Entries by Jodie McNeill

Give and Live

Over the past twelve months it’s been a joy to meet most mornings with a few of you for a brief, online, service of Morning Prayer. Each day I launch zoom.jamberooanglican.com and, with those who gather, we hear a psalm, then read a passage each from the Old and New Testaments. We pray together, bringing […]

Are you our new Operations Minister?

We’re looking for an Operations Minister to join our ministry team! This religious practitioner position is a developing, part-time role to assist the Senior Minister in pastoral care, small group leadership, membership integration, communications, technology management, outreach, higher-level administration support, event management, church services, and occasional preaching and teaching, with an overall focus on developing […]

Getting the Cross Right

Even though some experts doubt whether he really rose from the dead, almost all, credible historians agree that Jesus of Nazareth was executed on a Roman Cross in Jerusalem, around 30 AD. Yet, not all Christians agree about why he died. Some say that he was killed by the religious rulers because his example and […]

Mercy in the Floods

The floods this week are totally different to the flood that the Lord sent at the time of Noah. That flood was a specific act of judgement by God on a world that had become “consistently and totally evil” (Genesis 6:5) and was “corrupt and filled with violence (Genesis 6:11). But, even as he acted […]

Who Needs a Confessional?

During my truck driving test during the week, my examiner helped me relax by asking lots of questions about what I believe as a Christian and what my church does. He asked me if my church had a confessional, where members of the church could go to a special meeting with the minister, to confess […]