McNeill McNeill2019-03-22 09:28:252019-03-22 09:28:31True Sex in the Song of Songs 3: True Sex is Secure Song of Songs 3:1-5 and 5:2-8 Jodie McNeill – 23 & 24 March 2019
This is a time to show our love and support. (CREDIT: Farrukh via Flickr)
Last Friday afternoon, I came across the horrific news from Christchurch, where two shootings saw at least fifty people murdered… and all by the hands of an Aussie.
I watched as thousands of Australians spoke up and responded to the tragedy, laying flowers in mosques and showing support for our neighbours in Christchurch.
However, I was left wondering about the best way to respond to this tragedy.
I read an article by Samuel Green and he had three helpful reflections.
Firstly, it’s important to address the seriousness of the issue.
This was an act of pure evil and we cannot excuse or justify it in any way: this mass murder was driven by racism alone.
However, we know all people are created in the image of God, and that Jesus’ death was for all people who turn to him in repentance.
This leaves us with no excuse for any acts or thoughts driven by racism.
Secondly, we want to reach out to the Muslim community and assure them of our love and support.
This is a great time to meet with our Muslim friends and listen to their concerns and worries.
We can attend community events standing against these acts of violence as people who promote peace, just like our Saviour Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Finally, we can be praying.
As the families of the victims mourn their losses and the family of the shooter grapples with this tragedy, we can pray that God would be glorified, and that through this horrific event, the good news of Jesus would be spread.
Despite the sinfulness and cowardly acts of violence in our world, God still rules as king, and remains in control.
We have a God in whom we can bring all our worries to and trust in him alone.
JEMIMAH McNEILL McNeill McNeill2019-03-21 07:48:422019-03-21 07:48:51How to respond to Christchurch
Quite a few people have mentioned that they’ve been coming to church for decades and they’ve never before heard a talk series on sex and the Song of Songs. This has meant we’ve had lots to think about and talk about as we’ve met for dinner or coffee after church. We’d love you to come along and be a part of this challenging discussion by joining us for the talk ‘True Sex is Secure’.
In particular, we’re going to be addressing some of the things that happen when the secure bonds of sex are broken. We’ll be looking at issues of rejection and abuse in relationships, and this will lead us to explore just where God is in the midst of these kinds of horrible things in life.
As part of our regular church services, we also have a question and answer time, and these are the questions I’ll be answering that you asked last weekend:
Is it wise and helpful for Christians to visit mosques to show support after the Christchurch massacre?
In the Song of Songs, the woman’s virginity was attractive to the man, but what about the man’s virginity?
What advice should we give to a Christian man whose wife withholds sex from him?
What does ‘abundant’ praise mean in the context of Song of Songs?
What was your most romantic gesture to Mandy?
If we sing old words in church then won’t visitors think that God is out of date?
Shouldn’t Christians avoid non-spiritual Yoga classes because its origin is in Hinduism?
So, come along and join us either at 5pm Saturday (with kids and youth programs, and dinner for all straight after church), or 9am Sunday (with espresso over morning tea). Nearly every week we welcome someone new to our church, so if you just want to pop in and check us out then you’ll be very welcome.
Grace and peace, Jodie. McNeill McNeill2019-03-19 14:12:312019-03-19 14:12:43Coming up this weekend 23-24 March 2019
This weekend we continue our four-week series ‘True Sex in the Song of Songs’ with a talk by Jodie on chapters 3:6-5:1 called ‘True Sex is Honourable’
Next weekend Jodie will be speaking on topic is ‘True Sex is Secure’ from Song of Songs chapters 3:1-5 and 5:2-8.
CMS is our mission of the month. Support through the ‘Mission Table’.
Join us this Sunday 17th March for a pot-luck lunch at midday, then a 1pm AGM. Please grab a nomination form and the various reports from the welcome table.
The next quarterly Interchurch service is this Sunday 17th March 7pm at St Matthew’s Church.
Check out the all-new titles!
Eat Hot Cross Buns and support the Scripture Teaching at Kiama High. Order on the sheet in the hall. $8 per tray.
Our roster runs out on 24th March, so let us know if you’re keen to serve. If you know you’re not available advise unavailabilities online or via Response Slip.
‘Christ for the Coast’ on this Friday22nd March at Figtree. See Rayne for details.
Meet to discuss the exciting future of our women’s ministry at 2pm Saturday30th March at the Rectory (20 Tate Place).
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562. McNeill McNeill2019-03-16 05:00:522019-03-15 21:06:59News 16-17 March 2019 McNeill McNeill2019-03-15 21:01:042019-03-15 21:01:09True Sex in the Song of Songs 2: True Sex is Honourable Song of Songs 3:6-5:1 Jodie McNeill – 16 & 17 March 2019
Well maybe it was because we were talking about sex, but last weekend was probably our biggest weekend in recent history, as we gathered in great number to hear God’s word, to pray to him, and to do it in a community of energetic, enthusiastic and loving disciples of Christ.
If you’re thinking of joining us this weekend, you’d be very, very welcome. We love it when new people come along, and we really do go out of our way to include visitors and newcomers. God is working among us to draw many people into our church, and maybe this is the weekend you’re going to experience that, first-hand?
Our topic this weekend is ‘True Sex is Honourable’, as we look at our second instalment in the four-week series on the Old Testament book, ‘The Song of Songs’. It’s going to be an important word from God about an issue that touches all of us in a real way. Don’t miss out!
