This Good Friday we’re meeting at 9am for a special combined all-age service in the church, to be followed by hot cross buns and espresso. Jodie is speaking on the topic, The Spirit of Fulfilment from John 19:28-37.
Then on Easter Sunday we meet at 9am for free Bacon and Egg Rolls, followed at 10am by an open-air ‘Alive Day’ service on the lawn on The Spirit of Peace (John 20:19-23), then games and more Hot Cross Buns together.
We will not be meeting at church this Sunday night.
We’ll carry over the Question Time till the next weekend, but keep sending your questions!
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
See you on Friday and Sunday morning, God willing!
PS – who will you invite along? It’s such a great weekend to invite someone to come to church! McNeill McNeill2024-03-26 07:13:262024-03-26 07:13:29Coming up this Easter weekend! McNeill McNeill2024-03-23 19:59:542024-03-23 19:59:57‘The Spirit of Christ’ 8: The Spirit of Hope – John 16:12-31- Jodie McNeill – 24th March 2024
This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. This weekend the title is ‘The Spirit of Hope’ from John 16:12-31
Book of the Month
Our book of the month for March is ‘The Wonder of Easter’ by Ed Drew. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:
Good Friday
Join us on Good Friday at 9am for an all-age service in the church, to be followed by hot cross buns and espresso. Jodie is speaking on the topic, The Spirit of Fulfilment from John 19:28-37.
Alive Day – Easter Sunday
On Easter Sunday we met at 9am for free Bacon and Egg Rolls, followed at 10am by an open-air ‘Alive Day’ service on the lawn on The Spirit of Peace (John 20:19-23), then games and more Hot Cross Buns together.
PTC Course
Deepen your knowledge of God and his word by joining a PTC (Preliminary Theological Certificate) Course through Moore College. Details Grahame & Patty Scarratt on 4237 7106
Safe Ministry Representative
Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email .
Midweek Small Groups
By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.
Catch up on Sermons and Questions
Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at
Giving update
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.
Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $245,588, leaving a gap of $27,412.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.
To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605. McNeill McNeill2024-03-22 18:16:272024-03-22 18:16:30Church News for the weekend of 24th March 2024
The Holy Spirit has a message that he’s telling the world—and it’s all about the need for everyone to personally know Jesus.
On the night before he died, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will “convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.” (John 16:8)
This is the clear message of the Spirit, and his word has three main points.
Firstly, The Spirit tells the world that it has a broken relationship with God, which is the ‘sin’ of refusing to believe in Jesus.
Secondly, The Spirit tells the world that it can become reconciled with God, because Jesus died and rose and then returned to be with his heavenly Father.
Thirdly, The Spirit tells the world that it needs to act upon this offer of forgiveness, because judgement is coming soon.
The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring a message of sin, righteousness and judgement to the world—and he uses the followers of Jesus to share it with the world.
Easter is such a wonderful occasion to share the message of the Holy Spirit with a world that needs to know the reconciliation of Jesus before it’s too late.
Because at Easter, we learn about why the world needs Jesus, what Jesus did on the cross, and why we need to ask for forgiveness with Jesus before he comes back soon.
This Easter we’re going to hear about the Spirit of fulfilment on Good Friday (from John 19:28-37) then on Easter Sunday we’ll hear about the Spirit of Peace (from John 20:19-23).
There’s no better time to come to Jesus than Easter.
Will you join us for church this Easter?
JODIE McNEILL McNeill McNeill2024-03-21 21:25:402024-03-21 21:25:42The Spirit of Easter
This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 16:12-31 as we see the ‘Spirit of Hope’.
Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer during our church services:
1 How high should we value truth as a conviction? 2 If God has predestined people, why should we share the gospel? 3 Are we in the West unprepared for persecution because we’ve enjoyed the peace of living in a Christian society?
If you’d like to add a question to the list, there’s still time… send and email or message and we’ll get Jodie to answer it this weekend.
