Jesus is innocent Good Friday 2020 – Jodie McNeill – Matthew 27:15-26

One story broke through.

We long for _______.

Corruption is at the _____ of Good Friday.

The two people _____ much in common.

They wanted to _______ Jesus by killing him.

Jesus is clearly ________.

The death of Jesus was no ________.

When he sought _______ he was given shame.

Pilate worries about _______, not Jesus.

The blood on them would ____ them.

The guilty set free, the ________ would die.

Call me Barabbas.

Jesus is the truth – John 14:1-14 – Jodie McNeill – 4-5th April 2020

The truth really matters.

We need _________ truth now.

The disciples know Jesus is about to _____.

Peter doesn’t want Jesus to __.

Jesus speaks words of _______.

_________ makes us ask ‘why?’

Jesus died to _______ a place for us in heaven.

Jesus brings words of _______.

Certainty in eternity comes through a ______.

Jesus is the _________ way to God the Father.

The news of Jesus can be _________.

The news of Jesus is ____ and death.

When you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen the ______.

We have ____ because Jesus is God.

Easter __________ the greatest day in history.

Are you _____ to die?

Heres the ________ to hell.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying to prepare a place for me in heaven.
Thank you that you are the way, the truth and the life.
Sorry I have rejected you as the creator and ruler of the world.
Please help me to follow you as my loving ruler all my days.

This is the cure our world needs most.

Jesus is our Connection – John 15:1-17 – 28-29 March 2020 Jodie McNeill

Social distancing.

Jesus is our __________.

Be _________ to Jesus!

The vineyard is God’s ______.

The grapevine is under ______.

They prayed that God would _______ his vine.

Jesus is the true _________ because he’s the true vine.

God the Father prunes the vine to keep it _______.

God disciplines us because he _____ us.

The word of God ________ peoples’ souls.

God will judge people who ______ him.

When we’re connected to Christ we’ll ____ what he wants.

God ______ the eternal love of the Father, Son and Spirit.

Now is the time for Christians to _____.

Seek pleasure from Jesus and get true __________.

Jesus’ love turns us from slaves to _______.

Will your choice bear fruit for ________?

Jesus is the light John 8:12-20 Jodie McNeill 21-22 March 2020

Things we take for granted.

_____ is part of everyday life.

Jesus says he is the _____ of the world.

Jesus makes a real __________ in life.

The Pharisees don’t _______ Jesus.

God ___ Moses and his people with light.

The Lord God is ______ the light.

God’s people were promised a light who would ____.

When Jesus says he is the light, he claims to be ___.

They rejected Jesus because they didn’t ____ God.

Jesus offers us _________ in the dark.

Jesus leads us by giving us __________.

The light can bring _________.

It can be _______ when we step into Jesus’ light.

Jesus gives us this new life if we ______ him.

The light of Jesus acts as a ____________.

Living in the light of Jesus brings us ________.

Living in the life of Jesus ______ us from our sins.

He died for us, in our _____.

The blood of Jesus ________ us.

Heavenly Father,
you have loved us with an everlasting love,
but we have often gone our own way,
and rejected your will for our lives.
We are sorry for our sins
and turn away from them.
For the sake of your Son who died for us,
forgive us, cleanse us, and change us.
By your Holy Spirit, enable us to live for you,
and to please you in every way,
for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Jesus is Satisfying John 6:35-59 Jodie McNeill 14-15 March 2020

‘First World Problem’

The more we’ve got, the less we’re _________.

Jesus say that he is the _____ of life.

People choose other ways to get _________.

Are you worshipping God or his _________?

They saw Jesus but didn’t _______ in him.

Nothing takes God by ________.

Jesus protects us so he can _________ us.

They _______ because Jesus said he came from heaven.

God the Father doesn’t send ________ to follow Jesus.

Jesus claims that he has personally ____ God the father.

If we believe in Jesus we will have eternal ____.

Jesus compares two different ______ from God.

Jesus will give his body and blood for the _____.

Atonement makes _______ into friends.

We must consume Jesus to get true ____________.

Jesus is the ____ thing.

Jesus ate a special ____ with his closest friends.

Become a follower of Jesus right now!

Dear Jesus,
Sorry I haven’t always believed and followed you.
Thank you that you died and rose to forgive me.
Help me to trust and be satisfied in you always.

Know and Tell the Gospel 2: Tell the Gospel Romans 10:1-15 Jodie McNeill – 7 and 8 March 2020

Truth is the first casualty.

