Church news for the week beginning 16th April 2023 


This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Brad Vidilini preaches to us from Luke 12:22-34 on ‘Seek the Kingdom’.


Our youth are heading away for the KYCK conference on the weekend of 28-30th April. For information contact Brad Vidilini.


Nourish normally meets Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30am in the church hall, but is taking a break until 27th April.


Our Friday Spark and Youth programs will be taking a break until 28th April. We’ll continue to have a kids’ talk during our normal Sunday services during the holidays.


Jodie and Mandy are serving at the Gafcon Kigali conference in Rwanda with Anglican leaders from over 40 countries, followed by a ministry visit to Tanzania. Find out more at


Join us at 7 am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


The Pilgrim’s Progress’ by John Bunyan, AND ‘Little Pilgrim’s Progress’ by Helen L. Taylor.

This month we have two books! This way experienced and younger readers can enjoy this month’s book.

The Pilgrim’s Progress is a vividly imagined allegory that follows the adventures of a young everyman named Christian as he undertakes the perilous journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

The Little Pilgrim’s Progress takes John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and simplifies the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact.

We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

Renewal in Rwanda

Next week’s Gafcon Conference in Kigali, Rwanda is shaping up to be a momentous occasion in the history of global Anglicanism, as we come together to prayerfully chart a renewed course for the church.

The five-day conference will include around 1300 people from over 50 nations, as we come together to prayerfully depend on the Holy Spirit as we gather to hear God’s word.

Each day will have a special time of repentance, as we gather to express our grief and remorse at how many within our church have wandered from God’s way and have departed from the truth of his word.

Some Anglicans leaders have chosen to bless ways of living that God has told us to reject, and this means that many parishioners and pastors have been forced to submit to bishops who have failed to accept the word of God in all its fulness.

That’s why we need to gather to ask forgiveness for our church, and to seek God’s wisdom about the future for Anglicanism, both globally and locally.

Mandy and I are humbled to be representing our church in Jamberoo, as we participate with the Australian contingent, and we pray that the Lord will give us opportunities to serve and encourage many others during the week.

Please pray for great wisdom for all the delegates as we seek to come to a common mind about the best form of the future leadership of the global Anglican church.

But above all, pray that this conference will lead us to glorify God by proclaiming Christ faithfully, so that everyone will hear God’s call to repent and believe in Jesus as Lord.

To find out more about the conference, and to find a link to the livestream, visit 


Coming up this Sunday 16th April 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Brad Vidilini preaches to us from Luke 12:22-34 on ‘Seek the Kingdom’.

After our 9 am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4 pm service we’ll be having dinner.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Good Friday – The Injustice of the Crucifixion – Isaiah 52:13-53:12 – Jodie McNeill – 7 April 2023

Busted for something that you didn’t do?

We love _______ and hate injustice

The Isaiah _______ Songs are about Jesus

_______ will end in triumph

His _____ will lead to amazement

Don’t wait till you ___ to act like Jesus is king

We know the _____ about the Servant of the Lord

We ________ him

Jesus was punished for ___ sins, not his

We deserve __________

Jesus didn’t try and ____ the injustice

The most ________ man who ever lived

God always _______ for Jesus to die

The great exchange: his ____ for ours

Jesus didn’t stay ____

It was the greatest _______ of all time

Dear Jesus,

I’m sorry I rejected you.

Thank you for dying in my place.

Help me to trust you forever.


The best Good Friday ever

Church news for the week beginning 2nd April 2023


This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as two of our Moore College students preach to us!

Jarrod Nangle will be preaching to us from Colossians 1:15-23 on ’The Reconciling Jesus’ at our 9 am service.

Micah Beel will be preaching to us from John 6:25-59 on ‘Jesus the Bread of Life’ at our 4 pm service.


Please join us on 7th April at 9 am for our Good Friday service as we remember the death of Jesus. We will be sharing hot cross buns together in the hall after the service.


Join us on 9th April at 9 am for our combined Easter Sunday outdoor service. We will be eating bacon and egg rolls for brunch after the service. Please invite your friends and family along!


Join us at 7 am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


The Pilgrim’s Progress’ by John Bunyan, AND ‘Little Pilgrim’s Progress’ by Helen L. Taylor.

This month we have two books! This way experienced and younger readers can enjoy this month’s book.

The Pilgrim’s Progress is a vividly imagined allegory that follows the adventures of a young everyman named Christian as he undertakes the perilous journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

The Little Pilgrim’s Progress takes John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and simplifies the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact.

We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

Open Day

The most controversial thing about Easter is not that Jesus died… but that he came back to life.

That’s why our Easter campaign this year is called ‘Open Day,’ as we highlight Jesus’ open grave… for he is risen, hallelujah!

Many people are not open to the resurrection of Jesus because it seems so unusual—after all, how many times have you gone to a funeral to have the dead body rise from the grave?

