Entries by Jodie McNeill

The Greatest Love

On the wall of Jamberoo Anglican Church there are two honour boards: one for World War One, and one for World War Two. Every Sunday, I see these two lists of very people who offered themselves in service to their king and country. Some names are extra special, for next to their name they have […]

Church news for the weekend of 21st April 2024

‘Life in the Presence of God’ This Sunday, Brad Vidilini is preaching a one-off sermon called ‘Life in the Presence of God’ from Leviticus chapter 16. Book of the Month Our book of the month for April is ‘Caring For One Another’ by Ed Welch. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online […]

Bad Things Happening

“You might have seen bad things happening on the TV news… you might be worried ‘bout the world and wonder what will happen to you.” That’s how Colin Buchanan started his famous song ‘The Lord is King’ more than 20 years ago… and nothing has really changed. Even though we get less of our news […]

Coming up this weekend 21st April 2024

This Sunday we join together again for ‘Schools Out, Kids In’ as we continue to work to help make our intergenerational services even more age-appropriate for those who are Kindergarten through to Year 6, who will stay with us during the slightly-shorter sermon. Our creche will still run with a special holiday crew caring for […]

Church news for the weekend of 14th April 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’ This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died. On Sunday we finish the series by looking at ‘The Spirit of Mission’ from Acts 9:43-11:18. Anzac Celebration Jamberoo remembers Anzac Day next Saturday 20th April […]

School’s Out, Kids In!

We love having an intergenerational church that welcomes and includes people of all ages within our everyday church, every week. Normally, everyone begins in church together, and after around 45 minutes, the children from babies through to year six head out for their own, age-specific Bible teaching whilst the high school youths and older remain […]

Coming up this weekend the 14th April 2024

This Sunday we are trying something a little different… it’s called ‘Schools Out, Kids In’ and it’s an opportunity during the next three weeks of school holidays for us to make our intergenerational services even more age-appropriate for those who are Kindergarten through to Year 6, who will stay with us during the slightly-shorter sermon. […]

Church news for the weekend of 7th April 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’ This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died. On Sunday we extend the series by looking at ‘The Spirit of Power’ from Acts 2:1-41 Anzac Day Jamberoo remembers Anzac Day on Saturday 20th April […]

An Unexpected Journey

Sometimes when we look back on difficulties, the blessing of hindsight enables us to see just why it is that God took us on an unexpected journey that was more difficult and less obvious than the main road. But sometimes it’s only when God’s word specifically explains a situation that it’s possible to know why […]