_____ are either true or false.

We find it hard to say that _______ are untrue.

It is only through _____ that a person will be saved.

The gospel needs to be ______-centred.

Paul wanted his fellow Jews to ______ Jesus.

You can be sincerely _____ in your beliefs.

The heart of the problem is ________ Jesus.

Anyone can be _____ if they believe in Jesus.

The gospel needs to be __________.

The Jews looked for salvation in the _____ places.

The way of the Law required _______ obedience.

DIY salvation is certain to ____.

We need to _______ the gospel message.

A _______ is supposed to be spoken and believed.

We need to _____ the gospel like we really mean it.

We need to truly _______ in Jesus’ resurrection.

Jesus is Lord of the ________.

Hell to Heaven in _____ words: ‘Jesus is Lord’.

The kindest thing to do is to _____ that Jesus is Lord.

We need to ____ the gospel. 

‘Know and Tell the Gospel’ 1: Know the gospel Jamberoo Anglican. Jodie McNeill Romans 1:1-5

We are not in control.

Natural disasters are a ______ call.

We know Jesus through the ______.

It is ____ gospel.

Paul surrenders himself to Jesus as his _____.

An apostle is a person who is ____.

The gospel is ____ news.

The gospel is part of a ______ plan.

Age can bring ___________.

The gospel is all about _____.

Jesus is a human __________ of David.

Jesus is also fully ___.

The gospel hangs on the ____________.

If we found the body of Jesus then Christianity is ____.

The gospel is ___________ as ‘Jesus is Lord’.

We must believe and ____ the gospel.

The gospel brings _____ to God.

May God use __________ to bring people to Jesus.

4: Glorious Judgement at the End Time Jodie McNeill – 22-23 February 2020

The laptop robbery.

When _______ is served, we celebrate.

Judgement Day is ___________.

Isaiah prophesied about the _________ of Christ.

The Lord will show his _____ when he returns.

God’s enemies will experience everlasting ____.

God already _____ who is guilty and innocent.

Believe in Jesus and you are ____.

Judgement Day is about _________ the judgement.

Everyone will see that God is _________.

Jesus will receive all the _____ when he returns.

All our actions will be ______.

Our sins will be revealed as ________ sins.

Use your _____ for his glory.

Those who reject Jesus will be punished _______.

We need to ____ people about Hell.

Jesus is coming ____!

Jesus’ patience gives people ____ to be saved.

We can’t pick the ______.

Be ______ for Heaven!

Live in the present like you’ll live in the ______.

God’s judgement is ________.

Glorious Judgement 3 – Glorious Judgement at Easter Jodie McNeill – 15 and 16 February 2020

The meaning of the death of Jesus.

God showed us _____.

The blood of the lamb _____ them.

God’s judgement is ____ news.

Jesus often _____ about judgement.

We’re under judgement because of ____________.

Jesus brings ___________ from God.

Christians disagree about the _______ of the cross.

Some say he came to show a good _______.

Some say he died to show us God’s ____.

But Jesus died to save us from ____.

Our broken _____________ needs to be fixed at the cross.

God is _____ at us for good reason.

Jesus’ _________ is mind blowing!

Jesus took God’s _________ upon himself.

God the Father __________ his Son for us.

To be forgiven you must _______ in Jesus.

It’s the great ________.

Have you made that ____ with Jesus?

Dear God,
I am sorry that I have sinned against you.
I know that I deserve your judgement against me.
Please have mercy on me because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
I wish to follow Jesus as my Lord and saviour.
Help me to faithfully serve him all my days.

This the _____ of the cross.

Glorious Judgement in Egypt – Jodie McNeill – 8-9 February 2020 Exodus 1-14, Romans 9

A monument and a name.

Pharaoh was truly ____.

God’s judgement in Eden was ____.

God’s people were ________ in Egypt.

The Egyptians were __________ by the Israelites.

The true and living God will keep his ________.

God _____ to Moses at the burning bush.

God _____.

God was going to ______ his people.

God would rescue his people by his _________.

The salvation would be ___________.

God’s grace is ___________.

God made Pharaoh’s heart more ________.

God’s judgement is linked with _____.

Judgement and mercy is about the _____ of God.

The plagues showed the _____ of God.

The blood _________ God’s faithful people.

The Lord ______ for his people.

God wanted his people to _________ the victory.