Entries by Jodie McNeill

Church news for the week beginning 25th February 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’ This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. On Sunday, our talk is called ‘The Spirit of Help’ from John 14:15-31. Book of the Month Our book of the month […]

Surprised By Prayer

Each year our Parish Council gives prayerful consideration to our needs and opportunities as it sets the budget for the coming year, setting the target for giving necessary for our expenses. This year we decided to increase our target by only enough to cover increases in costs from inflation, but in January we realised that […]

Coming up this weekend 25th February 2024

This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 14:15-31 as we see the ‘Spirit of Help’. Here is the one question that Jodie […]

Church news for the week beginning 18th February 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’ This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. This weekend he’s preaching on ‘The Spirit of Certainty’ from John 14:1-14. Book of the Month Our book of the month for […]

Power in Weakness

It’s amazing how many gyms have opened up in our region, each trying to attract new customers with discount fees and the latest equipment. For some people, it’s the lure of ‘me time’ on the cardio machines, running fast on a treadmill to nowhere. For others, it’s the promise of building strength, knowing that resistance […]

Coming up this weekend 18th February 2024

This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 14:1-14 as we see the ‘Spirit of Certainty’. Here are the questions that Jodie plans […]

School’s In For Scripture

One of the great things about School Scripture is that it gives the best of both worlds to parents and carers who wish their children to have a public education, along with instruction about the faith of their family. Now more than ever, there is some discomfort in having ‘God’ in our government schools, but […]

Church news for the week beginning 11th February 2024

‘The Spirit of Christ’ This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16.  Book of the Month Our book of the month for February is ‘Caring for One Another’ by Ed Welch. Physical copies […]