Each week we have some questions from the week before that we answer. Here they are for this week:
Where does the Bible say that slavery is wrong?
Would you recommend Melinda Tankard Reist as a resource against child sexual trafficking?
Is it OK for Christians to attend a yoga exercise class?
Our service times are 5pm Saturday, which caters really well for kids and youth, but still includes good numbers of people from all ages and stages. We have dinner afterwards, then they youth hang around for their group. Or, join us 9am Sunday for a classic Anglican service, which includes espresso coffee for morning tea. McNeill McNeill2019-03-14 08:08:382019-03-14 08:08:44Coming up this weekend 16-17 March 2019
Is ‘sex’ the reason some people choose not to follow Jesus? (CREDIT: via Flickr)
I’ve known Jesus for a long time, and to be honest, I find it hard to understand why someone wouldn’t want to accept his love and forgiveness?
But I wonder if sex is the excuse people give for why they don’t want to follow Jesus and enjoy a relationship with their loving creator?
Perhaps people don’t want to follow Jesus because they think that it will mean they have to give up their sexual freedoms in order to be constrained by the Bible’s rules?
They don’t want to give up having sex with their boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee… or the person they’re having an affair with.
They don’t want to stop having homosexual sex or visiting prostitutes, or doing all the kinds of things that they know God forbids.
Or maybe people don’t want to follow Jesus because they feel that their sexual sins will somehow disqualify them from being a Christian.
After all, it would seem impossible that Jesus would accept someone who’s had the kind of sex that is prohibited in the Bible.
But both of those excuses don’t work.
When Jesus chatted to a woman who was drawing water from a well, he promised her spiritual water that would fulfil her forever.
And even though this woman had been in a series of sexual relationships, Jesus was willing to accept her and to give her the kind of satisfaction that sex couldn’t bring.
So, no matter what you’ve done, Jesus will forgive you if you seek him.
And even though your sexual practices will be restricted to the maker’s instructions, it will actually provide the true sex that was designed for the greatest enjoyment.
As Jesus promised the woman,
“…those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” (John 14:4)
JODIE McNEILL McNeill McNeill2019-03-14 08:00:272019-03-11 11:42:23Is ‘Sex’ a Good Excuse? McNeill McNeill2019-03-09 06:24:502019-03-09 06:25:07True Sex in the Song of Songs 1: True Sex is Wonderful Song of Songs 1:1-17 Jodie McNeill – 9 & 10 March 2019
This weekend we kick off our brand-new series ‘True Sex in the Song of Songs’ with a talk by Jodie on chapter 1 called ‘True Sex is Wonderful’
Next weekend Jodie will be speaking on topic is ‘True Sex is Honorable’ from Song of Songs chapters 4 and 5.
CMS is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.
You’ll need a new password for your Elvanto login soon as we migrate to a new setup. Check emails for details.
Join us on Sunday 17th March for a pot-luck lunch at midday, then a 1pm AGM. Please grab a nomination form and the various reports from the welcome table.
The next quarterly Interchurch service is next Sunday 17th March 7pm at St Matthew’s Church.
Help us save money by volunteering to clean the church once a month or less.
Check out the all-new titles!
Eat Hot Cross Buns and support the Scripture Teaching at Kiama High. Fill in your orders on the sheet in the hall. $8 per tray.Orders close 24th March.
Our roster runs out on 24th March, so let us know if you’re keen to serve. If you know you’re not available advise unavailabilities online or via Response Slip.
‘Christ for the Coast’ on 22nd March at Figtree. See Rayne for details.
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562. McNeill McNeill2019-03-09 05:00:412019-03-08 10:27:59News 9-10 March 2019
If you think God hates sex then you’ve probably never read ‘The Song of Songs’. (CREDIT:
Have you ever thought that God hates sex?
Maybe it’s because the Bible has lots of rules that seem to restrict our freedoms and that cause us to miss out on the ‘fun’ and ‘naughty’ side of sex?
Well, if that’s the case, then you’ve probably never read ‘The Song of Songs’.
This book of the Bible talks openly and unashamedly about sex, and its mention of private parts and private acts is enough to make anyone blush.
Throughout history some people have thought that the intimate love portrayed between the husband and wife was only just describing the love between Jesus and his church.
These people couldn’t cope with thinking that this saucy sex was in the Bible.
But God is pro-sex, and he made sex to be celebrated and enjoyed.
But like any good thing, it can easily be damaged if it’s not used according to its maker’s instructions.
And that’s why we learn in Song of Songs that true sex is wonderful, honourable, secure and committed.
It’s designed to be between a married man and a women, who together preserve this remarkable gift from God.
So instead of seeing God as some sort of spoil sport, we should see his words in the Bible about sex as the kind of wisdom that is worth a fortune.
The Song of Songs shows sex to be mind-blowingly good, but it also makes it clear that this powerful tool has the potential to cause real harm when it’s not used according to its maker’s instructions.
We carry this glorious love poem around inside our Bibles, so it is good for us to read it, and understand it.
And so, over the next four weeks, we’re going to study this remarkable book of the Bible, and whether you’re old or young, married or single, male or female, this will be a spiritual journey not to be missed!
The talks will run on 9-10, 16-17, 23-24, and 30-31 March 2019 at both our 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday services at Jamberoo Anglican Church.
JODIE McNEILL McNeill McNeill2019-03-08 08:27:352019-03-08 08:27:41Does God Hate Sex?