1 Kings – Power and Hope 16: The Failure of Politics 1 Kings 20-21 Jodie McNeill – 12-13 June 2021

Bullies and bad leaders

We will see big _______ doing big bullying

The bully north of the border __________ Israel

King Ahab _________ to the bully

King Ahab shows ____ amidst hopelessness

The ____ is on the side of Israel

King Ahab ______ the word of the Lord

Bully Ben-hadad is __________

They misunderstood the ________ of the Lord

The Lord has won and the bully is ________

The Lord won, but Ahab _______ him

The Lord’s king needs to ______ to the Lord

Naboth wanted to ____ the Lord, not the king

Jezebel doesn’t ____ for the word of the Lord

Judgement comes from the Lord to ____

Ahab and Jezebel were the epitome of ____

God’s mercy is totally __________

1 Kings – Power and Hope 15: The One and Only God! 1 Kings 18-19 Jodie McNeill – 5-6 June 2021

Farewell the smorgasbord

The different religions are not all ____

Nobody comes to the Father except by _____

We’ll see one of the great spiritual _______

Elijah _____ the Lord and travels to King Ahab

Elijah comes face-to-face with King ____

An ambassador can’t ______ the message

Ahab submits to the _______ of Elijah

You can’t follow both: you’ve got to make a ______

Elijah gives the crowd a _________

Nothing but deafening _______ from Baal

The prophets of Baal were sincerely _____

Elijah prays a powerful ______

Yahweh, the Lord, is the ______!

God’s judgement is ____, and it’s coming

The drought was over and King Ahab had ________

Elijah was ______ and fled for his life

The original promise was still ____

1 Kings – Power and Hope 14: My God is so Big! 1 Kings 17 Jodie McNeill – 29-30 May 2021


The Bible is embarrassingly real and ______

Because the Bible feels ____, it shows that God is real

Today we meet ______, a hero of the Old Testament

Elijah tells Ahab that a punishing _______ has begun

The Lord tells Elijah to run away and ____

Ahab could have chosen to ______ by now

Elijah is told to _____ Israel for Baal-land

The widow says that she has no ____

Elijah says ‘Don’t be ______’

Jesus gives us true hope for the ______

The woman has a real test of _____

Every day, the Lord ________

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary ________

Asking ‘why’ after _______ makes no sense to an atheist

What seemed impossible was ________ to God

The widow woman declared her _____ in God’s word

My God is so big!

1 Kings – Power and Hope 13: Promise and Power 1 Kings 15-16 Jodie McNeill – 22-23 May 2021

Cease fire

God’s kingdom was divided, and it’s a real ____

Has God’s promise ______?

We meet ___ Southern kings then ___ Northern kings

The one nation is _________ for now

King David is the _________ for all the kings

David wasn’t perfect, but he was ________

Asa was king for a ____ time

Following the Lord is more important than following ______

Things have _________ in the war in Israel

Asa ______ a pagan king with the temple treasures

We must ____ for the great king to follow David

Nadab ruled until he was ______ by King Baasha

Even ______ human actions can serve God’s purposes

It’s good that God is a righteous _____

Baasha died and was followed by King ____

Elah was killed by King _____

Zimri died and was replaced by King ____

____ became king and took idolatry to a new level

What’s happened to the _______ God made to David?

