Entries by Jodie McNeill

Praying like a child

Have you noticed how often Jesus tells people in his kingdom to be like children? Until recently, I’ve thought that he was only talking about how we are unable to earn our salvation in any way. But as I’ve read Paul E. Miller’s book, ‘A Praying Life’, I’ve now seen that the childlikeness Jesus refers […]

Acts: Launching the Church 12: Mission in Macedonia Acts 16:6-17:15 Jodie McNeill – 2 and 3 November 2019

Uncertainty about the future. God is in control of __________! Paul wants to _____ the Jerusalem letter. The Holy Spirit ________ the missionaries. God ______ in many ways. The Macedonian man pleads for ____. They arrive in ________. Lydia accepted Paul’s ________. Lydia’s whole household were ________. A fortune-telling slave makes her master a _______. […]

Kanye’s Conversion

Kanye West is one of the world’s most famous personalities, known not only for his music, fashion and politics, but also for his famous wife, Kim Kardashian. This week Kanye released an album with the title ‘JESUS IS KING’, where he sings with great honesty and passion about his newfound Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. […]

God’s Gender Agenda

When it comes to matters of human sexuality, the world wants people to think that God in his Bible tries to be the fun and freedom police. The myth is that because church teaching places restrictions upon what people should do with their bodies that these rules prevent people from being truly happy. One of […]

When Jesus Wept

Given that Jesus is the most perfect, complete man who ever walked on the planet, it sometimes surprise us to think that he experienced genuine emotions. When I asked my school Scripture class this week to suggest when they thought Jesus got all emotional, some thought it might have been when he was falsely accused […]

Be Strong and Courageous

During the last week at our Holiday Kids Club we’ve been looking at the story of Joseph and the rough treatment he suffered from the evil acts of his brothers and others. In Genesis chapter 39, Joseph was falsely accused of harming a senior official’s wife, and as a result, he ended up in prison. […]

What does the drought mean?

When our church regularly gathers, we pray that God would send lots of rain to bring relief to our land from the harsh effects of drought. For even though meteorologists have got smarter and smarter at predicting and recording the weather, humans still are unable to make the heavens open and rain fall. The Bible […]