‘A Loving Church’ 30: The Resurrection of The Body – 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 – Jodie McNeill
Have you wasted your life?
What is your _______?
We believe in ________ because of the resurrection
If you reject the resurrection, you’ve ______ your life
Our resurrection is ______ with Jesus’ resurrection
If Jesus didn’t rise, Christianity is a _____
If Jesus stayed dead, then he didn’t ______ death
The empty tomb means your _____ is gone
Liberal Christianity is to be ______
Jesus ________ the damage brought by Adam
The resurrection of Jesus showed death is ________
We all need to be on God’s ____
If the dead don’t rise, _______ is meaningless
Following Jesus was ______ for Paul
Their conversion to Christ brought ___ to Paul
Without the resurrection, there’s no merit in ________
There’s no greater _______ than rejecting Jesus

‘A Loving Church’ – 29: The Resurrection of Christ – 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 – Jodie McNeill
Where were you?
Their division required serious, _________ surgery
From their division they needed _____
The cross brings true _____
The ______ formed their church
The ______ is a message that gives life
Christ ____
Christ died for our ____
Sin is ______ ourselves
He died just as the __________ said
Jesus ____ in our place
When many people _______, it shows it’s true
Paul came face to face with _____
Even ________ are challenged by a funeral
If Jesus didn’t rise, our faith is a ____
The _____ of God drives Paul to serve others
Only the _______ can reconcile himself to his creation
Dear Jesus,
Sorry I’ve rejected your rule over my life.
Thanks for dying for my sin and rising to give me life.
Please help me to follow you as my ruler all my life.
What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer

‘A Loving Church’ 28: Orderly Worship – 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 – Jodie McNeill
What’s missing from the Bible?
What should we do in ______?
Churches ______ so much from each other
We have __________ within which we can differ
_______ worship is an underlying principle
Praying and Bible reading are __________
Each thing in church must __________ everyone
Building the church matters more than using _____
Church is not about you… it’s about ______
Prophesies need to be _________
Women are expected to ________ in church
It’s great for church to be ___________
_______ means we all participate in church
It’s OK for prophesy to be ________
Church needs to be about good _____
Women shouldn’t publicly ____ prophesy in church
A difference in ____ doesn’t mean lower value
We can’t both be _____
Paul has a special _________ over the church
God has given us all we ____ to run church
To build the church we need good _____