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing! McNeill McNeill2024-03-19 07:45:242024-03-22 18:32:03Coming up this weekend 24th March 2024 McNeill McNeill2024-03-16 15:15:362024-03-16 15:15:38‘The Spirit of Christ’ – 7: The Spirit of Conviction – John 16:1-11 – Jodie McNeill – 17th March 2024
This term, Jodie is preaching a series called ‘The Spirit of Christ’ as we look at what Jesus said on the night before he died from John 13 to 16. This weekend the title is ‘The Spirit of Conviction’ from John 16:1-11
Book of the Month
Our book of the month for March is ‘The Wonder of Easter’ by Ed Drew. Physical copies are available at our bookstall or buy online at:
New Office Holders
Our Wardens are Barbara Stephens, Greg Baker and John Rosten. Our Parish Councillors are: Gabrielle Holmes, Elise Baker, Andrew McPhail, Adam Vidilini, Michael Fagan and Josh Wales (plus 2 more.)
Refresh Women’s Day
Join for a women’s afternoon of refreshments, fellowship and prayer. 3-5pm Saturday 23rd March. RSVP to Gabriella Holmes by SMS 0418 685 169
PTC Course
Deepen your knowledge of God and his word by joining a PTC (Preliminary Theological Certificate) Course through Moore College. Details Grahame & Patty Scarratt on 4237 7106
Safe Ministry Representative
Our Safe Ministry Representative is Gemma Bartlett. Speak to her about everything related to safety in ministry on 0414 425 639 or email .
Easter Services
On Good Friday we meet at 9am with Hot Cross Buns. On Easter Sunday we’re meeting from 9am for free Bacon and Egg Rolls, followed at 10am by a special, open-air ‘Alive Day’ service on the lawn, then games and more Hot Cross Buns together.
Midweek Small Groups
By being a member of a Small Group, you are helping us all to care for each other as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. Join a group by filling in the Connect Card or contacting a staff member.
Catch up on Sermons and Questions
Listen to sermons and our Question Time on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching ‘Jamberoo Anglican’. You can also watch previous services at
Giving update
Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. For last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.
Up to the end of last month, we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $245,588, leaving a gap of $27,412.
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend.
To give by direct transfer then these are the details: Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605. McNeill McNeill2024-03-15 21:35:402024-03-15 21:35:42Church news for the week beginning 17th March 2024
This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 16:1-11 as we see the ‘Spirit of Conviction’.
Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer during our church services:
1 What does John mean by ‘the world?’ 2 Should Christians observe a sabbath day? 3 Why should we strive to enter God’s rest? (Hebrews 4:9-11) 4 Who is the leader in Hosea 1:11? 5 Was Hosea’s marriage to Gomer real? 6 Was Gomer a virgin when she got married? 7 Now we’ve repaid our loan, will Parish Council reduce the offertory target?
If you’d like to add a question to the list, there’s still time… send and email or message and we’ll get Jodie to answer it this weekend.
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing! McNeill McNeill2024-03-15 13:11:472024-03-19 07:41:44Coming up this weekend 17th March 2024
In my report to Tuesday night’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), I drew attention to the important place of children’s and youth ministry in the life of our church.
Our ministry to youth and children is not our most important ministry, but I believe it’s our most strategic ministry at this time.
Around four out of five people become Christians before they become adults, which shows us that younger people are more open to considering the big things about life, including the need to follow their creator Jesus as king.
Plus, when people decide to follow Jesus when they’re younger, it means they’re better-placed to head down the pathway of Bible college and word ministry.
So, our church has decided to invest deeply in ministry to kids and youth by employing a part-time youth minister, and more recently, a part-time children’s minister.
Already, we’ve seen the fruit of this strategy, as young people are not only encouraged to grow in their own knowledge and love of God, but they’re also emboldened to naturally invite friends from school to join them at church with their household.
Plus, when a family visits us for the first time, they will know that our church is a place that focuses on growing their kids and youth, providing a great place for them to choose as their spiritual home.
We pray that our kids and youth ministry will keep growing so that more young people and their households might know how to follow Jesus and why it matters.
Pray for Brad, Rachel, and all our youth and children’s leaders, as they lovingly bring the word of God to the young people in our church and in our world.
There’s nothing more strategic for the growth of God’s kingdom!
JODIE McNEILL McNeill McNeill2024-03-14 19:48:012024-03-14 19:48:03Strategic Youth and Children’s Ministry McNeill McNeill2024-03-09 20:40:222024-03-09 20:40:26‘The Spirit of Christ’ 6: The Spirit of Witness – John 15:17-27 – Jodie McNeill – 10th March 2024