Our Mission:
We are committed, in prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit, to glorify God and love our neighbour by proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ, calling people to repent and live lives worthy of him, as we seek to see Christ honoured as Lord and Saviour in every community.
Our Values
Firstly, we are orthodox in our doctrine, as we believe and teach God’s unchanging word in an ever-changing world.
Secondly, we are Anglican in our form, as we reflect the Reformation in the shape and substance of our common prayer.
Thirdly, we are missional in our outlook, as we recruit, train and send people and resources to proclaim the gospel locally and globally.
Fourthly, we are intergenerational in our fellowship, as all ages and stages are taught and nurtured together in faith and love.
Fifthly, we are village in our relationships, as we serve our local neighbourhood, and enjoy grace and peace in our church as we enjoy generous hospitality expressed with shared meals after every church service.
Finally, we are heritage in our style, as we gather in our historical building in a contemporary context.