Our patience today will be rewarded with the ______ of Jesus

1 Kings – Power and Hope 12: The Darkness of Deception 1 Kings 14 – Jodie McNeill – 15-16 May 2021

We deceive ourselves

It starts with a little sin and turns into a ______ sin

When we wilfully sin, we try to _______ God

There is justice, but there is also _____

_______ strikes Jeroboam

Jeroboam’s solution is to _______ God’s prophet

Jeroboam was too proud to ________ God

It’s a waste of ____ to try and deceive God

The prophet has ___ news for Jeroboam

Jeroboam is the most ____ person of all

God gets very _____ at sin

The son of the king will ___, but with dignity

The gathering will turn into a __________

One sinless king can bring ___________ to a kingdom

If he was ______ with God then things would be different

Even before he was king, Solomon took a _______ wife

The Lord was _______

Judah turned as _____ as they could get

The king of Egypt stole the _____ of the Lord

The once-united kingdom was deeply _______

If we claim we have no sin, we are _______ ourselves

Our advocate pleads our case before the Father

1 Kings – Power and Hope 11: The Word of the Lord 1 Kings 13 Jodie McNeill – 8-9 May 2021

A voice-operated universe 

The most powerful voice is the voice of the ____

We see the _____of the word of God

The man of God from Judah goes to ______

The prophet from Judah shouts out a ________

The altar would be polluted then _________

The king orders the prophet to be ______

The king’s hand became _________

The king cried out for _____

The king’s hand was ______

The Lord told the prophet not to accept ___________

We must stand for the truth, even when it breaks _____

The man of God refuses ____________ from the old prophet

The man of God believes the ___ and eats with the prophet

The old prophet ________ and speaks the word of the Lord

The man from Judah will die in _____

The ‘innocent’ man dies in __________ of the word of the Lord

The death of the ‘innocent’ man brought __________

The word of the Lord is still ________ today

1 Kings – Power and Hope 10: The Great Divide 1 Kings 12 Jodie McNeill – 1-2 May 2021

Choosing a leader

Studying the kings of Israel _______ us about the messiah

Rehoboam meets the people in _______

‘All Israel’ is only the ________ kingdom

The Northern tribe ask ________ to join them

Solomon had put a heavy ____ on them

Jesus offers to take our heavy ____ and burden

The elders tell the king to _____ the people

Jesus came not to be served but to _____

The younger men advise the king to make life ______

Rehoboam makes them serve him ______

God is in control of absolutely __________

The _____ in the kingdom happens

Rehoboam is __________

Jeroboam is made king of the _____

The Lord prevents a ___ between North and South

_______ becomes the capital of the North

Jeroboam makes two golden ______

The Northern kingdom had a __________ way to worship

Jeroboam made a fake ____ of the Lord’s religion

This shows us how much we need _____

1 Kings – Power and Hope 9: Losing My Religion – 1 Kings 11 24-25 April 2021

A time for great rejoicing

It is tragic when a person _____ away

It is tragic when a Christian ______ falls away

We go from great heights to great ______

Solomon loved women from other _______

Jesus must be our number-one ____

Solomon’s heart turned ____ from the Lord

Solomon fully __________ other gods

David was a great ______ with a great saviour

The Lord was very _____ at Solomon

The great kingdom of Israel would be ____ away

In judgement there was _____, for David’s sake

God will forgive us when we ______

Solomon’s sin sits within the ___________ of God

Jeroboam would become ____ of Israel

Jerusalem is the Lord’s precious ____

Solomon is replaced by his son, ________

Don’t love the world or it will lead you ____ Jesus 

Intergenerational Life Psalm 78 Matt Bartlett – 10-11 April 2021

What are you doing to _____________ to the next generation?

He wants us to _____________ to his Instructions.

________________ which have been passed on from one generation to the next.

God commanded his people to _________ of God to the next generation.

Faith is a strong trust in God, based on ______________________ from people you trust.

These glorious deeds of the LORD _______ by the generation that saw them with their very own eyes!

God doesn’t __ this cycle to continue forever.

The Lord provides his people with a ______ .

God provided Jesus — the ___________ King.

We are _________ in our fellowship.

An effective _________ between parents and the church.

Don’t just leave them ___________ themselves.

Actively invest in ____________ relationships.

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This religious practitioner position is a developing, part-time role to assist the Senior Minister in pastoral care, small group leadership, membership integration, communications, technology management, outreach, higher-level administration support, event management, church services, and occasional preaching and teaching, with an overall focus on developing and building processes, systems, policies and teams in our growing church, to the glory of God.

Applications close 15th April 2021.