This week we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us from John chapter 15 on the topic ‘Jesus is Fulfilling‘. We will be broadcasting both services on Facebook live, join us at
Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.
Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.
Join us online on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service, or Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.
Grace and peace, Jodie Cignarella Cignarella2020-03-23 12:49:092020-03-24 22:25:42Coming up this weekend 28-29 March 2020
God’s people were promised a light who would ____.
When Jesus says he is the light, he claims to be ___.
They rejected Jesus because they didn’t ____ God.
Jesus offers us _________ in the dark.
Jesus leads us by giving us __________.
The light can bring _________.
It can be _______ when we step into Jesus’ light.
Jesus gives us this new life if we ______ him.
The light of Jesus acts as a ____________.
Living in the light of Jesus brings us ________.
Living in the life of Jesus ______ us from our sins.
He died for us, in our _____.
The blood of Jesus ________ us.
Heavenly Father, you have loved us with an everlasting love, but we have often gone our own way, and rejected your will for our lives. We are sorry for our sins and turn away from them. For the sake of your Son who died for us, forgive us, cleanse us, and change us. By your Holy Spirit, enable us to live for you, and to please you in every way, for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen McNeill McNeill2020-03-21 14:39:522020-03-21 14:39:54Jesus is the light John 8:12-20 Jodie McNeill 21-22 March 2020
This week we will be streaming our services online at Jodie will be speaking to us on the topic ‘Jesus is the Light‘. Due to changes from the current Coronavirus crisis, our special guest Ben Pfahlert will not be joining us, but will come and speak to us in the coming months.
Our mission of the month is CMS. You can support the Anglicare ministry by donating and buying from the mission table in the hall
Our next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 24th March at 7pm via Zoom online.
Join us in giving thanks to God for our new Wardens, James Rosten, Paul Massey and Rick Smith. Our new elected Parish Councillors are Sharon Lyall, Di Thompson, Luke Warner, Peter Gibson, Sam Mierendorff and Adam Rosten, with two more to be chosen by Jodie. Our Synod Representative is Paul Massey.
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562. Cignarella Cignarella2020-03-21 01:57:002020-03-19 12:20:04Church News for the week beginning 22nd March 2020
It’s easy to be scared with the terrifying news that is currently filling our world.
We used the word ‘unprecedented’ to describe the bushfires, but with this one-in-a-hundred year biohazard raging around the globe, we are right to naturally fear the outcomes of this pandemic.
Unless, of course, we have faith and trust in the good and powerful hand of God.
When Jesus lived on earth two thousand years ago, he instructed his closest friends to make a voyage in a small boat… and the journey nearly ended in disaster, Luke chapter 8 verse 23:
As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger.
Jesus and his closest friends were at genuine risk of death by drowning, and so, verse 24:
The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm.
It went from chaos to calm with just a simple word from Christ.
And after he spoke to the wind, he turned to his disciples and asked them, “Where is your faith?”
If Jesus’ closest friends really trusted that he had complete control of the climate, then they would have curled up for a snooze alongside him.
But they had great fear because they had little faith, and in response, verse 25:
The disciples were terrified and amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!”
As you fear the future, find your faith in Jesus.
Since he controls the climate, we can trust that he also controls COVID-19, and everything in the universe.
Where is your faith?
(Photo credit: Tony Hisgett via McNeill McNeill2020-03-19 22:55:352020-03-19 22:55:36Where is your faith?
This week we continue our ‘Jesus Is___’ series as Jodie speaks to us on the topic, ‘Jesus is the Light’. Due to changes from the current Coronavirus crisis, our special guest Ben Pfahlert will not be joining us, but will come and speak to us in the coming months.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will not be meeting this weekend at church face-to-face, but will instead be meeting online at our Facebook page, and we’d love you to join us there. It will go live at the normal times of 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday. Our church members are watching from their homes, and if you’d like to be with them, then let us know and we’ll connect you.
Each week in our services we have a question and answer segment which people ask by filling in response slips or sending an electronic message. Here are the questions that we’ll be hearing answers to this week:
1 If God will “never let us go”, then why do some Christians turn away from him? 2 Why does God let the devil tempt people to turn away from Christianity? 3 When people stop following Jesus, did they ever really know him? 4 Will the people who ate the first bread in the desert go to heaven or hell? 5 If there are no disabilities in heaven then why do we sing about Jesus’ heavenly scars? 6 How and why did Paul hand some people “over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme”? 7 Does God answer our prayers through the people we meet?
Please keep praying for our world at this time. We live in an uncertain moment, but we know we can have certainty in Christ.
Grace and peace, Jodie Cignarella Cignarella2020-03-16 11:57:052020-03-19 23:00:49Coming up this weekend 21-22 March 2020
This week we will have Jodie kickstart our ‘Jesus Is___’ campaign by speaking from the book of John about how Jesus is Satisfying. Next weekend we will have special guest Ben Pfahlert speaking to us about how Jesus is Fun.
Next week we welcome to our church Ben Pfahlert who will be speaking on the topic, ‘Jesus Is Fun’. An excellent week to bring along a friend or family member to meet Jesus and our church.
Our mission of the month is CMS. You can support the Anglicare ministry by donating and buying from the mission table in the hall
Join us in giving thanks to God for our new Wardens, James Rosten, Paul Massey and Rick Smith. Our new elected Parish Councillors are Sharon Lyall, Di Thompson, Luke Warner, Peter Gibson, Sam Mierendorff and Adam Rosten, with two more to be chosen by Jodie. Our Synod Representative is Paul Massey.
Our next ‘Fit for Purpose’ meeting will be this Wednesday 16th March at 8am.
This Thursday 19th March at 10am at St Matthew’s Hall, Chapel Lane. Join us at this special, mid-week time for an opportunity to enjoy friendship with members of the other Christian churches in our village.
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562. Cignarella Cignarella2020-03-14 01:40:002020-03-12 21:01:57Church News for the week beginning 15th March 2020
They _______ because Jesus said he came from heaven.
God the Father doesn’t send ________ to follow Jesus.
Jesus claims that he has personally ____ God the father.
If we believe in Jesus we will have eternal ____.
Jesus compares two different ______ from God.
Jesus will give his body and blood for the _____.
Atonement makes _______ into friends.
We must consume Jesus to get true ____________.
Jesus is the ____ thing.
Jesus ate a special ____ with his closest friends.
Become a follower of Jesus right now!
Dear Jesus, Sorry I haven’t always believed and followed you. Thank you that you died and rose to forgive me. Help me to trust and be satisfied in you always. Amen. McNeill McNeill2020-03-13 11:01:492020-03-13 11:01:50Jesus is Satisfying John 6:35-59 Jodie McNeill 14-15 March 2020
In the next few weeks leading up to Easter, we’re wanting to hear from everyone in the village and valley of Jamberoo about who you think Jesus is.
He’s the most famous person in history, and most people have got some sort of opinion about him.
Some think Jesus was a great teacher who told people about how to live in a wise and caring way.
Some think Jesus was a miracle worker who was able to help the sick and feed the poor.
Some think Jesus was a religious leader who divided his people and was executed because of his controversial teachings.
Some think Jesus was God himself, who lived, died and rose from the dead to bring eternal life to his followers.
Some think Jesus is no longer relevant and whose teachings stop fundamentalists from progressing in modern views.
What about you? Who do you think Jesus is? What do you think about his words and his works?
Jesus was a controversial figure when he walked on earth 2000 years ago, and he remains just as divisive today.
But if you’ve formed an opinion about Jesus without reading anything in the Bible, then its likely you’ve misunderstood who he is and what he’s like.
Because many of us think that he is the most amazing person who ever lived… and who continues to live, today, in Heaven.
If you’ve not given him much thought, then as we lead up to Easter you should spend a moment reflecting on who Jesus Is___
Our church is holding special ‘Jesus Is___’ talks during our 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday services… and it’s especially relevant and welcoming to people who haven’t come along for a long time or for ever.
So what are you waiting for? Come and join us this weekend, and bring along your opinions… we’re interested!
(Photo: slimmer_jimmer via McNeill McNeill2020-03-12 21:27:182020-03-12 21:27:20What’s your opinion?
This week we are kickstarting our ‘Jesus Is___‘ campaign, a six-week series on who Jesus is. I will be leading this week’s sermon ‘Jesus Is Satisfying‘ as we look at John chapter 6 verses 35 to 59.
Each week in our services we have a question and answer segment, and here are this week’s questions:
1 How can we retain our Bible knowledge so that we can use it when sharing the gospel?
2 What is the best way to tell people about Jesus: a sit-down meal or a plain-old conversation?
3 If God knew we were going to sin and turn against Him, why did He create us?
4 Can people be demon-possessed today, and if so, what does it look like?
5 Should we be fasting today as Christians, and if so, what for and when?
6 Is it OK that we seem to speak more about Jesus than ‘God’?
7 Does God love everybody equally?
Come along on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids program, followed by dinner and a youth group for years 6-12. Or why not come along on Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican style service, followed by morning tea and hot espresso.
Grace and peace, Jodie Cignarella Cignarella2020-03-09 12:40:142020-03-09 18:10:18Coming up this weekend 14-15 March 2020 McNeill McNeill2020-03-07 13:01:362020-03-07 13:01:38Know and Tell the Gospel 2: Tell the Gospel Romans 10:1-15 Jodie McNeill – 7 and 8 March 2020