to his voice, which we hear as we encounter him in the words of the Bible, whether it’s read or heard.
When we’re willing to listen to what he says, and then to obey his words, we meet Jesus by his Holy Spirit, and can come to truly know him as our loving ruler.
The reason it’s so good for us to meet Jesus is that when we follow him, he promises to bring us forgiveness from the punishment we deserve for rebelling against God, and he brings us the hope of eternity as we experience true, deep friendship with our creator.
Over the next six weeks we’re going to be carefully studying these six special events in Jesus’ life, as recorded in the New Testament book of John:
Meet Jesus with the World (John 1:1-18)
Meet Jesus with the Religious (John 3:1-21)
Meet Jesus with the Outsider (John 4:4-42)
Meet Jesus with the Grieving (John 11:1-45)
Meet Jesus with the Powerful (John 18:28-19:22)
Meet Jesus with the Sceptics (John 20:1-31)
Each week at our 9am and 4pm Sunday church services, there will be a Bible talk that will help everyone meet Jesus.
If you’ve already met Jesus, then these six weeks will bring you closer to him, as you see more of who he is and how his life has changed your life.
If you’ve not yet met Jesus, then over the next six weeks you’ll be brought face-to-face with the man who created the universe and whose life offers the only, true way to find hope and forgiveness through his love and sacrifice, for you.
JODIE McNEILL McNeill McNeill2024-07-25 22:02:042024-07-25 22:02:06Meet Jesus
This Sunday, we kick off our all-new ‘Meet Jesus’ series as Jodie delivers the first talk, ‘Meet Jesus with the World’ from John 1:1-18. It’s a really good weekend to bring along someone who hasn’t yet met Jesus.
This weekend we return to our Question Time and here’s what Jodie’s planning to answer for us:
1 How can there be evil spirits in heaven (Ephesians 6:12)? 2 Can the Holy Spirit work without the Bible? 3 What’s the difference between low church and high church? 4 How are our normal church services intergenerational? 5 How did people decide which books to put in the Bible? 6 Is there a biblical explanation for Deja Vu?
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing! McNeill McNeill2024-07-23 22:32:312024-07-23 22:32:33Coming up this weekend 28th July 2024