Yet, the resurrection is the very thing that makes Easter valuable.

For, if Jesus only died and stayed dead, then the life of Jesus would offer us little more than an impossibly-difficult character to try and imitate.

Plus, when we are unable to keep Jesus’ impossible standard of perfection, we’d be crushed by our failure.

But worst of all, without the open grave, all of the promises of Jesus would fail.

For he made it clear that he would be betrayed, be killed, “but three days later he will rise from the dead.” (Mark 9:31).

What’s more, as the Apostle Paul observed:

“…if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost! And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world.” (1 Corinthians 15:17-19)

We must be open to the truth about the open grave, for it is only by Jesus rising from the dead that we can have any real hope in eternity.

If the grave is not open, then neither is heaven.

That’s why this Easter we’re encouraging people to be open to the idea that Jesus’ grave was open… and that people would be open to the idea of following the risen and living Jesus.

Jesus’ grave is open… are you?


Coming up this Sunday 2nd April 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as two of our Moore College students preach to us!

Jarod Nangle will be preaching to us from Colossians 1:15-23 at our 9 am service.

Micah Beel will be preaching to us from John 6:25-59 at our 4 pm service.

After our 9 am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4 pm service we’ll be having dinner.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 18: Compelled to Preach – 1 Corinthians 9:15-23 – Jodie McNeill – 26 March 2023

A free country

Paul is _________ to preach the Good News

Corinth was really _______

_____ met Paul face-to-face

These verses come with wonderful ______

Paul gave up ______ so he could preach Christ

Paul’s message was _________, not judgement

Preaching Christ is Paul’s greatest _______

Christians are to know and ____ the gospel

We were encouraged to _______ the gospel

This is a great week to ______ someone to church

Paul is prepared to become a _____

What will you give up to ___ many to Christ?

Paul changed the ____ but not the substance

Paul gave up his ________ to win people to Christ

Paul would not change the ____ of the gospel

Paul will do __________ for the sake of the gospel

______ someone to church this week!

There is one gospel

Church news for the week beginning 26th March 2023


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from 1 Corinthians 9:15-23 on ‘Compelled to Preach’.


Our church is hosting Colin Buchanan for a special all-age outdoors concert at 6-7pm on Friday 31st March. Tickets $17 from our website (grab tickets HERE before they sell out!). For the young and the young-at-heart!


Four special events during Moore Week:
Ministry Minded’, 7pm Tue 28th March;
Colin Concert, 6pm Fri 31st March;
Men’s Breakfast, 8am Sat 1st April;
Women’s High Tea, 2pm Sat 1st April.
Plus, members of the team will join you at your Growth Group as well as any informal hospitality events at your home.


Please join us on 7th April at 9 am for our Good Friday service as we remember the death of Jesus. We will be sharing hot cross buns together in the hall after the service.


Join us on 9th April at 9 am for our combined Easter Sunday outdoor service. We will be eating bacon and egg rolls for brunch after the service. Please invite your friends and family along!


Join us at 7 am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being THAT Guy)’ by Sam Chan.

Sam Chan equips everyday Christians who are reluctant and nervous to tell their friends about Jesus with practical, tested ways of sharing their faith in the least awkward ways possible.

Drawing from over two decades of experience as an evangelist, teacher, and pastor, Chan explains why personal evangelism feels so awkward today.

And utilizing recent insights from communication theory, cross-cultural ministry, and apologetics, he helps you build confidence in sharing your faith, and teaches you how to evangelize your friends and family in socially appropriate ways.

We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

Moore is coming!

We are thrilled to welcome a team of fourteen students and two chaplains from Moore Theological College from this Sunday 26th March to Sunday 2nd April.

The ‘mission week’ is an integral part of the training of all the students as they prepare to be ministers in churches and other contexts locally and across the globe.

The theological training at Moore is world-class, and what makes it even better is the deep commitment to pastoral care that is evidenced in the strong connections with the local churches… especially those in the Diocese of Sydney.

To get a deeper experience of the training at Moore, you’re invited to attend a special ‘Ministry Minded’ evening this Tuesday night the 28th March at 7pm in our church hall.

Lionel Windsor will be delivering a theological and pastoral lecture to help stretch us as we focus on gospel ministry… especially as we consider how all of us are Christ’s ambassadors in the many areas he’s placed us to serve.

Susan An, the Dean of Women, will be helping us understand more about how Moore invests in the growth of the students, and will particularly help us understand the many opportunities for women’s ministry, especially as we embrace ‘complementarianism’ in our teaching and ministry.

We’re also going to hear from a number of the students on our team about their own journey that has brought them to study at Moore, and they’ll have an opportunity to share about how they’re praying the Lord will use them in the future.

This is one of our key events as the team is embedded in our church for just over a week… and we’re excited to learn from them and with them as we seek to have each person in our village, valley and region know how to follow Jesus, and why it matters.

That’s why we always love Moore!