Church News for the week beginning 11-12th April


If you’re on Zoom, then grab a cuppa and your device or computer and click on for a 7.30 to 8am prayer time.


This weekend we will be looking at John chapter 20 about how ‘Jesus is Alive‘. A great message about Jesus’ resurrection for the Easter weekend. We will be broadcasting all services at .


Our mission of the month is BCA (Bush Church Aid). To support this great ministry visit or call 02 9262 5017 to talk to a member of their team. If you would like to give directly to BCA, the bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Bush Church Aid (General Ministry)
BSB 032 008
Account #: 000706


12th Billy R.
12th Cate B.
14th Graham E.

18th Katie & Lee H.


Our midweek small groups are still running, even though they’re video conferences! Our forced home assignments mean it’s a perfect time to join one! We’ll send you the links to Zoom meetings on Sunday afternoon, but here are the meetings for you to join:

  • Graham and Lesley Errington – 11am Monday
  • Mandy McNeill (women’s group) – 9am Tuesday
  • Trevor and Robyn Lucas – 7:30pm Wednesday
  • Jodie and Mandy McNeill – 7pm Thursday


We give thanks to God that we’ve exceeded our budget for giving for March! We are sincerely thankful to God for all who have switched from cash to direct giving, and for how this has given us some security in our church ministry as we look to reach out, together, to this hurting world. Praise God.

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Jesus is innocent Good Friday 2020 – Jodie McNeill – Matthew 27:15-26

One story broke through.

We long for _______.

Corruption is at the _____ of Good Friday.

The two people _____ much in common.

They wanted to _______ Jesus by killing him.

Jesus is clearly ________.

The death of Jesus was no ________.

When he sought _______ he was given shame.

Pilate worries about _______, not Jesus.

The blood on them would ____ them.

The guilty set free, the ________ would die.

Call me Barabbas.

Coming up this weekend 11-12 April

Over this coming Easter weekend we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us on Good Friday at 9am from Matthew chapter 27 on the topic ‘Jesus is Our Innocence‘. In our normal Saturday and Sunday services, we will be looking at John chapter 20 about how ‘Jesus is Alive‘. We will be broadcasting all services on Facebook live, join us at

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Good Friday at 9am, Saturday at 5pm for our family service, or Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Grace and peace,

Jesus is the truth – John 14:1-14 – Jodie McNeill – 4-5th April 2020

The truth really matters.

We need _________ truth now.

The disciples know Jesus is about to _____.

Peter doesn’t want Jesus to __.

Jesus speaks words of _______.

_________ makes us ask ‘why?’

Jesus died to _______ a place for us in heaven.

Jesus brings words of _______.

Certainty in eternity comes through a ______.

Jesus is the _________ way to God the Father.

The news of Jesus can be _________.

The news of Jesus is ____ and death.

When you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen the ______.

We have ____ because Jesus is God.

Easter __________ the greatest day in history.

Are you _____ to die?

Heres the ________ to hell.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying to prepare a place for me in heaven.
Thank you that you are the way, the truth and the life.
Sorry I have rejected you as the creator and ruler of the world.
Please help me to follow you as my loving ruler all my days.

This is the cure our world needs most.

Church News for the week beginning 5th April


If you’re on Zoom, then grab a cuppa and your device or computer and click on for a 7.30 to 8am prayer time.


For our church members we’d love you to join us by using Zoom so you can see each other and participate in church, if you’re willing. There are three ways to do it.

The best option is to use the Zoom app. To join tonight’s service on Saturday night then jump on at 4.30pm by clicking on or to join the Sunday morning service then connect at around 8.30am by clicking here

The next-best option is to call on your mobile. Just dial in and listen using your phone by clicking a link and your mobile will call Zoom so you can speak and listen during the service. For the Saturday night service, click +61280156011,,469203306# or for the Sunday morning service, click +61280156011,,161131075#

The third-best option is to call us on a normal landline phone and listen into church. Join church simply by calling us on a normal, landline phone by dialling 02 8015 6011. Then, after you’ve dialled that phone number, when they ask for a Meeting ID, then if you’re joining the Saturday Night service then enter the meeting ID 469203306 followed by the # key. If you want to join the Sunday Morning service then after you’ve dialled the phone number 02 8015 6011 enter the meeting ID 161 131 075 followed by the # key.

If you’ve got friends who are not yet members of our church, then get them to go to and watch the Facebook Live video stream.


We continue our Jesus Is___ series as Jodie speaks to us on the topic ‘Jesus is True‘ from John 14:1-10. This is a great message to help us remember the reliability and the security found in Christ alone. Ideal for believers and for those who are considering the awesome claims of Christ.


Our mission of the month is BCA (Bush Church Aid). To support this great ministry visit or call 02 9262 5017 to talk to a member of their team.


Our midweek small groups are still running, even though they’re video conferences! Our forced home assignments mean it’s a perfect time to join one! We’ll send you the links to Zoom meetings on Sunday afternoon, but here are the meetings for you to join:

  • Graham and Lesley Errington – 11am Monday
  • Mandy McNeill (women’s group) – 9am Tuesday
  • Trevor and Robyn Lucas – 7pm Wednesday
  • Jodie and Mandy McNeill – 7pm Thursday


Youth group is still on, too, at 7.30pm Saturday night. But it’s also online! To find out how to join, please call our Youth and Children’s Minister, Rayne Orange on 0490 342 595, and she will let you know what needs to happen to get you connected to our Zoom youth group, including the necessary ‘safe ministry’ permissions from parents/carers.


We give thanks to God that we’ve exceeded our budget for giving for March! We are sincerely thankful to God for all who have switched from cash to direct giving, and for how this has given us some security in our church ministry as we look to reach out, together, to this hurting world. Praise God.

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Coming up this weekend 4-5 April

This week we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us from John chapter 14 on the topic ‘Jesus is True‘. We will be broadcasting both services on Facebook live, join us at

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service, or Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Grace and peace,

Jesus is our Connection – John 15:1-17 – 28-29 March 2020 Jodie McNeill

Social distancing.

Jesus is our __________.

Be _________ to Jesus!

The vineyard is God’s ______.

The grapevine is under ______.

They prayed that God would _______ his vine.

Jesus is the true _________ because he’s the true vine.

God the Father prunes the vine to keep it _______.

God disciplines us because he _____ us.

The word of God ________ peoples’ souls.

God will judge people who ______ him.

When we’re connected to Christ we’ll ____ what he wants.

God ______ the eternal love of the Father, Son and Spirit.

Now is the time for Christians to _____.

Seek pleasure from Jesus and get true __________.

Jesus’ love turns us from slaves to _______.

Will your choice bear fruit for ________?

Church News for the week beginning 29th March 2020


This week we will be streaming our services online at We continue our Jesus Is___ series as Jodie speaks to us on the topic ‘Jesus is Fulfilling‘.


Our mission of the month is CMS. You can support the Anglicare ministry by donating and buying from the mission table in the hall


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Coming up this weekend 28-29 March 2020

This week we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us from John chapter 15 on the topic ‘Jesus is Fulfilling‘. We will be broadcasting both services on Facebook live, join us at

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service, or Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Grace and peace,

Jesus is the light John 8:12-20 Jodie McNeill 21-22 March 2020

Things we take for granted.

_____ is part of everyday life.

Jesus says he is the _____ of the world.

Jesus makes a real __________ in life.

The Pharisees don’t _______ Jesus.

God ___ Moses and his people with light.

The Lord God is ______ the light.

God’s people were promised a light who would ____.

When Jesus says he is the light, he claims to be ___.

They rejected Jesus because they didn’t ____ God.

Jesus offers us _________ in the dark.

Jesus leads us by giving us __________.

The light can bring _________.

It can be _______ when we step into Jesus’ light.

Jesus gives us this new life if we ______ him.

The light of Jesus acts as a ____________.

Living in the light of Jesus brings us ________.

Living in the life of Jesus ______ us from our sins.

He died for us, in our _____.

The blood of Jesus ________ us.

Heavenly Father,
you have loved us with an everlasting love,
but we have often gone our own way,
and rejected your will for our lives.
We are sorry for our sins
and turn away from them.
For the sake of your Son who died for us,
forgive us, cleanse us, and change us.
By your Holy Spirit, enable us to live for you,
and to please you in every way,
for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen